Kate Gosselin's Twin Girls Mady & Cara Are Heading off to College
It seems that it was just yesterday when the show started and the twins were six years old, now they are all grown up and independent girls who will be separated for the first time after attending different colleges.
Kate, of course, is proud, she has two mature girls who have reached adulthood and as she indicates they are ready, they have done everything they have to do and trust them. But that doesn’t stop Kate from having mixed feelings.
A roller coaster of emotions to be exact because she is very happy because they begin a new stage in their lives and at the same time she is sad because she knows that she will not be able to see them when she wants and it will be several months before they return home to visit.
During these days the twins have enjoyed annoying their mom making her emotional at every moment, making references like: 'Oh this is the last Christmas we will share together before going to college' and things like that.
Kate has shared that the girls did a good job with the procedures and the applications to the universities, in addition to everything necessary including that related to roommates, everything is under control and ready for girls to start classes.
Mandy and Cara have spent a lot of time these last months with their mom in the program that they have together 'Kate plus date' giving way to the fun search for an appointment for her mom.
Also the sextuples, their brothers and sisters have been very close this time and they have taken charge of encouraging them and helping them in school. Now that the twins leave for different universities in New York, the boys will start high school.
Kate will not have to face a completely empty nest, she still has to deal with six unruly teenagers who will surely give her a lot of work.
Anyway, Kate does not care if her daughters do not come home because they miss her or her six brothers, even if they come back just to see the dog she will be happy to have them back.