Puzzle of the Day: 5 Riddles to Prove that You’re Smart
Brain teasers are the perfect way for you to boost your brainpower, and they're also quite entertaining. Some are so obvious that even a child can solve them, while others require you to stretch your brain a bit more. To solve these puzzles, you'll need the help of every part of your brain.
Just a heads up, there's an answer to each puzzle at the end of the question. So the trick is to solve each question without looking at it. Ready? Let's begin.
Like Fish In A Tank

Riddle Infographic | Source: AmoMama
The Answer: Ten. Since the tank is enclosed, no fish left the tank. Also, fish don’t drown, and even if they did, they would still be in the tank. How long did it take you to solve this question?
Calendar Quiz

Riddle Infographic | Source: AmoMama
The Answer: The five consecutive days are: The day before yesterday, then yesterday, today, tomorrow, and finally, the day after tomorrow. As you can see, we didn’t use any names or numbers.
Were you able to solve this question in less than five seconds? Let us know.
An Apple A Day ...

Riddle Infographic | Source: AmoMama
It isn't one. The correct answer is actually three. Since you’re the one who took away the three apples, you have three apples left. Did you get it right?
The Doctor's Dilemma

Riddle Infographic | Source: AmoMama
The Answer: None of them are lying. The other two doctors that are sitting at the table are his sisters. It turns out they were all telling the truth.
One Final Riddle

Riddle Infographic | Source: AmoMama
The Answer: A clock. A clock points to the current hour, strikes the current time and runs clockwise. And it does all of that without the need for fingers, arms, or feet. So you might even say clocks are better than us in some ways.
Riddle me this: How many of these puzzles were you able to solve? As we promised, some of these questions were quite easy, but others were a little tricky and required you to exercise your brainpower. Well done on reaching the end. Do you think you did a better job than your friends? Please share this quiz with them and see how well they do.