
Little Boy Has to Do His Homework under Dim Street Lamp, a Millionaire Notices Him

Brittany Chalmers
May 10, 2022
04:07 P.M.

When an impoverished boy struggled to do his homework in darkness, he decided to move outside to utilize the public street lamp. Little did he know he was positioning himself in the perfect place for a miracle.


Life can be challenging, and many people would struggle every day without the help of fellow human beings. Thankfully, there are kind-hearted angels among us who lend a hand when it is needed most.

A youngster's life was changed because he was in the right place at the right time. His circumstances, and a twist of fate, made a stranger notice him and do something incredible. Read the story and discover what happens when people choose to help.

Young boy does his homework in a rural area. | Source: Getty Images

Young boy does his homework in a rural area. | Source: Getty Images


One night in 2019 was the beginning of a fantastic journey for a 12-year-old boy living in Peru. Víctor Martín Angulo Córdoba's mother could not afford to pay their home's electric bill, so he thought outside of the box.


He spent time doing his tasks around the house and, after sunset, still had school work to complete. While many kids might have stopped working because they could no longer see what they were doing, Angulo Córdoba was different.

He was motivated to finish his homework no matter the circumstances, so he took his workbook outside to the curb in the Moche district. On the dusty tar road, he completed the homework activities beneath the dim glow of the street lamp.



Angulo Córdoba was determined to perform well in school because he was working toward a lifelong dream, and it was a noble endeavor that displayed his selfless nature.

The youngster wanted to become a police officer because he hoped to help end the corruption in his country. Unbelievably, CCTV footage of him working under the street lamp went viral, catching the eye of someone significant.



A businessman named Yaqoob Yusuf Ahmed Mubarak was touched by the scenes of the little boy doing his best in dire conditions. The millionaire and philanthropist couldn't look away and knew he needed to do something to help.

He traveled to Peru and vowed to assist the boy. He planned to help rebuild Angulo Córdoba's home, renovate it into a two-story house, and restore the electricity.

However, the businessman did not stop there. He had grown up in similar circumstances and understood their struggles, so he hoped to help not only the boy but also his family and community.



In addition to home renovations, Mubarak provided the boy's mother with funds to start a small business. These actions would enable her to provide for their family consistently.

He also pledged money toward Angulo Córdoba's school. The money would help the establishment with various needs and showcase how far an act of kindness can go.

Angulo Córdoba was stunned by the stranger's gestures and thanked him for changing his life. He also noted that the assistance helped with back problems he developed while leaning over to see his work better.



The boy expressed his sincere gratitude and said: "Thank you for the help you are offering. Thank you very much because you are helping us to build our school."

His mother was also in disbelief about the generosity and stated that her son could not fathom the kindness. She added: "He kept thinking, 'How can people from another continent come to see me?'"

The mother also shared her feelings and was humbled that they visited her home because very few people would be willing to put in the effort to do so.



Mubarak's actions had a ripple effect that touched not only one boy but his family and school community. When we take the time to help whenever we are able, we can also have a similar impact.

Whether we are millionaires or ordinary citizens, we can always try our best to give to those in need. If we don't have money to donate, we can always give time and love—free things that have the potential to make a significant difference.

Angulo Córdoba's story teaches us an important moral about the power of noticing the people around us and sharing kindness wherever we go.

Click here for another inspiring story about a millionaire who learned an important lesson. He saw a beggar outside his home and chased her away until he saw her face.

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