
Little Girl Gets Lost After House Fire, Years Later Mom Sees Her Pendant on Poor Lady's Neck — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Nov 20, 2021
10:20 P.M.

Addison's face turned pale when she saw the pendant she'd made for her daughter—who had inexplicably vanished 15 years ago—on the neck of a cleaning lady. The woman decided to look into the matter further and discovered the whole truth.


Addison's morning wasn't a pleasant one. The woman awoke from a nightmare that had been haunting her for some time. In the dream, she saw a strange city and a slew of weird pedestrians, none of whom recognized her and passed her by despite her screaming and rushing around looking for a baby.

Her hair was soaked with sweat, and she felt a slight shiver. When she looked at the clock on the side table, she discovered it was only 4 a.m. It was obviously early to get ready for work, but sleeping again after the nightmare was out of the question. So she finally got out of bed and decided to shower.

Addison noticed her daughter's pendant on a cleaning lady's neck | Photo: Shutterstock

Addison noticed her daughter's pendant on a cleaning lady's neck | Photo: Shutterstock

The change in water temperature helped her distract herself a little. After that, she walked into the kitchen and started making coffee and sandwiches for herself.


"Oh, Fluffy!" She summoned her pet cat, who was circling the refrigerator frequently. "Are you having trouble sleeping as well? Do you think I should see a doctor right away? I keep getting nightmares, and I'm not sure how to stop them. It's been 15 years since that fateful day..."

Like most cats, Fluffy was just unbothered. She sipped the milk Addison had poured for her and walked back to her room quietly. Addison was now alone, unable to get over the nightmare, which brought back memories of her awful past.

15 years ago…

Addison was just 16 years old when she became pregnant. Her so-called partner abandoned her after refusing to take responsibility for the kid, but Addison opted to carry on with the pregnancy and raise her daughter Evelyn on her own.

However, when Evelyn was three years old, she mysteriously vanished during a fire at her grandmother Mrs. Stanley's house. It was established that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring.

Mrs. Stanley's house was destroyed in a fire | Photo: Unsplash

Mrs. Stanley's house was destroyed in a fire | Photo: Unsplash


Mrs. Stanley had gone to the market after putting Evelyn to bed, but the entire home was on fire when she returned. The fire brigade was dispatched to the scene where neighbors attempted to hold Mrs. Stanley as she tried to rush inside the house to save her poor granddaughter.

Surprisingly, the fire brigade arrived on time and quickly put out the fire. But the worst part was that Evelyn was nowhere to be found, not in the house nor among the others who had assembled nearby.

Addison had graduated that day and was looking forward to celebrating with her family, but her face became pale when she arrived at her mother's house. Mrs. Stanley was seated on a bench under the tree, crying uncontrollably, and the place was nothing like it had been before. "Mom! What happened?" Addison asked, rushing to her.

"It's all over, honey. I don't know how the house caught fire," Mrs. Stanley said between sobs. "And Evelyn … she is nowhere to be found."

A shock ran through Addison and she froze in horror. "Did you search everywhere? Where can a toddler disappear, mom?!"

"I asked everyone, honey, but no one has seen or knows anything. I went into the store for a while, and when I came back, I saw our neighbors, the Smiths, standing by the fence. They'd already called the firemen, who had saved the house, but I have no idea where that poor child is!"

Mrs. Stanley was devastated after her granddaughter disappeared | Photo: Pexels

Mrs. Stanley was devastated after her granddaughter disappeared | Photo: Pexels

Convinced that her daughter had been kidnapped, Addison dashed down the street, knocking on every neighbor's door and inquiring about her. But it was all for naught, and the child was nowhere to be found.

Still hopeful, she went to the police station and filed a missing person report. Officers searched for Evelyn for months, but she was never found.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Stanley's health began to deteriorate as she struggled to accept her failure to keep her granddaughter safe. Six months later, the woman went to her heavenly home, leaving Addison alone.

That was a difficult time for her, and after Mrs. Stanley died, everyone advised Addison to stop looking for her daughter and start over. But Addison was not ready to give up.


She went round and round with the chief investigator in Evelyn's case, making a slew of statements, but nothing came of it. Finally, she began working as a market seller to distribute leaflets about her daughter. Even then, there was no success, aside from some prank calls from local hooligans.

Addison tried everything, but Evelyn could not be found | Photo: Pexels

Addison tried everything, but Evelyn could not be found | Photo: Pexels

After losing both her mother and daughter, Addison developed an aversion to the city, so she sold her mother's house, including all of her mother's belongings, and relocated to another town, promising the investigator that she would find her daughter. But deep down, she had given up hopes.

