
Mom Uses Her Poor Daughter in Wheelchair to Make Money, Soon the Greedy Woman Regrets It — Story of the Day

Sonali Bharadwaj
Sep 23, 2021
11:00 P.M.

I was fed up with my mother profiting off my illness to fulfill her desires, so I confronted her one day. Little did I know that day would disclose another dark secret my mother had kept concealed for so long.


"I'm not feeling good, mom. I don't have the strength to go anywhere," I tried explaining to my mother. It was a Sunday, and she was bent on going to a restaurant.

My mom glared at me. "No, Beth! You can't skip this because you know we can't afford it if you don't come. People always feel pity for you as you're in a wheelchair and they pay our bills. So you have to come!"

"But what about my health? I feel sick and tired all the time! I don't want to come!" I said firmly.

My mother made money off my illness to fulfill her desires | Photo: Shutterstock

My mother made money off my illness to fulfill her desires | Photo: Shutterstock

Suddenly, my mom's tone changed from being firm to sweet. "Oh, honey, why are you getting upset? You know how much I love you. After all, I've looked after you for so many years. Can't you agree to my request once?"


"But mom, I'm afraid I won't be able to..." I began speaking when she interrupted me.

"Wait, I'll get you a pill! You must have forgotten to take your medications today, that's why you're feeling sick."

Honestly, that wasn't the case. I felt sick all the time whether I took the medicines or not. But my mom didn't understand that. She simply used me as an object to fulfill her desires, and the same thing happened that day. She made me take some medicine, and we went to the restaurant.

I felt terrible each time she did that, but I didn't have any other choice than to agree with her. My mom had told me that my father abandoned her after my birth since I was born disabled. Since she was the only family I had, I couldn't leave her.

My mom forced me to accompany her to the restaurant | Photo: Unsplash

My mom forced me to accompany her to the restaurant | Photo: Unsplash


My mom enjoyed a hearty meal at the restaurant, but I felt sick to my stomach and couldn't take the scent of the food. When it came time to pay the bill, she feigned that she had left her wallet at home once more.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I guess I forgot the purse when I was getting my sick daughter ready," she told the waiter.

The waiter summoned the manager, but he let us go because he felt sad for me. "It's okay, ma'am. The bill's on us! Take care of your daughter."

My mom gave him a huge smile. "Thank you so much! It was really kind of you!"

I can't recall the last time she paid for something on her own dime. Even on the way home from the restaurant that day, she made a fuss on the road by yelling that I was unwell and needed to be hurried to the hospital.

A passer-by ordered a cab, and when it arrived, she pretended she didn't have any money and demanded that he pay for us.

All my mom cared about was money and her wishes | Photo: Pexels

All my mom cared about was money and her wishes | Photo: Pexels


Because my mom used my illness every time to make money and satisfy her needs, I began hating her. I recall seeing several things on our way home that day that made me realize how much I was missing in life. I noticed children playing in the park, chatting with their friends, and having a great time.

But as far as my memory could collect, the last time I was out in the parks like that was when my mother had decided to set up a fund in my name to raise thousands of dollars for her designer clothes and costly dinners with her friends.

After looking at those kids living a normal life, I began to dream about living like them too. I was tired of my life and how my mother took advantage of my illness every time, so one day, I confronted her.

"Do you know Beth, the mayor has decided to throw a charity ball in your honor tomorrow! Let's see how GENEROUS she is," she told me as we finished having breakfast.

I lost my cool when my mom tried to make money off my illness again through a charity ball | Photo: Pexels

I lost my cool when my mom tried to make money off my illness again through a charity ball | Photo: Pexels


I lost my cool. "How much longer do we have to live like this, mom? I'm tired of living such a life! I'm not interested in their money; all I want is to live a normal life."

Again, my mom started pretending she cared for me to convince me to come with her. "But honey, we've been doing this to raise money for your surgery, remember?"

I glared at her. "Oh really? So how come we haven't been able to save money for it? We received such huge donations last time. What happened to all the money?!"

"Stop arguing with me, Beth," my mother retorted. "Do you even know how much it costs me: your pills, your treatment? You ungrateful girl! Your father abandoned you, but I didn't!"

"I don't see a difference between you and him, mom!" I said. "He left me because he didn't want a disabled child, and you didn't leave me because you could mint money easily through me!"

My mom was giving me the wrong medication all this while | Photo: Pexels

My mom was giving me the wrong medication all this while | Photo: Pexels


"Enough, Beth! You're coming with me, and that's final!"

"But mom..." Before I could finish my sentence, the doorbell rang. I was furious after our argument, so I angrily left the breakfast table to answer the door. Little did I know that day, my life would be changed forever.

When I opened the door, I saw a delivery boy at the doorstep with a parcel. He informed me that my mother had placed an emergency order for our horse's medications. I was stunned because we never even had a sparrow as a pet, let alone a horse.

I instantly opened the package and was astounded to discover that the medicine my mother had been giving me was for ill horses! I hid the parcel from her, and when she asked who had come, I told her it was a neighbor asking if we could take care of her dog for a day.

That day, I realized I had to save myself. I agreed to accompany my mom to the charity ball and decided to expose her publicly. When I was invited to the stage for a speech, I knew it was the right time to unmask my greedy mother's intentions.

In the end, my mom got what she deserved | Photo: Pexels

In the end, my mom got what she deserved | Photo: Pexels


I showed the medicine to everyone and began my speech. "You guys see this, right? It's meant for sick horses! But my lovely mother has been giving it to me for years! No wonder I feel sick and terrible all the time."

"Well, my mom told me today to give an emotional speech so that she could again make money from my illness. I really hope you guys give her the reward she deserves because she's not only a terrible mother but also a sick human being!"

After my speech, two guards handcuffed my mother and took them with her. But that wasn't the end of my story. I was soon admitted and taken care of at a hospital. My health improved, and it was through the mayor's program that my dad learned about me and visited me one day.

It turned out he didn't dump our family. He had spent all these years trying to find me because my mom fled with me and had gone into hiding.

I am very happy now and doing extremely well in life | Photo: Pexels

I am very happy now and doing extremely well in life | Photo: Pexels


As I write this, I want to tell you that I am doing really well in life. I graduated last year, and I plan to start my own business soon. I haven't seen my mother in years, but I recently learned that she is still behind bars. I am glad she got what she deserved.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Sometimes greed blinds you to the extent that you lose sight of what you're giving up for your gain. The way Beth's mom took advantage of her daughter is a brilliant example of this.
  • You can't avoid karma. Beth's mother was eventually sentenced to prison for her evil acts.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us, maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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