
Daily Joke: Man Shocked by the Difference in Price of a Specific Barbie

Olawale Ogunjimi
Apr 24, 2021
11:20 P.M.

A man who hurriedly entered a toy shop could not hide how shocked he felt after hearing the toy storekeeper mention the outrageous price of a specific Barbie doll.


A busy father who had managed to reschedule some of his official duties to be present at his little girl's birthday bash was driving home in a hurry.

Then he remembered that he had not bought the celebrant a birthday gift! The man drove around town in the hope of finding the perfect birthday gift fit for a princess.

Photo of dark doll with purple hair | Photo: Pexels

Photo of dark doll with purple hair | Photo: Pexels

After a few swerves, turns, and desperate searches, he eventually located a toy shop. The father parked his car, jumped out, and was inside the store in no time. He approached the shopkeeper and asked politely where he could find a Barbie Doll.

The woman looked at him disdainfully and pointed at the toy session before responding: "So Sir, which Barbie would that be? We have Barbie Goes To a Ball, Barbie Goes Clubbing, Barbie Goes Shopping, Barbie Goes to the Gym, and Cyber Barbie for $19.99 each."


She added: "Divorce Barbie is sold at $249.99." Alarmed, the man asked why "Divorce Barbie" was outrageously more costly than the others. The woman impatiently answered: "That's obvious! It comes with Ken's house, Ken's furniture, and Ken's car."


Although too much of anything can make one sick, this does not apply to laughing at the right jokes. Check out this other hilarious read; hopefully, there is no overdose of laughter!


After forty years of marriage, a couple decided to split. The man found himself a younger and pretty model lover. He owned a home and wanted to keep it after the divorce, so he asked his ex-wife to move to another house that he would purchase.

Surprisingly, the woman did not argue; she only asked for three days to pack her belongings. On the first day, she gathered personal things in boxes and crates.

Angry young woman with arms folded. | Photo: Shutterstock

Angry young woman with arms folded. | Photo: Shutterstock

The next day was devoted to movers who helped collect and move her stuff. On day three, the woman organized a candlelit dinner of prawns, flushed down by a bottle of Chardonnay.

She sat down at the dining table, feasted on the seafood while a soft sweet jazz sound filled the room. After the memorable dinner, she stored some prawn shells in the holes of all the curtain rods around the house, then left.

A neighborhood in the suburbs. | Photo: Pixabay.

A neighborhood in the suburbs. | Photo: Pixabay.

Her ex-husband came back with his model beau. The lovers enjoyed the first 24 hours before a sickening smell began to ooze around the home.

They practiced all the home cleaning methods and called experts to detect the smell's origin, all to no avail. People started avoiding their house, including cleaning experts and real estate agents when it was put up for sale.

A photo of a loving couple walking towards their new house. | Photo: Shutterstock

A photo of a loving couple walking towards their new house. | Photo: Shutterstock


A month later, his ex-wife reached out to him. The man was sad to discuss his predicament but was consumed with happiness when she offered to buy the house instantly!

After a few days, the man and his younger lover were consumed with happiness as they watched the moving truck pack their things— including the curtain rods, to a new residence!

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