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Public Domain Pictures

10 Things Only Americans Think Are Normal and Others Find Weird

Dayna Remus
Aug 18, 2021
06:20 A.M.

America prides itself on its democracy and freedom, but not everyone understands or agrees. They are puzzled from its bottomless drinks to its high service costs.


Every country has a different culture and approach. Even within its borders, the United States has many cultural differences between each state.

However, like any other nation, there are similarities and a particular way of life throughout. While those living in America may find these country-wide habits perfectly normal, many of them seem entirely foreign to the rest of the world.

The United States of America (U.S.A) flag. │Source: Public Domain Pictures

The United States of America (U.S.A) flag. │Source: Public Domain Pictures


One such habit is how they seemingly tend to make their tea and coffee. One person found their way of doing this very strange, expressing:

"Not owning kettles and MICROWAVING their water for coffee/tea."

A woman giving an elderly lady a cup of tea. │Source: Shutterstock

A woman giving an elderly lady a cup of tea. │Source: Shutterstock


American's method of serving drinks also boggled another individual's mind. However, in this instance, they questioned their cold beverages, stating:

"Extra large bottomless cups for cola or soft drinks.... you could bathe in those."

An individual pouring a cold beverage using a soda fountain. │Source: Shutterstock

An individual pouring a cold beverage using a soda fountain. │Source: Shutterstock



According to another person, it's not only the cold beverages but also the food that stretches to its maximum capacity. As they straightforwardly said:

"Portion sizes."

Employee handing over a McDonalds' order to a customer. │Source: Shutterstock

Employee handing over a McDonalds' order to a customer. │Source: Shutterstock


Different countries have varying approaches to how their medical systems work. One person expressed how strange they found the United States' expenses concerning emergency services, saying:

"Ambulance rides costing money seems pretty absurd to people from other countries."

An ambulance. │Source: Shutterstock

An ambulance. │Source: Shutterstock



Beyond the cost of ambulances, many from overseas states are shocked by the high level of debt that American students accumulate from going to university. One individual expanded on their confusion towards the US' higher education system, saying:

"I come from a place with free university education."

A lecture hall full of university students.│Source: Shutterstock

A lecture hall full of university students.│Source: Shutterstock


Once again, many people were flabbergasted by the cost of different services in America, such as bringing up a child and the associated medical expenses. However, as one individual expressed, it goes further than that.


They stated how ridiculous they find the allegedly short length of maternity leave. Opening up about their frustration, the person said:

"It seems like everything is so difficult concerning pregnancy, labour and children."

A baby sleeping. │Source: Shutterstock

A baby sleeping. │Source: Shutterstock


If one has traveled around the world, they are bound to have come across many unfamiliar sanitation facilities. America is no different, with one individual expressing:

"Toilet cubicles, where people not only can peek, but an adult person could crawl into your cubicle."

A toilet. │Source: Shutterstock

A toilet. │Source: Shutterstock



Some are perplexed by some of the United States companies' apparent norm of not putting final price tags on products. One person shared their own experience concerning this:

"A few years ago one never knew whether the $1.00 item in McDonald's or Burger King is actually $1.00 or maybe $1.08."

Money. │Source: Shutterstock

Money. │Source: Shutterstock


Americans are globally well-known for not shying away from being proud of their own country. One individual stated that this was obvious by the amount of U.S flags they are surrounded by in comparison to other countries; saying:


"We put that [expletive] on everything. Magnets, churches, cars... every front porch, and street lamp. #murica"

The United States of America (U.S.A) flag.│Source: Shutterstock

The United States of America (U.S.A) flag.│Source: Shutterstock


Although this country is criticized, many find that it holds its type of beauty. An individual from Denmark contrasted it with their own country, saying that Americans are more approachable and that they think it's admirable:

"I have met quite a few Americans so it seems the norm that you share and engage with strangers in public."

A woman smiling. │Source: Shutterstock

A woman smiling. │Source: Shutterstock


The power of friendliness is underestimated. Waitress Megan King noticed an elderly lady sitting by herself and decided to have a warm chat despite her busy day at work.

She was left in tears after the customer, a widow, left a note for her, stating that her service helped her get through eating out alone for the first time since her partner died. If the U.S proves anything, it's that geniality is underrated.

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