Daily Joke: A Police Officer Stopped a Married Couple For Speeding
The married couple, riding in a car, was stopped by the policeman. An exchange of words occurred between the officer and the man, who wanted to know the issue.
The police officer said that the man was driving at speeds exceeding 75 mph in a 55 mph zone. The man responded that the officer was wrong since he was driving at just 65 mph.
However, his wife said that he was going through 80. The man shook his head. After that, the officer told the man that he will also be giving him a ticket for a broken tail light.

Married couple travelling in a car together. | Photo: Pexels
Although the man claimed that he was unaware of a broken tail light, his wife told the officer he knew about it for weeks. The man turned to his wife with a dirty look.
Also, the officer told the man that he would have to pay a fine for not wearing his seatbelt. The latter explained he had taken it off when he saw him walking towards his car.

A police officer's car on the street. | Photo: Pixabay
However, the wife told the policeman that her husband never wears a seatbelt. Irritated, the man instructed his wife to stop talking. The officer then turned to the woman.
He asked her if her husband spoke to her that way all the time. The woman looked at her husband of ten years. Afterward, she told the policeman that only after he is drunk.

A police officer. | Photo: Pixabay
One sunny afternoon, a blonde woman, who was speeding in an area with speed limits of 35 miles per hour, was stopped by a police officer who happened to be a blonde as well.
The officer asked the woman for her driver's license. She then searched in her purse frantically for a while before finally asking the blonde policewoman what a driver's license looked like.

Blonde woman sitting inside a car. | Photo: Pexels
Angry, the officer told her that the driver's license had her picture on it. The woman then frantically searched her purse once again until she found a small rectangular mirror tucked away on the bottom.
Having determined that it must be her driver's license, the woman handed it to the blonde police officer, who immediately handed it back to her and told her she is free to go.
The woman thanked the officer sincerely. To which the blonde cop replied, "It's okay," adding that if she only knew the woman was also a police officer, the incident might have been avoided.
Source: Jokes Of The Day and Uni Jokes