Woman Confesses She Takes Her Sister's Baby without Asking and Urges Others to Do the Same
Mother-of-three Heather Delaney admitted that she does not wait for her sister to ask for help before taking care of her nephew. Instead, she takes the baby without asking for a few hours and allows her sister to do as she pleases.
Becoming a mom is undoubtedly a fulfilling feeling, and some would say, the best job in the world. However, it is also quite tiring, especially for mothers with infants.
Only fellow moms would understand the exhaustion of motherhood, which is why Heather Delaney urged others to help those with kids by offering to take care of them.

Heather Delaney holding her nephew in her arms. | Source: instagram.com/heatherdelaneyblog
In an Instagram post, Delaney shared about how she takes her little nephew before her sister even reaches out for help. She wrote:
“When I visit my sister and I get to hold my precious nephew [...], I tell her that I’m taking him to the bedroom, turning on my favourite show, and he is mine for the next hour (or two).”
Within those hours, Delaney acts like his mom and changes his diapers as needed, feeds him when he's hungry and changes his clothes when it's covered in drool.
Meanwhile, her sister can freely spend the time as she pleases, whether to do house chores, pamper herself, or watch documentaries. As a mom of three grown kids, Delaney knows the importance of having alone time when possible.
"I was witness to so many mothers around me who were tired, exhausted, depleted of energy (and of life)," she said. That is why she tries to lend a helping hand whenever she can.
Delaney added that she no longer waited for her sister to ask because it may never happen. At times, asking for help can come with shame or guilt for moms.
She further encouraged others to do the same instead of waiting for mothers to feel burnt out because although motherhood is fantastic, it does happen. She asked her followers:
“What about if we stepped in and helped the mothers before the exhaustion sets in?”

Screenshot of comments on Heather Delaney's Instagram post. | Source: Instagram/Heatherdelaneyblog
Delaney's post was met with several comments from women who applauded her. Many mothers shared their sentiments and appreciated other women who inspired moms to help each other out.
Others commended Delaney for being a sweet sister and an amazing aunt to her nephew. One user particularly said that Delaney's sister was lucky to have such a thoughtful sibling.
Although becoming a mom is one of the greatest gifts of life, some women do not see parenthood in their future, including celebrities Ellen DeGeneres and Dolly Parton.
Previously, DeGeneres revealed that motherhood was a commitment she was unsure of taking. Meanwhile, Parton believes that it was not her calling to become a mom. Nevertheless, both women love children and are close to those with kids.