
'Thank You for Ruining Our Night': Family Kicked Out of Restaurant Because of Their Kids

Rita Kumar
Oct 07, 2021
04:00 A.M.

A night out with friends goes incredibly wrong for a guy when a family with kids walks in and seats just two tables away. It took the kids five minutes to get into his nerves when he complained about the nuisance to an employee. The family was asked to leave, and the mother didn't take it lightly.


It would be a miracle to see kids behave their best in public places like restaurants. While some people enjoy the childish antics kids stage, not everyone embraces such a chaotic dining experience, especially when children yell or bawl at a near distance. Reddit user PhantomWolfZero's night out with friends was almost ruined when the manager saved his day by kicking out a family.

Think a night out with friends out of town. It would be an amazing gathering as you'd looked forward to it ever since you planned it. The first thing you'd want to do is dine somewhere peaceful and modest. That's what one guy thought when he entered an exclusive restaurant in the city, only to be vexed by a family inclusive of three naughty kids.

Man shouts at a family in a restaurant | Photo: Amomama

Man shouts at a family in a restaurant | Photo: Amomama



Small kids and their appropriate behavior in restaurants can be a rarity and a dividing topic for some parents. Whenever any news about "unruly" children and a ticked-off restaurant manager surfaces, most would say just one thing—never walk into an eatery where kids are seated. But Redditor PhantomWolfZero decided not to stay quiet over the family that ruined his night out.

"It took them all about 5 mins to really get on my nerves. I didn't want to cause a scene by confronting the parents directly, so I talked to an employee about getting a different table," he explained.

Unfortunately, the gang didn't get another table, and they had to put up with the noisy ambiance. He thought the staff would handle the situation, but to his dismay, the kids never stopped their antics, much to the frustration of the other guests.

Family dining together | Photo: Pexels

Family dining together | Photo: Pexels



Despite knowing their kids were causing a significant disturbance, the parents never calmed them down. The Redditor lost his cool when the two-year-old toddler left the booth and latched onto one of his friend's legs. The parent tried to grab the child, and the staff asked if everything was okay. But his reply stunned almost everyone seated there when he said:

"Does everything look okay to you? We are trying to enjoy a night out right now just like everyone else here, but unfortunately, none of us can do that with these children causing a commotion."

Though the parent holding the child tried to apologize, the family was eventually asked to leave. The mother, who almost burst into tears, thanked the Redditor for ruining their night, telling him that she hoped it was worth it, very much to his dismay and frustration.

Couple dining in a restaurant with their kid | Photo: Unsplash

Couple dining in a restaurant with their kid | Photo: Unsplash



A Quora user once posted a significant question seeking opinions if badly behaved kids should get kicked out of restaurants along with their parents. Lazerath Linkous, former busboy, and server at Denny's offered some advice based on his experience, saying:

"We rarely enforced this except when something impacted other patrons, and there were complaints or hygiene issues."

However, Linkous agreed that severe disruption of services by parents and kids needs to be addressed by either offering them a takeaway or asking them to leave outright. Some restaurants have implemented stringent policies owing to the bad behavior of patrons under 18. For instance, California-based Red Rooster Burgers and Grill takes the cake here.

Woman dining with a kid | Photo: Unsplash

Woman dining with a kid | Photo: Unsplash



The news made heads turn when Red Rooster Burgers and Grill owner Christina Azbill announced the new policy steered by misbehavior and eventually banned guests under 18 who visit the eatery without an adult.

"Minor children do not have the right to invade a business and take it over to eliminate their boredom, and parents don't have the right to expect us to watch their minor children while we are in the midst of running a restaurant," Azbill explained.

The response to the eatery's policy met with mixed opinions. While many people, mostly guests who frequent the restaurant, had a favorable response, others accused the owner of discrimination towards teenagers. However, Azbill stood her ground to keep her business growing without disruptions from unruly under-18 patrons.

Woman takes her kid along to a café | Photo: Unsplash

Woman takes her kid along to a café | Photo: Unsplash



In a now-deleted post, a Reddit user vented their frustration, starting with a reasonable yet straightforward caption that read: "Dear people who don't control your children in restaurants," requesting parents not to take their naughty children to eateries. In the same thread, another user shared how two kids almost ruined their dining experience:

"I went out to eat once and, on the table, next to me were two youngish children, maybe 6 and 7. They were absolutely terribly behaved."

People tend to bring their kids to an eatery and don't rectify their erratic behavior in most situations. Often, some parents don't reflect on how it can bother the other patrons in the restaurant. Even in casual restaurants, it may be pretty challenging to keep kids still for a long time.

Kids dining with their family | Photo: Unsplash

Kids dining with their family | Photo: Unsplash


You're enjoying a nice dinner with family, but the table next to you has loud kids, and you want them to stay quiet. What do you do? Rarely, the offended guest starts with a polite request. You're bombarded with dirty looks, and before you know it, guests from nearby tables join with the rolling eyes and supportive gesture, complaining about your misbehaving child.

However, reinforcing dining rules before taking kids out to restaurants, such as reminding them to be on their best behavior, might help. Even more, you needn't add an insult to the injury when you know your kid is at fault. For instance, if the outbursts and complaints won't stop, you need to calm the situation by taking your child along or apologizing to the offended patron.

If you were to deal with unruly kids in a restaurant, how would you do it? Will you confront the parent or silently get done with your meal and leave? We'd love to know how you would handle this situation! Thanks for reading!

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