
Poor Disabled Girl Teaches a Lesson to Rich Partner Who Bullies Her on Stage – Subscriber Story

Bettina Dizon
Jun 17, 2021
11:00 P.M.

The daughter of a rich woman mocked a poor disabled girl because she could not dance properly. Life instantly taught her a lesson.


When Millie joined a performing arts center, she tried her best to fit in with the other girls. She enjoyed dancing and was excited to have her mom watch the performance they prepared.

However, there were some moves that she could not get right, and although the teacher tolerated it, the other girls would make fun of Millie. None of them knew about her disability that hindered Millie from making significant movements.

A group of dancers ready to perform. | Source: Shutterstock

A group of dancers ready to perform. | Source: Shutterstock

One particular girl, Julia, gave Mille a difficult time at the center. Julia was tall and graceful, making her stand out among others. The dance instructor particularly referred to her as his pride and joy and placed her in the front center.

During practices, Julia would bump Millie by accident and call clothes garbage as they were always loose and not fit for dancing. Millie’s mom would enter the studio at the end of every session and fetch her daughter with food and a drink.


Meanwhile, Julia’s mom would honk her horn several times and shout at her daughter for walking slowly. The day before the performance, Julia made a scene and told everyone that Millie was ruining their dance number.

Teen girls pointing at their peers. | Source: Shutterstock

Teen girls pointing at their peers. | Source: Shutterstock

“Don’t show up here tomorrow. No one wants you to ruin the performance we worked so hard on,” she said. Tears began to form in Millie’s eyes, but before she could say something, Julia added:

“Are you going to cry to your daddy? Oh wait, you have no dad. He left you and your mom to rot.”

At the end of practice, Millie’s mom entered the studio once again, joyful to see her daughter. “I can’t wait to watch you perform tomorrow,” she said. “You’ll be the star of the show and the only one I’ll be looking at.”

A mother hugging her daughter. | Source: Shutterstock

A mother hugging her daughter. | Source: Shutterstock

Julia stood nearby, watching the mother-daughter moment. Suddenly, her mom entered and tugged her hair. “What’s taking you so long?” the woman yelled. “You’re making me miss important things because of this nonsense.”

The following day, Millie entered the rehearsal room quietly. Julia blocked her way and asked why she bothered showing up before pushing Millie backward. Suddenly, Millie’s mom interfered and asked why Julia was mistreating her daughter.

“Mom, we were just practicing,” Millie said. “We’re roleplaying something we saw on the internet.” Immediately, the mom apologized for the misunderstanding and fixed her daughter’s hair.

A ballet dancer on stage. | Source: Shutterstock

A ballet dancer on stage. | Source: Shutterstock


“Millie, why don’t you remove this hoodie? It’s so hot,” she said while lifting the top. Julia then saw Millie’s back brace and realized that she had been bullying a disabled girl. Millie pulled the hoodie back down and went to the dressing room.

While getting dressed, Julia went to Millie, apologized, and asked why she did not tell anyone about her fractured spine. “Millie, I just want to say I’m sorry. I was mean to you, and it was wrong,” she said.

“Somehow, I feel like I was just jealous of the support your mom gave and hated you for having a great mother,” she added. Millie smiled and told Julia that it was not a big deal. Having been disabled for months, Millis often encountered bullies.


Still, Julia apologized and asked how Millie got injured. “About a year ago, I got into a terrible car accident with my dad. I had minor injuries and fractured my back, but my dad wasn’t so lucky,” she replied.

“He suffered multiple traumas, and doctors couldn’t do anything to save him. He passed away that day,” she added. “I’m so sorry for this. I never knew,” Julia said. She took Millie’s hand and told her that her father would be very proud to watch her perform.

“Millie, let’s do our best out there and offer this performance to your dad,” Julia said. “I’m sure he’s watching you from above.” The two girls turned out to be great friends since that day.

What can we learn from Julia and Millie’s story?

Be kind to everyone you meet because you don’t know what they are going through

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This story was sent in by our subscriber. All names have been changed to protect their identity and ensure their privacy. If you would like to share your story with us, please send them to info@amomama.com

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