
Daily Joke: A Lawyer Asked an 80-Year-Old Lady in Court If She Knew Him

Junie Sihlangu
May 29, 2021
01:00 A.M.

People living in small towns generally tend to know each other and their neighbor’s secrets. One lawyer didn’t expect to be put on the forefront when he questioned an old lady from his town.


An 80-year-old woman was one of the witnesses that an attorney called on the stand in a small town’s provincial court. This was the very first time that the elderly woman sat down as a witness in court.

Source: Amomama

Source: Amomama

She eagerly took her seat in the witness stand and sat with her hands crossed before smiling at the judge. The lawyer proceeded to ask the old woman his very first question.

An old woman sitting with her hands clasped together | Photo: Pixabay/congerdesign

An old woman sitting with her hands clasped together | Photo: Pixabay/congerdesign


Taking on his most professional voice, the attorney asked her: “Mrs. Tomlin, Do you know me?” With a huge toothy smile, the elderly woman got excited as she replied:

“Of course, I know you, Mr. Peterson!”

A courtroom bench with a gavel sitting on top | Photo: Pixabay/Daniel Bone

A courtroom bench with a gavel sitting on top | Photo: Pixabay/Daniel Bone

She then continued explaining how she knew him when he was just a little boy. Everyone in the courtroom found that quite endearing, but then Tomlin noted how disappointed she was in Peterson.

She shared how he cheated on his wife continuously, lied without provocation, and even gossiped about his clients! The woman’s testimony left everyone shocked as they looked to see what the attorney would do next.

An old woman looking shocked while wearing a colorful hat and glasses | Photo: Pixabay/Free-Photos

An old woman looking shocked while wearing a colorful hat and glasses | Photo: Pixabay/Free-Photos


Clearly embarrassed and dumbfounded by the witness's statement, Peterson took a deep breath before continuing. He pointed to the other side of the courtroom and asked Tomlin if she knew the defense lawyer.

With another big smile, she said, “Yes, of course, I know Mr. Weiss very well, too!” The elderly woman recalled how she’d held him in her arms when he was just a newborn baby needing his nappies to be changed.

A view of a chairman’s bench in an American courtroom | Photo: Pixabay/ohioduidefense

A view of a chairman’s bench in an American courtroom | Photo: Pixabay/ohioduidefense

Tomlin then complained about being disappointed in Weiss, too, because he was a gambler and a drunk. She said he found it hard to build normal relationships and was the worst lawyer in their town!

At that point, court attendees and other witnesses were struggling to hide their laughter. Suddenly, before things could continue, the chairman interrupted the proceedings by asking both lawyers to approach the bench.

A close-up of a man in a suit with his hands folded against his chest | Photo: Pixabay/Goumbik

A close-up of a man in a suit with his hands folded against his chest | Photo: Pixabay/Goumbik

Attendees muttered quietly among themselves as Peterson and Weiss approached the bench. Weiss couldn’t help but give his opponent a foul look as they stood huddled in front of the chairman.

The chairman spoke harshly but not loud enough to be heard by the rest of the courtroom. He told the two men, “Listen, if anyone of you idiots asks her if she knows me, you’re gonna be in big trouble!”

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