Daily Joke: Psychiatrist Proves His Patients Have Obsessions with Pretty Strong Evidences
A psychiatrist was conducting a therapy support group session, and four young mothers were in attendance alongside their little kids.
After the introductions and ice-breakers were out of the way, the psychiatrist decided to get to the gist of the matter and turned to the young mothers one by one with his interesting observation.

Photo: Shutterstock
"You all have obsessions," stated the psychiatrist matter-of-factly.
All the moms in the session were surprised at his comment and listened out of morbid curiosity to find out why he had arrived at such a conclusion. When the psychiatrist saw their eager expressions, he addressed the first mother and said:
"You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy."
After hearing the psychiatrist's comment, the mother was taken aback and didn't know what to say in her defense.
Carefully formulating his words, the psychiatrist now turned to the second mother and said:
"Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."
Penny's mom was astounded at the psychiatrist's remarks but chose not to say anything.

The second mom heard the psychiatrist’s remarks but chose not to comment. | Photo: Pexels/cottonbro
By now, the psychiatrist was brimming with confidence and pride at his keen observation. It was now the turn of the third mother, who was already staring at the psychiatrist, waiting to hear what he had to say about her.
So he turned to look at the third mom, observed her curious expression for a moment, and then said:
"Your obsession is with alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy."
Much like the other two mothers, Brandy's mom was astounded but chose not to comment on the psychiatrist's observation.
The psychiatrist prepared himself to share his observation regarding the fourth and final participant in the room. However, before he could proceed, he was surprised to see one of his patients trying to leave the session and breaking out of the room.
Apparently, the last mother quickly got up from her seat, took her little boy's hand, and whispered in his ear:
"Come on, Dick, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. We have to pick up Peter and Willy at the Johnsons' and go get dinner."
What did you think of the joke? How would you react if you were in a similar setting? If you enjoyed this joke, you might like this one about a doctor who decides to teach his patient a lesson.
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Source: Reddit.com