Check Out RHOA Star Porsha Williams in a Sparkling Mini Dress Complete with Smokey Makeup
The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams graced fans with a staggering image of her in a sparkling mini dress coupled with a smokey-eye look.
Porsha Williams posted on her Instagram feed yesterday showing off the multi-colored sequined dress to her followers. Williams posed seductively with one leg raised against a doorframe.
Williams paired the daring dress with stiletto-heeled ankle black ankle boots. Her red lacquered nails rest against the gate she is leaning on elegantly and confidently.
The blue, red, and bronze mini dress leaves most of Williams’ shapely legs exposed for viewers to admire. She knows she looks good and is proud of it.
Williams is also sporting a gorgeous smokey eyeshadow look, which compliments her outfit well. Her makeup is flawless, and her cheekbones are contoured and bronzed to perfection. One fan said,
“Yes Porsha serve!!! Love it.”

Porsha Williams with her daughter Pilar Jhena at Americas Mart in October 2019 | Photo: Getty Images
The actress always possesses impressive and impeccable makeup looks. She recently confessed that her go-to lipstick these days had to be matte because it doesn’t rub off on your mask.
Williams said that she loves Fenty and Mac brands, and her preferred color is usually red. Who said it wasn’t possible to look good while wearing a mask? Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Last year in July, Williams was arrested while protesting for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Williams also indicated that she was committed to renewing her fitness journey. She began a new workout routine this month with her trainer Darrell Patterson.
The 39-year-old reality television star posted on her Instagram feed yesterday showing fans her new dedication to the gym with a video of her working out. She captioned it:
“I’ve been on a spiritual journey, and now i’m ready to elevate and complete the process by caring for my temple! Mind, Body & Spirit Full Health/Wellness has been activated!”
Last year in July, Williams was arrested while protesting for the Black Lives Matter movement. She and 86 others were taken into custody for protesting the murder of Breonna Taylor in Louisville.
The actress was filmed being restrained with zip ties by police officials and accused of trespassing and intimidation. Williams had decided to use her platform as a way to target social injustices.
Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell canceled the charges, but Williams still had two misdemeanors on her record of second-degree disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing.
Williams will be releasing a memoir this year titled “The Pursuit of Porsha,” where she will supposedly reveal some childhood secrets and perhaps more details about the arrest.