
Man Grabbed His Gun and Went Downstairs after Hearing Someone Stumble in His House at Night

Rita Kumar
Oct 31, 2021
05:20 A.M.

A Redditor was horrified when he heard strange sounds emanating from his house during the wee hours of the night. He realized someone had broken into his house and grabbed his gun. The cops arrived later and were appalled by what they saw.


When Redditor G0D_W33N_SATAN’s wife returned home from work, she forgot the keys at the door. The family lived in a rural mountain community where it’s creepier after sunset. What seemed like a quiet night turned into an unforgettable nightmare for the family.

At around 2 a.m., the Original Poster (OP) felt thirsty. He walked down to the kitchen on the second floor from his bedroom on the third floor and began filling his glass up. Just then, his door cam chimed to alert a strange movement.

Someone breaks into OP's house | Photo: Amomama

Someone breaks into OP's house | Photo: Amomama

OP looked around to see what was happening. He thought the motion sensor was being sensitive to the fierce wind outside. He explained:

“As I finished filling my glass and began to go upstairs, I can hear the front door open and the wind outside.”


The family used the first floor as storage space. Things lay scattered, making it easy to detect even slight movement. OP stopped and listened to the weird sound again.

OP goes to the kitchen at 2 a.m. to drink water | Photo: Unsplash

OP goes to the kitchen at 2 a.m. to drink water | Photo: Unsplash

He could hear the door close. It sounded strange as they’d always lock it. OP sensed something awry and listened again. He added:

“There was a lot of junk on the 1st floor because, as I said, we use it for storage. I heard someone stumble over some stuff.”

He sprinted upstairs to his bedroom. His wife couldn’t read that baffled look on his face. OP told her to lock the room inside, stay with their two-year-old daughter, and call 911. He walked to his closet and reached out for his gun.

OP hears a strange sound emerging from the first floor | Photo: Unsplash

OP hears a strange sound emerging from the first floor | Photo: Unsplash

OP took out a Mossberg from his closet and silently crept downstairs. He halted and looked down the stairs that had a 90-degree turn midway. Though he couldn’t see the first floor directly, he could see a flashlight beam flash through.

The intruder begged OP not to shoot him. OP held him at gunpoint and asked him to walk outside.

He was unsure if the intruder heard him approaching downstairs. However, OP wasn’t wearing his shoes and quietly made his way down.

OP silently heads downstairs | Photo: Unsplash

OP silently heads downstairs | Photo: Unsplash


A few seconds later, he reached the first floor and turned towards the corner. He scanned the room through the flashlight on his shotgun. He explained:

“At this point, I heard a large crash from behind the storage space beneath the stairs.”

OP walked towards the sound and flashed the light onto the corner. He couldn’t believe his eyes. OP rounded the corner, pointing his shotgun at the target.

OP spots something awry at the corner | Photo: Unsplash

OP spots something awry at the corner | Photo: Unsplash

A skinny man, presumably in his 40s and in tattered clothing, was sitting atop a pile of boxes and Christmas decorations. OP had no clue who this man was. He added:

“His face was clean-shaven, and his eyes struck me because they were piercing blue and looked animal. He was startled to have a shotgun pointed at him.”


The man put his hands up and remained silent. OP didn’t a word either. The two stood there staring at each other for a few seconds.

He finds the intruder | Photo: Pexels

He finds the intruder | Photo: Pexels

The intruder begged OP not to shoot him. OP held him at gunpoint and asked him to walk outside. The stranger moved out of the storage space. OP was expecting the police to arrive. He explained:

“When he was out of the storage space I told him to get on the ground knowing the police were on their way. At this point he made a break for the door and took off into the night.”

OP claimed he’d never been in such a nightmarish situation. The cops showed up minutes later, but they never found the guy. They checked the footage and found OP’s wife leaving the keys at the front door.

OP's wife forgetfully leaves the keys on the main door | Photo: Unsplash

OP's wife forgetfully leaves the keys on the main door | Photo: Unsplash

After reading his post, several users appreciated OP for being so composed in such a frightful situation. User QuietCalmSteve’s comment read: “Smart move by holding your fire since he was moving away from you. Well done!!”

Some commented on the importance of double-checking the door at night. Redditor MythYtb praised OP and hoped he’d never face something similar.

If you enjoyed reading this story, then you’d like this one about how a thief breaks into a deputy collector’s house and leaves a note for the owner after his failed attempt.

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