
Story of the Day: Woman Refuses to Help a Coworker in Need

Afouda Bamidele
Nov 01, 2020
10:40 A.M.

A concerned woman wants to know if she is selfish after refusing to help a co-worker who is struggling because she was turned down for the same position.


A woman who has found herself in a dilemma has taken to Reddit to share her story. The poster wrote that her firm had an open position a few months ago that she was interested in.

She had already been doing most of the work for the role and was told that if she applied, the job would be hers. Banking on her supervisor's word and the previous work she had done, she applied but was turned down.

A photo of a worried woman standing by the windows. | Photo: Shutterstock.

A photo of a worried woman standing by the windows. | Photo: Shutterstock.

Apparently, she and a co-worker named Mary were up for the position, but the board of directors gave it to her colleague. Four members out of the five voted for the poster, but the 5th person, who was the supervisor of the position and hiring power, chose Mary.

The poster was disappointed and upset by the rejection and made up her mind to stop doing the extra work for the position since she didn't get it. Now, she focuses strictly on her job description and does only what she is told to do.

Angry businesswoman talking on the phone in office. | Photo: Shutterstock

Angry businesswoman talking on the phone in office. | Photo: Shutterstock

However, that hasn't been going too well for the woman as she noticed that Mary is struggling with the new position. She could barely handle the workload and was seen staying late at work.

Mary looked frustrated regularly and even went as far as hinting to the poster that she would love her to continue doing the job as she did in the past, but the woman refused.


She noted that since the directors chose Mary, then she has no business doing the job anymore. Also, Mary earns more than her, so she isn't interested in working overtime for less.

Nevertheless, the poster can't shake the feeling that she is selfish. She wrote that although she isn't happy with the company, she has no grudges against Mary and even likes her to an extent. Hence, she feels guilty for watching her struggle and not trying to help.

However, she finds comfort in that her anger hasn't caused her to be rude to her bosses or even Mary, and she performs her job description excellently. Now, caught in the middle, the woman wants to know if she is wrong for not helping out.


The majority of users urged her not to feel bad about not helping out as she isn't obligated to do the job when the company obviously preferred Mary to her.

What do you think of this story, and what advice would you give? If you are interested in reading a similar story about a woman who told off a co-worker who tried to scam her, click here.

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