
Mother-in-Law Changes Dress during Wedding, Ruins the Ceremony Saying It's Her Day Too

Brittany Chalmers
Sep 23, 2021
03:30 A.M.

One bride looks back on her special day with some bitterness because of a stunt her mother-in-law pulled. She upstaged the bride and changed into a sparkly white dress during the wedding.


This month, a former bride chose to share her horror wedding story on Reddit. She was attempting to get some advice from the online community after her mother-in-law's claims post-wedding.

The woman alleges that her mother-in-law believes the bride was in the wrong. The mother is asking her for an apology because of the dress drama which occurred over a year ago.

A mother dressed in an elegant blue dress holds up a glass and makes a speech at a wedding reception | Photo: Shutterstock

A mother dressed in an elegant blue dress holds up a glass and makes a speech at a wedding reception | Photo: Shutterstock


Together with her fiancé, the woman took the mother in question shopping to find an appropriate dress for their upcoming wedding. After some time, they eventually settled on an outfit that matched the theme and suited everyone.


What the bride didn't know was that her new mother had other plans for the wedding day. The woman explained that her mother-in-law secretly brought another dress along.


The second dress was white and sparkly. The woman's brother-in-law spotted it hanging in a room and asked the bride what he should do. The dress was quickly taken to the car to stop the mother from her elaborate outfit change.


The mother of the groom was not happy and demanded her dress back. She went ahead with the outfit change during the reception and purportedly got attention for all the wrong reasons.

Commenters react to a woman who says her mother-in-law had an elaborate outfit change at her wedding | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer

Commenters react to a woman who says her mother-in-law had an elaborate outfit change at her wedding | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer


That's not the most shocking part of the story. The mother wants the bride to apologize for attempting to stop her outfit change. The mother-in-law believed the wedding day was also her big day and not only the bride's.

She was upset that the bride tried to "ruin" it for her. Now, the woman is asking netizens for their opinions on the matter, and users had a lot to say.

Netizens call out a mother-in-law who purportedly stole the bride's shine at her wedding when she had an elaborate outfit change | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer

Netizens call out a mother-in-law who purportedly stole the bride's shine at her wedding when she had an elaborate outfit change | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer



Many people were stunned by the story and took the side of the bride. One user stated: "I feel like this really doesn't need explaining! It's 100% your day, and she is obviously an attention seeker. You don't need to apologize at all."

Someone else expressed: "I'm utterly baffled by your MIL's actions" Other users suggested that the woman tell the mother her behavior actually put off wedding guests.

The online community reacts to a woman whose mother-in-law changed into a sparkly white dress at her wedding | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer

The online community reacts to a woman whose mother-in-law changed into a sparkly white dress at her wedding | Photo: Reddit/OutdoorVenturer


Netizens also wanted to know why a bridesmaid didn't "accidentally" spill red wine over the mother's white dress. There was also a user who suggested that it was the husband's duty to address the issue.

They expressed: "Personally, I wouldn't want to be the one to confront her. This is your husband's responsibility to battle." Regardless of who speaks to the mother, netizens agreed that the dress drama needed to end.

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