Daily Joke: An Elderly Couple Find a Bag of Money on Their 60th Anniversary
An elderly couple got lucky on a day they decided to visit their old neighborhood. They found a bag of money on the road, but the husband felt it should not be taken.
An elderly couple was celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary and they chose to do so by visiting old places that hold good memories for them.
The couple met as high school sweethearts, so for their anniversary, they decided to visit their old school where they both fell in love.

A picture of a happy couple at home smiling and standing together. | Photo: Getty Images
On getting there, they discovered that everything was just as it was decades ago. The couple found the note the man had written to his wife on his desk when they were much younger.
The day was going on fine until a bag of money fell off a truck and stopped at their feet. The couple took the money home. They counted it and it was fifty thousand dollars.
The old woman kept the money in the attic even though her husband felt they should return it to where they had found it the previous day.
The next day, a group of policemen visited the neighborhood in search of the missing money. They stopped by the old couple's house to ask if they saw the bag of money.
The wife said they had not seen the money, but her husband quickly interrupted her and told the policemen she was lying. He told them that she hid the money in the attic.
The wife replied that her husband did not know what he was saying, but instead, he was growing senile, so the officers should not mind what he said.
The first policeman asked the old man to recount how they got the money. The old man replied, "well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday..."
On hearing him say that they were returning from school, the policeman turned to his colleague and said, "We are outta here!"
Here's another joke about a group of seniors complaining about their aches and pains. At a nursing home, a group of senior citizens sat down and talked about the pains and aches they had in their bodies.
One said his arms are so weak that he could hardly lift a cup of coffee. Another one chipped in, "my cataracts are so bad I can't even see my coffee."
"I can't turn my head because of arthritis in my neck," said a third, while a fourth added that his blood pressure pills make him dizzy. One old man winced and said, "I guess that's the price we pay for getting old" after a brief period of silence, an old woman chipped in;
"Thank God we can all still drive."
Enjoyed this joke? Here is another joke about a young couple that moved to a new neighborhood.