Life in the new city was a welcome change from Addison's constant thoughts of the horrific past. She soon became a nursery teacher and began spending time with children. Thankfully, the work gradually began to help her and distract her from her sad thoughts.


The present day...

Addison left her house early, but she was at school until late because she needed to make some last-minute preparations for the upcoming Annual Day. She began preparing to leave once her work was completed. She met the head teacher, Mrs. Martin, who lived in the next doorway, in the corridor. They walked together towards the school's already deserted exit.

Suddenly, Addison's gaze was drawn to a young cleaning lady she had never seen before. The woman caught Addison looking at her and approached her to greet her. "Good morning, ma'am. I just joined today!" she exclaimed, a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Addison froze in shock at the sight of the young woman and collapsed to the ground.

"Get some water now!" Mrs. Martin ordered the cleaning lady, trying to stir up Addison. The young girl rushed to the kitchen, but Addison was awake when she returned with the water.

"Thank you, I'm fine," she told the head teacher, slowly trying to get up. Then she asked the young girl, "What's your name, dear?"

Addison saw a cleaning lady with her daughter's pendant | Photo: Shutterstock

Addison saw a cleaning lady with her daughter's pendant | Photo: Shutterstock


"Helen!" the girl said. "Are you okay, though?"

"Yes, I am," Addison replied, her gaze fixed on Helen's pendant. "By the way, would you mind telling me where you got that pendant?"

At this point, Mrs. Martin intervened. "Addison, let's get you to a doctor first." But Addison refused her.

"No, Mrs. Martin. I'm curious how Helen obtained the pendant because it's the same one I made for my daughter, who went missing 15 years ago under mysterious circumstances."

"What? Are you sure?" Mrs. Martin, stunned, inquired.

"I'm sure!" Addison stated emphatically. "So, Helen, tell me where you got it? Do you know where my daughter is?"

Helen was perplexed by Addison's inquiry. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but the pendant was given to me by my mother when I was a child."

Addison couldn't take her gaze away from the pendant | Photo: Pexels

Addison couldn't take her gaze away from the pendant | Photo: Pexels


"Stop lying!" Addison said, enraged. "I am sure it's you! Call your mom right now! I want to know where she found that pendant."

Terrified by Addison's rage and the serious expression on her face, Helen quickly dialed her mom. "Hi, mom! Could you please tell me where you got the pendant you gave me as a child?"

"Oh, honey. I bought it a long time ago. I don't remember. But why are you asking suddenly?"

"Nothing, mom, a friend wanted to know. That's all." Helen said and then hung up. "Happy? You know now that we have nothing to do with your daughter!"

"No, Helen!" Addison said, her eyes welling up. "I feel like you're my daughter. It's you, Evelyn!"

"Have you lost it?" Helen lashed out. "I think you probably need a doctor! You're crazy!"

"No, I'll prove it to you!" Addison said confidently. "Just trust me once! How about a DNA test?"

"And what if the results are negative? Then? You know what, why am I even bothering myself. You're nuts!" She said and prepared to leave, but Addison stopped her.

"I've been searching for my daughter for nearly 15 years! Please, I need your assistance!"


With Addison pleading like that, Helen finally agreed to her request. "Fine then, but if the results come out negative, you need to leave this school. I don't want to see you around."

Helen was Addison's daughter Evelyn | Photo: Pexels

Helen was Addison's daughter Evelyn | Photo: Pexels

A few days later, the results of the DNA test proved Helen was indeed Addison's daugher, Evelyn. Later, the investigator in charge of Evelyn's case several years ago arrived from another city, connected with his colleagues, and discovered that Evelyn was kidnapped by a woman who'd rented a small house not far from Mrs. Stanley's cottage house.

It turned out she liked Addison's ex-boyfriend and proposed to him, but he refused and stated that he still loved Addison. As a form of retaliation, she kidnapped Addison's child.


Helen moved in with her biological mother after the woman was arrested, hoping everything would work out in her life. "I'm sorry for being so rude to you, mom!" she apologized on their way back from the police station. "It may take some time, but I'll do everything I can to be a good daughter to you."

"You're already the best daughter I could've had, honey. I love you," Addison said as she hugged her daughter.

"I love you, too, mom!" Her daughter hugged her back as they walked happily home.

Addison and Evelyn reunited | Photo: Pexels

Addison and Evelyn reunited | Photo: Pexels

What can we learn from this story?

  • If you do wrong, you'll be punished for it. The woman who stole Evelyn was finally caught and punished for her actions.
  • There's a reason behind every one we meet. Addison met Helen because she was destined to reunite with her daughter.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a rich man who visited a huge grocery store in a homeless man's disguise to determine his heir.

This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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