New Hampshire Restaurant Receives a Tip of $16k from an Anonymous Man Whose Bill Was $38
A restaurant in New Hampshire, known as Stumble Inn Bar & Grill, went into a wave of excitement after an anonymous man gave a tip of $16k when his bill was just a total of $38.
The owner of the restaurant, Mike Zarella, confirmed the incident on his Facebook account by posting the official receipt while applauding the customer for his extreme generosity that was beyond comparison.
The tip, which was given on the 12th of June, shocked the employees so much that they thought that it was a hoax and the payment would probably not go through.

Tip jar at a local diner stuffed with $1 notes. | Source: Pixabay/Tad Hanna
The man, who ordered a few drinks and some snacks, requested the bill from the bartender just as he was about to leave the restaurant. He made the payment then joked with the bartender, telling her to not spend it all in one place.
Since she was a bit busy, she did not look at the payment until the man insisted that she should ensure she spends the money well. Zarella confirmed that the bartender was so shocked upon realizing how much the tip was that she said:
“'Oh my god, are you kidding me? No, no, that's crazy.'”
The restaurant owner was elated when the payment tip went through. The staff was happier because this meant that they were receiving almost double or triple payment for that month.
The owner confirmed that the staff had started making plans with the money, aiming to do things that they could never have thought possible - especially with the Corona pandemic that has greatly affected the hospitality industry.
This excited the waitress so much that she fought back tears as he wrote the receipt.
Since the pandemic started in 2020, a few generous people, including Hollywood celebrities, have been making big tips across restaurants and other establishments in an attempt to help cushion people ravaged by the situation.
Tom Selleck, for instance, recently paid a total of $2020 dollars as a tip at a New York restaurant. This was after his "Blue Bloods" co-star, Donnie Whalberg also paid a similar amount earlier on in the year under the #2020TipChallenge. On Twitter, Donnie appreciated Tom’s effort, saying:
“I found out that my TV Dad #TomSelleck has generously accepted the #2020TipChallenge at Elios Upper East Side!”
American TV producer, Nev Schulman, is also known for being quite generous in tipping. One time, while enjoying a meal in Colorado, Schulman noticed her waiter, Zulia Reyes, was pregnant.
He inquired about the due date and when the lady told her that it was on September 26th, which is coincidentally his birthday, he gave her a whopping tip of $926 to signify the date.
This excited the waitress so much that she fought back tears as he wrote the receipt. He was appreciated even on Twitter and was quick to retweet her while wishing her the very best.
While it is a somewhat de facto rule in America that one ought to give a 20% tip when eating at a restaurant, many people have gone out of their way to increase that amount to unprecedented levels.
It is not just for the rich or famous to tip, increasingly ordinary people are breaking the internet and changing the lives of lots of people by giving generous tips that cover huge expenses.