
Daily Joke: An Old Man Received a Gift Certificate from His Wife on His 74th Birthday

Jaimie-lee Prince
Apr 04, 2020
04:00 A.M.

As time goes by, the physical capabilities of humans often begin to deteriorate. One old man tried his best to get the magic back into his bedroom.


Old man tries to fix problem

An old man received a gift certificate from his wife for his 74th birthday. The man was hesitatant when he found out what it was for.

The certificate reward covered a visit to a medicine man who lived nearby. The man was said to have a cure for erectile dysfunction.

The elderly man persuaded himself to give it a try. And so, on his own, he drove to the herbal doctor's home with no idea what to expect.

A glass of red carpet falls to carpet | Photo: Shutterstock

A glass of red carpet falls to carpet | Photo: Shutterstock

When he arrived and explained his situation, the man gave him a potion. Then, the doctor gripped the old man's shoulder tightly.


A warning to heed

"This is powerful medicine," he said. "You should take only a teaspoon at a time. Say '1-2-3' and you will gain your manhood again."

He continued: "You'll be able to perform for as long as you like." The older man smiled at this and began walking away.

He turned around to ask, "How do I stop the medicine from working?" to which the medicine man answered:

A large bedroom | Photo: Shutterstock

A large bedroom | Photo: Shutterstock

"Your partner must say '1-2-3-4.' Keep in mind, after that the medicine will not work again until the arrival of the next full moon."

The older man was eager to put the medicine into use. He got home, showered, shaved, and took a spoonful of the liquid.


He then invited his wife into the bedroom. Once there, the man removed all of his clothes and said, "1-2-3!"

Right away, he became the manliest of men. His wife was thrilled, and started taking off her own clothes.

Then, she asked: "What was the 1-2-3 for?"

An old woman covers her face | Photo: Shutterstock

An old woman covers her face | Photo: Shutterstock

A couple goes to the cinema

One day, a man was dragged to the cinema by his wife who wanted to watch a romantic comedy.

Half an hour into the film, the man felt a nudge in his elbow. "What an outrage," his wife murmured to him.

"The person sitting in front of us is sleeping!" the woman said, clearly offended.


Meanwhile, her husband was fairly annoyed.

He replied: "You mean, you woke me up to tell me that?"

A man and his wife holding hands and walking together | Photo: Pixabay

A man and his wife holding hands and walking together | Photo: Pixabay

Newlywed's wife deadly cooking

Elsewhere, a newlywed couple was just getting into the groove of living together.

The husband came home one day to find his wife in a sea of tears. "What's the matter, honey?" he asked.

"Darling," she sobbed. "The most horrible thing just happened! I cooked my first beef bourguignon just for you."

"Then, when I took it out of the oven to season it, the phone rang. By the time I came back, the cat had eaten it up!"

A house with a bicycle in front of it | Photo: Pixabay

A house with a bicycle in front of it | Photo: Pixabay

The husband comforted her. "Don't worry sweetheart. You don't have to cry. We'll just get a new cat in the morning."

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