
Three Ohio Sisters Give Birth on the Same Day and with Same Doctors Just Hours Apart

Pedro Marrero
Jul 18, 2020
12:00 P.M.

These Ohio sisters surprised everyone by giving birth on the same day, at the same hospital, with the same doctor. In a one in 50 million chance for this to happen, they have shown it is possible.


As if they were defying any odds, three sisters from Ohio, Ashley Haynes, 27, Daneesha Haynes, 25, and Ariel Williams, 20, gave birth to their children on the exact same day, on July 3rd, with only a four and a half-hour span.

A newborn is cleaned by a nurse in the delivery room. I Image: Pixabay.

A newborn is cleaned by a nurse in the delivery room. I Image: Pixabay.

At first, they had different due dates, but when the day came, they all needed to have their deliveries induced. None of them had to do C-section, so they gave birth naturally while being assisted by their obstetrician, Dr. Edroy McMillan, who did not make any declarations.

According to an Associated Press story that was published in 1998, a computer science professor posed a question to his class about the odds of three sisters giving birth on the same day. The answer is one in 50 million. These sisters did it at Ohio Health Mansfield Hospital.



The youngest of them, Ariel Williams, was the first sister to welcome her child, a daughter she named Sincere Young, since Williams has another daughter named Serenity, and the mother wanted them to have similar names. The little girl was born at 10:10 am and weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces.


Williams was followed by her sister Ashley Haynes who gave birth to her fifth child, Adrion Haynes. The baby was born at 11:26 am and weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Arion, was supposed to be born by July 7th, but on the 3rd, Ashley “was already 2 centimeters dilated and about to be in labor," she said.

Daneesha was the last one to deliver. Emrie Haynes, her daughter, was born at 2:43 pm and weighed 4 pounds, 14 ounces. The girl was not due until July 23rd but she was at high risk so Daneesha had to be induced. Little Emrie is the smallest of them all and had to undergo some tests before being dismissed from the hospital.



The sister’s big family is overjoyed. The newborns’ grandmother, Deborah Ware, who has 7 children, has now summed up 14 grandchildren. She amusingly announced that there will be "no extra kids for future birthday parties."

A family friend promised a meal to the first sister who delivered. Daneesha said she wanted to win but in the end, it was Ariel who got the prize. "I didn't win the lunch, and I was the hungriest," she jokingly said.


In previous years, there have been other cases of sisters giving birth on the same day. Like then 30-year-old fraternal twins, Danielle Grant and Kim Abraham, who on April 22, 2018, delivered their sons, Roman and Aaron, respectively. Even though the sisters’ due dates matched from the beginning, they did not think they would actually make it.

On November 7th, 2019,

sisters, Lauren Kozelichki and Lisa Boyce, gave birth to their children. Boyce welcomed her first son, Benjamin, via cesarean section after two days of labor; and Kozelichki delivered twins, Vada and Cooper, 10 hours after her sister.

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