Man Says He Caught Girlfriend Cheating after Installing Secret Recording Device in the Apartment
A user of TikTok caught his girlfriend cheating using a secret recording device. Hear his story and more cheating stories below.
A TikTok user named Mr. Surveillence created a video in which he showed his followers how he caught his girlfriend of six years, Ashley, cheating on him with an unknown man inside his own apartment.
The video was titled, "Rule #1: If your girl's name is Ashley... Run." It starts with the man explaining that he was suspicious of his girlfriend cheating on him, and has been for some time.

A man points at a cellphone while shouting at a woman who looks very upset. | Photo: Shutterstock
He said he bought a hidden camera online and as he explained his situation, he showed the camera hidden in a USB charging device which appeared like any electronic device's charger. He plugged a USB cord in it to make it look more legit.
The man then goes out to his car to wait to catch his girlfriend in the act. Unfortunately, he was stationed in his car down the road when his suspicions became a reality.
The hidden camera device Mr. Surveillance used. | Photo: Tiktok/@mrsurveillance
The camera captured his girlfriend coming home with another man. She held his hand and led him into the home. They are seen embracing and possibly kissing, prompting the boyfriend to send the video to his cheating girlfriend.
The video went viral after it was posted on the platform. Within a week, it gained 2.3 million likes and 16 thousand people commented, many writing that he did not deserve that to happen to him.
The woman appeared to greet the driver with a kiss before getting inside the car.
Mr. Survellience is not the only worried partner who used a secret camera to capture their significant other cheating. A husband caught this wife of 18 years cheating by using a drone.
The husband had grown suspicious as his wife had started to go to work earlier than usual. He then got a tip from a friend that his wife was seeing another man. He had tried to follow her to work but found nothing.
Drone footage of the wife greeting another person before getting into their car. | Photo: Metro
The upset husband then tried another route. He followed his wife using a drone. He captured her walking to work, but then she walked past her job and continued walking to the local CVS parking lot.
The video captured the woman waiting in the parking lot for a few minutes when a black car drove up to her. The woman appeared to greet the driver with a kiss before getting inside the car.
In the viral video shared by Metro, the heartbroken husband expressed his grievances and said that he thought their 18-year-old marriage was good, but perhaps it was not.
It is very upsetting to find out a partner cheated. However, it seems others love to be a part of the drama as both videos received a lot of attention online, with other internet users expressing their opinions on both situations.