
Daily Joke: A Young Girl Attends Her First Wedding and Watches the Ceremony with Interest

Kareena Koirala
Sep 29, 2019
09:00 A.M.

A little girl was super excited to attend her first wedding. She noticed that everyone at the ceremony was dressed in white. Then she had a thought that only a curious child could have.


A young girl got up early in the morning. Unlike other days, she was excited to get out of bed before anyone else was up for a special reason.

She was going to attend her first wedding and she could not be more excited about it. She ran out of her room and woke her parents up.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up, it's the wedding day!" she chirped.

Soon, her mother started to get her ready for the wedding. The little girl put on a beautiful pastel pink dress and excitedly jumped about her room.

A happy little girl. | Source: Pexels

A happy little girl. | Source: Pexels

As the family entered the venue, the girl was awed by the beautiful decorations there. Hundreds of roses had been beautifully placed on the walls, filling up space with their sweet scent.


The girl hopped around the place, stopping to say hi to her relatives here and there. The proceedings were just about to begin and she noticed that the whole wedding party was dressed in white.

By the time the groom and the bridesmaids arrived, the little girl was getting restless. She had been watching the proceedings with keen eyes but now she was hungry.

A wedding reception. | Source: Pexels

A wedding reception. | Source: Pexels

The groom stood at the altar as the six bridesmaids slowly made their way up the aisle.

The girl could not wait any longe for the wedding to start. She leaned over to her mom and whispered:

“Why doesn’t he just hurry up and pick one?”

Bridesmaids holding their bouquets.  | Source: Pexels

Bridesmaids holding their bouquets. | Source: Pexels

Source: jokestop.net

Here's another story of how a teacher was giving his students a lesson on blood circulation. Little did he know that they had their own ideas about the topic!

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