
Man Calls His Mum a Hypocrite When It Comes to Cheating

Lois Oladejo
Sep 24, 2020
06:00 A.M.

A man took to the Reddit platform to seek users’ opinions about his reaction to his mom’s infidelity, after watching her castigate her friend for a similar act.


Via the Reddit Platform, netizens gave their genuine verdict after a 21-year-old man asked a question to discover if he was in the wrong for rebuking his mom’s actions.

The Reddit user narrated how his mom’s 47-year-old best friend split from her fiancé after he discovered she had been cheating for years.

Photo of a man and woman talking | Photo: Shutterstock

Photo of a man and woman talking | Photo: Shutterstock

Weeks after the breakup, the poster’s mom, 50, kept criticizing her best friend for her act of infidelity. According to the 21-year-old, his mom went on about how cheating was wrong and should not be practiced.

After listening to his mom’s sermons about cheating, the man could not help but feel his mom was a hypocrite. To the best of his knowledge, his mom cheated on his dad with her current boyfriend even before their separation.


Unable to withstand the pretense further, the 21-year-old spoke up in the presence of his brother, their mom’s boyfriend, and their nanny.

He asked his mother if she did not cheat on his dad as well with her boyfriend before their separation. At that, the 50-year-old and her boyfriend left the room angrily.


Going further, the poster explained how neither of them had spoken to him for 48 hours since the exchange. The only exchange he had with his mom afterward was a text message condemning him for being nasty and disrespectful.

The poster confirmed that his nanny and elder brother believed he did nothing wrong by calling out his mom’s hypocrisy. He concluded by asking Reddit users if he was wrong for his blunt reaction.

Netizens offered their opinions in the comment section, all seeming to back the 21 year old for speaking out. One user said that the poster was not wrong since pointing out someone’s hypocrisy never made a person a wrongdoer.

Another reaffirmed that his mom was, in fact, in the wrong for taking the high moral grounds when she was in the same shoes.


However, some Reddit users decided to bring in a different perspective. They opined that since the poster’s parents were already separated, having his mom partnering up with someone else did not make her a cheat.

The man then pointed out that his mom’s affair with her current boyfriend began while she was still married. Additionally, the said boyfriend had another partner whom he was also cheating on with his mom, confirming they were both cheats.

Over two hundred comments affirmed that the user was not in the wrong, do you agree?

Here's a similar story of a woman who refused to be at her father's wedding because he cheated.

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