A man battling stage 4 cancer used GPS to track down his wife's infidelity | Shutterstock
A man battling stage 4 cancer used GPS to track down his wife's infidelity | Shutterstock

Man with Stage 4 Cancer Suspected His Wife of Infidelity and Installed a GPS Tracker in Her Car

Rita Kumar
Dec 19, 2021
02:40 A.M.

A man battling stage 4 cancer was distressed after discovering his wife’s infidelity. He installed a GPS tracker in her car to track her down with her alleged boyfriend, and she was unaware of it.


A 63-year-old man was stuck between his stage 4 cancer and the shattering truth of his beloved’s infidelity, so he turned to social media for advice.

Redditor ReporterPrize3468 and his wife, 52, lived the best of their second marriage. They had a 13-year-old daughter together. There was no affliction in their paradise until the elderly husband noticed visible changes in his wife’s behavior.

The wife's frequent outings bred suspicions in her elderly husband's mind. | Photo: Shutterstock

The wife's frequent outings bred suspicions in her elderly husband's mind. | Photo: Shutterstock

The Original Poster (OP) hoped history wasn’t repeating itself. Twenty years ago, their relationship had just begun to bloom when he caught her cheating on him.

He let it go, assuming she was mere “monkey branching.” She was in her early 30s then, and he was in his 40s, so OP thought they had a long way together and considered it fair enough to forgive and forget.


But two decades later, OP was ready to go to any extent to prove her infidelity, and nothing could stop him this time.

Seeds of doubt implanted themselves in OP's mind concerning his wife's loyalty | Photo: Pexels

Seeds of doubt implanted themselves in OP's mind concerning his wife's loyalty | Photo: Pexels

Around three months ago, from the time he posted his story online, OP became suspicious due to the slight differences in his wife’s behavior. She abstained from spending more time with him and always came up with an excuse to visit her “friend.”

The doubts that brewed in his mind bubbled out of control. He wanted to confront her but needed solid evidence to prove what she’d been doing behind his back.

Unable to shake off the mess in his head, OP secretly installed a GPS tracker in his wife’s car. The more he waited for her to step out of their house, the more doubts sprawled in his mind.

OP installed a GPS tracker and spied on his wife's whereabouts | Photo: Unsplash

OP installed a GPS tracker and spied on his wife's whereabouts | Photo: Unsplash

Soon, he got a vague idea where she’d been going, so he initiated a mild conversation about her whereabouts outside the house. Deep inside, he wanted to believe her but couldn’t muster himself to do it.

Their conversation turned into an argument as her reasons were coated with deceit. OP was aware of her lies and decided to give her a little time to come out of her shell.

Another week elapsed, and the older man was nowhere near the truth. At this time, his wife went out twice and even stayed overnight at her alleged friend’s place. When things seemed to steer out of control, OP decided to confront her sternly and somehow make her admit the truth.

What started as a mild conversation turned into an argument | Photo: Pexels

What started as a mild conversation turned into an argument | Photo: Pexels


It was his final confrontation, and he sounded logical on his part. And after much digging, OP’s wife admitted her three-month-long relationship with another man, citing it was “only emotional.”

She never gave OP access to her phone, and the way she held on to her privacy made the red flags visible.

OP couldn’t pluck up the courage to confront her anymore. The painful truth placed an immense burden on him, and he wondered if his prostate cancer was to blame here.

OP was shattered and he wondered if his diagnosis was to blame here | Photo: Pexels

OP was shattered and he wondered if his diagnosis was to blame here | Photo: Pexels

OP was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, and the medication he took regularly rendered him impotent.

In general, an earlier prostate cancer diagnosis entails a successful treatment and helps men undergoing therapy. However, cancer detection at stage 4 has an average five-year survival rate of around 28 percent.


Though cancer itself isn’t a cause for impotence, therapies used to cure the condition can be the root cause of the problem.

OP was clamped between his wife’s newfound love interest and his battle for life. The betrayal hit him hard, and he thought social media would be of great help to navigate his distress. He was surprised at the responses he received.

OP thought his sexual well-being was hampered by regular medication | Photo: Pexels

OP thought his sexual well-being was hampered by regular medication | Photo: Pexels

Redditor Yourmama18 advised that OP owed it to his daughter to exhibit the true meaning of self-respect. The person put themself in OP’s shoes, stating:

“I have two daughters...and the thought of divorce with their mother is terrible. But if their mother cheated on me, I would not sweep it under the rug. I would file for divorce, and I would stand up for myself.”


“You’re right. I have lost all self-respect and am trying to reclaim it,” OP acknowledged.

Eventually, he and his wife went on counseling together, and she claimed she’d cut communication with her secret partner. However, she never gave OP access to her phone, and the way she held on to her privacy made the red flags visible.

OP is heartbroken, concluding his love for his wife had started to fade, though he was willing to live with her. He said he didn’t want a divorce as they’d have to sell their house, and he didn’t want his young daughter to be affected by their failing marriage.

OP didn't want his failing marriage to affect his daughter | Photo: Pexels

OP didn't want his failing marriage to affect his daughter | Photo: Pexels

Questions to Ponder:

Despite the heartbreak he suffered, OP claimed he was willing to live with his wife and won’t be filing for divorce. If you were in his shoes, how would you respond to your partner’s infidelity?


OP was willing to stay married to his wife because he didn’t want to harm their teen daughter’s future. Some people advised him that he deserved more than just forgiving his wife’s mistakes. If you were OP, would you sacrifice your own happiness for your daughter’s well-being too?

At one point, OP appeared to be justifying his wife’s infidelity by blaming it on the effects of his illness. Do you think the wife deserved to get a free pass for stepping out of their marriage due to this obstacle?

When OP found out about his wife’s infidelity, he thought the side-effects of his medication could’ve tampered with their marriage. This made him justify his wife’s extramarital affair. But was he right to excuse her because of his impotence? And if that’s his wife’s reason, does that mean she’s not to blame for cheating on her husband?

If you loved reading this story, then you’d like this one about how a man installed a hidden camera in the bathroom to catch his wife’s infidelity red-handedly.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Please share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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