Daily Joke: Guests at a Funeral Offer to Say Words to the Widow
There were several guests at a funeral, and after a long day of being at the event, one man who was friends with the deceased decided to approach the wife to greet her and offer his condolence.
He walked up to her hesitantly and told her that he would like to share a few words with her. The widow agreed, and he took a short pause, cleared his throat, and said, “Plethora.”

Photo: Amomama
The widow smiled as she excitedly thanked him and said to him, "that means a lot." The next guest walked up and said he would like to share a word with the widow.
She gave him the go-ahead, and he said, “Bargain.” The woman thanked him, adding that his word was strengthening, in her words, "thanks, that means a great deal." By now, another man was closer, also willing to share some words.

The widow will soon start hearing several words as condolences | Photo: Shutterstock
He walked up to her and said he would love to share a word. The woman told him he could go on, and he said to her, “Earth.” She sniffed and thanked him for the kind word and her reply was, "that means the world."
Someone else came up and asked to speak to her. The woman once again agreed, allowing them to comfort her. The man mentioned: “Being Alive.” The woman thanked the guest, adding, "he would have liked that."
Another man who stood in line trying to speak with her approached and requested what the other men did. She gave ears to his words, and the man said, "Infinity." The woman quickly replied, "that means more than you could possibly imagine."
More guests approached the widow as they all wanted to comfort her and share their condolences. It was the turn of one man, and he came forward and noted that he would like to share a word.
The woman asked him to, and he said, "Fhqwhgads.” She looked at him puzzled, but she shrugged and said, “Thanks. You don’t know what that means.”
Someone came up again, saying they would love to share some words. The widow agreed, and the man said, “The Mariana Trench. The woman answered with, “Thanks, that’s really deep.”
Another guest walked up to her asking for permission to share some words. The woman agreed, and he said, “Water pit." The star woman said to him, “Thanks, I know you mean well.”
One guest who had watched how everybody comforted the woman and decided he would do the same. He walked up to her and requested to share some words.
When she agreed, the man said, “I’m truly sorry for your loss, he was a great man. The woman with a surprised look on her face said to him, “I’m not sure you understand what’s happening here.”
If you enjoyed this joke, you might find this one even more hilarious. It is about two friends that went golfing together, and there was a funeral procession on the course, one of the guys paid his respects. The reason will shock you!
Source: Upjoke.com