Each Line Hides a Certain Fruit – Try to Spot It between the Letters
Fruits are tasty ways to stay healthy, but they can also be used for other purposes. Today's #riddleoftheday incorporates the names of common fruits to form quite the delectable puzzle.
Riddles and puzzles are great ways to not only have fun but also stimulate your mind. These activities can help you attain new knowledge that is sure to impress your friends.
Whether you are bored or simply searching for some intellectual entertainment, these brain teasers will not disappoint. Keep reading to enjoy this unique compilation of riddles that can spark up your day.
Fruits in the background of a photo. | Photo: Freepik
The first riddle of the day is a fruity puzzle. The names of common fruits have been embedded within sentences. For example, the word "PARIS" can be found in the sentence, "Grand-pa(PA RIS)es at seven every morning." If you understand how the riddle works, try and find the hidden names of fruits in each of the sentences below.
A man solving a puzzle. | Photo: Unsplash
Ah! If I get my good ship home
I'll find a tempting spot,
Where mayhap pleasant flowers will bloom,
And there, I'll shape a charming cot.
Where bees sip nectar in each flower,
A bee sipping nectar from a flower. | Photo: Unsplash
And Philomel on hawthorn rests,
I'll shape a rustic, sun-kissed bower -
A bower meet for angel guests.
Then she who lives and loves with me,
Sing our days of calm repose,
Sole monarch of the flowers will be -
For Myra is indeed a rose.
A photo of a rose. | Photo: Unsplash
A curtail puzzle is a type of problem where removing the last letter of one word will give another word. This simply means that a new word is formed if you remove the last letter of a particular word. For example Grass —> Ordinance. Answer: Lawn —> LawIf you understand, try solving the problems listed below.
1. Local district —> To estimate a number
2. Small —> A metallic element
3. Sarcasm —> A metallic element
4. A red gem —> Massage
5. Slithery —> Foot covering
6. Prepared —> To comprehend written words
7. Analyse —> A pole
8. Paralysis of a body part —> Friends
A young woman thinking about a riddle. | Photo: Freepik
Hint: The answers start with these letters:
1. C
2. T
3. I
4. R
5. S
6. R
7. S
8. P
A photo symbolizing an idea or clue. | Photo: Unsplash
Answers to Riddle One
Ah! I(F I G)et my good ship home
I'll fin(D A TE)mpting spot,
Where mayh(AP PLE)asant flowers will bloom,
And there I'll sha(PE A CH)arming cot.
Where bees sip (NECTAR IN E)ach flower,
And Philo(MEL ON) hawthorn rests,
I'll sha(PE A R)ustic, sun-kissed bower -
A bower meet f(OR ANGE)l guests.
Then she wh(O LIVE)s and loves with me,
Sin(G OUR D)ays of calm repose,
So(LE MON)arch of the flowers will be -
For My(RA IS IN)deed a rose.
A picture of different fruits. | Photo: Unsplash
Answers to Riddle Two
1. County -> Count
2. Tiny -> Tin
3. Irony -> Iron
4. Ruby -> Rub
5. Slippery -> Slipper
6. Ready -> Read
7. Study -> Stud
8. Palsy -> Pals