Earth Day: Environmentalist Shares Recycling Tips to Help Reduce Man-Made Pollution
Protecting the oceans and supporting marine life is one of the best ways to help the planet tackle climate change, and environmentalist and content creator Caulin knows it firsthand.
Born and raised on the West Coast of Florida, Caulin grew up feeling deep love for the ocean. A while back, he used to work on the beach and would get “heartbroken” seeing how people neglect the coasts.
Eventually, he took matters into his own hands and started picking up trash every day. He gained fame after posting videos of what he found on TikTok and now has over 1.2 million followers on that social media.
For this year’s Earth Day, Caulin shared with AmoMama some tips mainly focused on recycling that all of us can do to help reduce climate change.
One of the things he said was to stop “wish-cycling.” He explained that if you’re not entirely sure that an item is recyclable, it is better to assume it is not as “wish-cycling” can cause non-recyclable things to shut down a recycling center.
Taking advantage of store drop-off locations is a great way to put plastic, bread, or product bags lying around your house to good use. Grocery stores would be glad to recycle them, but the bags must have the “Store Drop-Off” symbol on them.
If you don’t know what to do with hard-to-recycle items, Caulin said that taking them to TerraCycle is the best option as they are mainly focused on those materials.
To ensure that your plastic bottles will get properly recycled, it is best to remove caps and clear the bottle of any remaining liquid before dropping it.
While doing all this is essential for your eco-friendly purposes, it is paramount to research your local recycling standards to understand what can and cannot be recycled as every recycling center is different.
If you’re willing to get involved and make some significant impact on climate change on Earth Day, you could both learn more information about it and check this map and look for events that are taking place near you.