Daily Joke: Taxi Driver Was Surprised to See a Naked Woman in His Car
A taxi driver was parked in front of a town when an utterly naked lady walked into his vehicle and gave him directions. The man didn't say anything and immediately drove off.
The journey down to the passager's location was silent. But as they drove, the naked lady noticed that the driver kept stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn't watching.

Who could blame the driver for staring? | Photo: Shutterstock
At first, the naked lady didn't mind because she had gotten more than enough looks before she stepped into the taxi. So she felt another man's stare was nothing compared to what she had gotten.
But the lady became uncomfortable with his constant stares, so she asked if he had not seen a naked woman before. The taxi driver sighed and confirmed that he had indeed seen naked women. However, he added:
"I'm just trying to figure out where you're going to get the money to pay me!"
One day, David Beckham got into one of the waiting taxis at an airport. He settled comfortably at the back seat, waiting for the driver to move, but the driver did not attempt to move.
Instead, the driver kept staring at his passenger through the rearview mirror, and Beckham sat without saying anything. After about a few minutes, he heard the driver say, "Ok. At least give me a hint."
With a sigh, Beckham looked at the older man and explained that he had a brilliant career at Manchester United, married one of the Spice Girls, and played for England's national team.
But the older driver looked at Beckham confused. The man wasn't in the mood to hear his story, so he told the celebrity who still had a smile on his face:
"No, you eejit! Where are you going?"
Source: Reddit.com, Upjoke.com