Daily Joke: Farmer Desperately Tries to Breed His Sows
Mr. Brown, a farmer who owned many female pigs, sat one day and thought about what to do with his pigs. As he sat on his farm watching the animals go about their business, an idea suddenly popped into his mind.
He decided he was going to breed his pigs so he could increase the size of his herd. He called a friend, Jones, a fellow farmer, and told him about his plans. He asked if he could bring his sows over to mate with Jones' boars.

Photo: Amomama
Farmer Jones agreed, and the following day, Brown loaded all his female pigs into the back of his farm truck and drove down to Jones' farm. When he got there, he released all the pigs and left them on Jones' farm for the whole day.
At the end of the day, he returned to the farm and loaded the pigs into his truck again. Before he left, he asked Jones how he would know if the pigs were already pregnant.

Farmer Brown and Jones agreeing to breed their pigs together | Photo: Shutterstock
Jones explained that if the pigs started grazing in the morning, that meant they were pregnant. He also stated that Brown would have to bring them back to his farm if they weren't feeding by morning.
The next day, after Brown got out of bed and prepared for another day, he looked out of his window to see how the pigs were doing. Sadly, none of his pigs seemed to be grazing.
He quickly went to his farm, packed the animals back in his truck, and headed back to Jones' farm. After another day at Jones' place, he headed back home again to see their actions by morning.
Again, the following morning after getting out of bed, farmer Brown walked to his window and saw that none of his pigs were grazing. Once again, he took them back to Jones' farm, and this continued for about a week.
However, at the end of the week, Brown started getting frustrated and tired of the routine. One morning after a different day on Jones' farm, Brown couldn't even go to his window to check his pigs.
He sat in his living room, turned to his wife, and asked her to look at the farm to see if the pigs were grazing because he had no will to look again. Mrs. Brown then walked to the window and said to her husband:
"Nope, none of 'em are grazing. But they are all in the truck and one of 'em is honking the horn"!
If you enjoyed this joke, you might find this one even more hilarious. It is about a city person who lives on a farm with a mule that had huge ears. There was an issue with getting the mule into the barn.
Source: Reddit.com