
Woman Shares How Her Teacher's Hurtful Comment from 17 Years Ago Still Haunts Her

Brittany Chalmers
Jan 11, 2022
11:20 A.M.

A 28-year-old TikToker ended 2021 off by sharing a traumatic experience from her childhood. She revealed how comments about her weight affected her and encouraged others to change the narrative.


A video shared by Elyse Myers recently went viral. Users resonated with her candid account of fat-shaming that she experienced as a child. The words that were spoken over her as an 11-year-old stuck with her.

Now, Myers hopes to educate people about the power of their words and how they can break down and build up. She shared that many people, children, and adults alike, often make nasty comments without thinking twice.

A woman shares her story of fat-shaming and urged others to watch their words | Photo: tiktok.com/elysemyers

A woman shares her story of fat-shaming and urged others to watch their words | Photo: tiktok.com/elysemyers


Her impassioned monologue gained millions of views and thousands of comments. In the video, Myers expressed: "You'd be shocked at how determined [others] were at making sure that I knew that they knew that I was larger than other kids my age."


The TikToker then shared a personal story. She revealed how a male teacher named "Mr. C" commented on her hopes of joining the cheerleading team. He interrupted her and suggested alternative extramural activities.

Per Myers, the teacher said:

"I need to save you from yourself. You would be much better suited in color guard, marching band, or wrestling but not in a cheerleading outfit."



The teacher's words stung and deterred her from ever trying out for the cheer team. Looking back, Myers said that she was disgusted by his conduct.

The TikToker urged others to refrain from behaving similarly and added that people must look beyond appearances. She said:

"You have to be more careful with your words. We have to teach people how to speak kindly about themselves."



Fortunately, the TikToker was cast as a cheerleader in "Grease" and got an opportunity to live out her cheerleader dreams. Not everyone is so lucky. Her story prompted thousands to share their own experiences.

One commenter wrote: "My mom likes to say 'you've always struggled with your weight.' Have I? Or have you struggled with my weight, mom?" Another added: "Thanks for being brave ... grateful we can be each other's cheerleader."



People revealed that words spoken to them as kids stayed with them and confirmed that mindless comments could inflict long-lasting pain. One user expressed that a coach told her she had no "grace" when dancing.

This resulted in her struggling to get on the dancefloor many years later. Myers, who has a large online following, defended her video and the types of content she creates.



Myers said: "I think that what I have to say is important and, even if it isn't important, it's OK. I'm posting it because I love it." The TikToker believed in her message, and so did many others.

Her words revealed the lack of kindness and care in many circles. Users suggested that all teachers and pupils should be taught to refrain from commenting on weight as it is not their place to speak and potentially damage someone's self-worth.

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