Man Notices Heron Hanging from a Tree and Rushes to Help after Realizing the Reason
A family in Brazil were out on the waters for a day of fishing when they came across a heron hanging by its beak from a tree branch standing out of the water.
While out on the Paranaíba River, a Brazilian family noticed a strange occurrence in the distance. When they moved their boat closer, they realized that it was a heron in a dire position.
The bird was hanging by its beak from a tree branch, tangled in a piece of fishing wire that wouldn't allow it to escape. The ordeal was captured on video, showcasing the tired and distraught heron that the family found.

A heron perched on a stump. | Photo: Pexels
As the boat came closer, the heron used the edge as a resting place, obviously exhausted after hanging from its beak. It is suspected that the bird was fishing in the waters when it ended up entangled in the discarded fishing line.
Lucky for the heron, Lara, Marcio, and Priscilla came to its rescue, although it initially didn't want anything to do with the humans that tried to come closer and touch its beak.
But the three of them persevered, and the footage shows that eventually, the heron gives in to allowing them to aid in removing the fishing wire wrapped around its beak. Finally, they wrote on social media:
"Watching the animal trapped and tired of trying to survive, we stopped the boat and saved it.”
They first cut the wire loose from the branch so that the bird could freely stand on the boat without being connected to the tree before working on cutting the wire off from the heron's beak.

Screenshot of video showing rescue of heron. | Source: YouTube/ ViralHog
Marcio took a few moments and some tools to get the bird free from the pesky fishing wire, and it is clear that without human intervention, the heron wouldn't have survived for much longer.
After saving the wild bird from the dangers of discarded fishing line, the Brazilian family uploaded the video to YouTube, where it has gained some traction and gone viral over various platforms.
In New Jersey, the authorities were also involved in the rescue of an animal from the water. This time, police pulled a golden retriever out of the water after it had been missing for 16 days.
The three-year-old dog called Chunk went missing while playing with his owners early in June. He got spooked and ran into the forest. He was seen more than two weeks later by strangers out on a walk along the shore.
After trying to approach the bewildered dog, he ran off into the sea and swam out. The people who saw him phoned the police, who managed to get the dog and bring him back to shore.
Chunk was tired and hungry by the time his feet were back on dry ground, but the authorities could unite him with his owners, which made for a very happy ending.