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Daily Joke: A Woman Takes Her Elderly Husband to See a Doctor and Gets Bad News

Joe Akins
Oct 16, 2019
05:30 P.M.

An elderly couple makes a routine visit to the doctor, and there, they learn that the man may die very soon.


Mr and Mrs Smith were due for their monthly visit to the doctors, but nothing prepared them for the shocking news.

An old couple smiling.| Photo: Getty Images.

An old couple smiling.| Photo: Getty Images.

Mr Smith had left his wife in the waiting room for a while when the doctor comes and says:

"Mrs Smith, I'm sorry to tell you that your husband is going to die."

Emotionally, the elderly woman looks up and responds,

"Dr., is there anything I can do?"

"Well there are a couple of things you could do: First you could cook him a wonderful dinner every night. Second, you could give him a nice back rub every night. Third, you could make love to him like you never have before every night."

A medical doctor writing.| Photo: Getty Images.

A medical doctor writing.| Photo: Getty Images.

Mrs Smith gently nods. A little while later, Mr Smith comes out and makes inquiries about the doctor's diagnosis.

Calmly, Mrs Smith says,

"I'm sorry, honey, but you are going to die."


The man and his wife were at the hospital on the husband's demands to get a doctor to look into his problem.

A doctor talking to an old couple.| Photo: Getty Images.

A doctor talking to an old couple.| Photo: Getty Images.


The doctor keenly examined the man and said:

"You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?"

"In fact, I do," said the old man.

"After I make love to the wife, I am usually cold and chilly, and then, after I make love to her the second time, I am usually hot and sweaty."

The doctor was left confused and could not find any explanation for this.

An old couple smiling.| Photo: Getty Images.

An old couple smiling.| Photo: Getty Images.

After examining the man's elderly wife, the doctor asked if she also had any questions for him, and when she said she had none, he promptly asked:


"Your husband had an unusual concern. He claims that he is usually cold and chilly after making love to you the first time; and then hot and sweaty after the second time. Do you know why?'

"Oh, that silly bugger," she replied.

"That's because the first time is usually in December, and the second time is in June."

LOL! For more hilarious jokes, click here!

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