‘She Hates My Cooking’: Man Kicked His Son’s Wife Out of His House
A father-in-law not only supported his jobless son but also cooked and cleaned to lessen the burden on his daughter-in-law's shoulders. However, the cold-hearted woman regularly complained about him. Having lost his cool, the furious father kicked her out.
Most people feel their parenting job is done when their children get married and realize it's time to let them go out into the world. However, some parents walk the extra mile and keep supporting their children even after they've grown up.
For some people, the perfect family only exists in the movies. Sometimes the in-laws don't get along with their child's partner, or there's an issue that keeps them from getting along. One father tried to put all of that aside and accepted his daughter-in-law simply because he trusted his son's judgment, but he later regretted it.

Son argues with his father | Photo: Amomama
We've heard plenty of stories where a daughter-in-law is continuously let down by her toxic mother-in-law. But in Redditor throwawaySonwife8484's household, it was just him, his 18-year-old son, and his young daughter-in-law. The family had their fair share of issues. Taking the issue to Reddit, the dad explained:
"My son got married super early (18), and I supported him but also expressed my grievances. Anyways his wife has always hated me for anything I do. I've tried to lead an olive branch, but she always rejects it."
Usually, it's the daughter-in-law's duty to take care of her family in every household. However, the Redditor did all the cooking and cleaning to make her feel less burdened. But his daughter-in-law still disliked everything he did, even his cooking.

Infuriated man argues with a young woman | Photo: Pexels
Having understanding in-laws is what most people want. When you marry into a family, you're absorbed into a new world of traditions. And it makes sense why you need to try to blend with the family. Redditor throwawaySonwife8484 was hurt as his son's wife treated him as though he never existed. In his post, he said:
"She complains about anything and everything I do. She hates my cooking...I don't know where this hostility was coming from, and if she doesn't at least try to get to know me, then she can leave. She proceeded to call me the [expletive] word, so I gave her 30 days to move out."
Though the situation was apparent and the son knew his wife was wrong, he blamed his father, telling him he'd been too harsh and resented her because she married him. The Original Poster (OP) asked the other users if he was unreasonable for kicking his son's wife out. Most people sided with the man and condemned his son for taking his wife's side.
In a similar incident, Reddit user Royal-Character2016 tried to put a roof over his son and his wife's head. He gave them the house he'd inherited from his grandmother, assuming they'd build a family together. To his dismay, their relationship turned sour, and his daughter-in-law tried kicking his son out of the house, which never belonged to her in the first place.
"So his plan, which I agreed with, is to give her two months after the divorce is final, then she has to move out," OP explained.
However, the Redditor's decision to kick his daughter-in-law and her kids out backfired when his daughter and a few from the family circle condemned him. He turned to the online forum to seek advice. Several users sided with the dad with comments like:
Some parents feel their children can do way better without their partners. In a related post, one mother wrote:
"Our son finished school but still has the same girlfriend, so the problem continues. I don't mind her. She's polite to me. But my husband still seriously dislikes her. The few times that she has been to our house with our son, I have felt caught in the middle because my husband hates having someone visit whom he doesn't respect."
According to expert opinion, parents who've done so much for their son all their life aren't usually prepared to go through that significant change, especially when he's marrying the girl he loves. At times, parents tend to express their dislike for their son's partner, and that is where things should end.

Frustrated elderly couple | Photo: Pexels
One of the best pieces of advice would be not to force your partner and your parents to spend time together. When you're aware that they're not getting along, being sensitive to that is vital. If you force your partner to get along with your parents or vice versa, they'd eventually resent you for it.
Parents not getting along with their children's partners isn't new. But when you're aware of it, it's advisable to take a step back and try to interpret why they're not getting along instead of forcing them into the relationship. Sometimes, you'd assume your parents are trying to force their decision on you and split you up from your girlfriend.
However, it's not the case because most parents love you and ultimately are concerned about your long-term happiness. They don't want to see you misguided, but at times, they do tend to become overly judgmental with your partner.

A happy family reunion | Photo: Pexels
But that doesn't change the fact that they love you and would blindly welcome your partner home like how Redditor throwawaySonwife8484 did. He walked out of his way to keep a roof over his son's family, but it wasn't his fault his daughter-in-law hated him.
Often, being appreciative of your parents might help them get over the emotional distress they face because of your partner. But before you discuss your girlfriend with your parents, you need to tell them how much you appreciate them. Try to avoid siding with your partner when you know she's wrong because it may fuel their feud.
Do you think Redditor throwawaySonwife8484 did the right thing? Even more, people have lent their support to the father who asked his daughter-in-law to evacuate his grandmother's house for the things she did and said to his son. Do you think even this dad is on the right? We'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!