Leland Chapman's Wife Jamie Feels Nervous as Their Pet Kona Returns Home after Amputation Surgery
Leland Chapman's wife Jamie has revealed that her beloved puppy Kona is returning home after having his leg amputated.
All pet owners know how terrifying it is when their furry friends are sick or get hurt, and all they ever want it to make things better for them.
For Leland Chapman's wife, that moment came when her two-year-old Belgian Malinois Kona, started limping. Unfortunately, the limp quickly became worse.
Earlier this week, Jamie Pilar took to Instagram to catch up fans on everything that had been happening. In the post she revealed that the dismissed the initial limps, assuming it was a sprain, and hoping that it would heal.
However, after a week, she received a call from her husband telling her their Dog had broken its leg. The couple took him to the vet where he had a rod inserted, however, two weeks later they got more bad news. She wrote,
"There is a nerve called the 'radical nerve' which makes them move their paw when walking. It was damaged and causing bad circulation from his wrist to paw."
This meant that they would have to amputate the leg, leaving Dog's daughter-in-law devastated. However, the vet and staff assured her that he would heal and be like every other Dog - minus one leg.
Now Jamie has revealed that while she is happy to be getting her best friend back, she was nervous as it was all new ground, however, she was looking forward to spoiling her.
Jamie revealed that she would be starting a new job as a 9-1-1 operator.
While Kona has been getting his treatment, his mother has been making some new career moves and has also recently been showing off her weight loss.
Jamie revealed that she would be starting a new job as a 9-1-1 operator. She also posted a before and after shot of her fitness journey writing,
"Between my diet/no sodas or sweets/going to the gym daily, I can definitely see the huge change! I have hustled to get here & it feels good! Can't wait to see that the results are for next month."
While Leland may seem supportive of his wife, last year, things did not seem as peaceful between the couple after they unfollowed each other on social media.
After sharing cryptic posts, fans speculated that there was trouble in paradise, Leland refused to comment on the subject. However, Jamie's Instagram posts seem to confirm it.

Duane "Dog" Chapman during March of Dimes Honolulu Fundraiser | Photo: Getty Images
Now, however, the couple seems to have patched things up and now regularly appear on each other's social media, often gushing about each other.
While Jamie may have started a new job, she has reassured fans that she will continue to model and maintain her fitness regime.