Does Craig Malvin Have Children? See Pictures of the Winter Olympics Reporter's Biracial Kids
Craig Melvin and his wife, sports reporter Lindsay Czarniak are the proud parents of two adorable children. They have had some difficult conversations about race as their kids are biracial.
"Today" host Craig Melvin and Fox Sports reporter Lindsay Czarniak have been married for almost 11 years and have welcomed two adorable children, Delano and Sybil.
Czarniak is known for covering significant events such as NASCAR and the 2006 Winter Olympics. Before meeting Melvin, she covered the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. At the time, they were both working at WRC.
![Craig Melvin pictured at the Winter Olympics [Left] Delano kissing his younger sister, Sybil, on the cheek [Right] | Photo: instagram.com/craigmelvinnbc](https://cdn.amomama.com/01cbaeeb95fd5aae40a14894eefe12c8.jpg)
Craig Melvin pictured at the Winter Olympics [Left] Delano kissing his younger sister, Sybil, on the cheek [Right] | Photo: instagram.com/craigmelvinnbc
After returning to the US, she introduced herself to Melvin during a commercial break. After a few months of getting to know each other, Melvin realized he wanted to know Czarniak on a deeper level and asked her out.
The couple later fell in love and married in 2011. While talking to The Washington Post during the same month as her wedding, Czarniak explained what it was like meeting Melvin for the first time:
"That night when we met, there was something that clicked... It felt like being with the person that really gets you and that you've known for a really, really long time."
Later, in 2012, on March 10, Melvin and Czarniak became parents for the first time as they welcomed their oldest child, Delano Joseph Melvin. At the time, the excited parents both took to Twitter to share the news.
Two years later, in November 2016, Delano became a big brother as Czarniak and Melvine welcomed their youngest child, their daughter, Sybil "Sibby" Ann. Sybil got her name because the family referred to her as "Sibby," short for "sibling," while Czarniak was pregnant.
Sybil and Delano are biracial as Czarniak is white and Melvin is Black. Their race is not only a marker that they are a perfect mix of their gorgeous parents, as it has meant Melvin and Czarniak have needed to have a few challenging conversations.
Melvin once revealed that his son thought Sybil was white because her complexion is closer to their mother's skin tone than his and his father's. Czarniak said of the sitatuion:
"I replied, "Actually, you're both Black!" But then I realized Del was just pointing out what he saw with his own eyes, which is that Sibby's complexion is closer to mine."
Melvin explained that it was "complicated" because people will see them both as Black when they grow up. The couple explained to their children they are both white and Black, but more importantly, they are human beings.
As for conversations about racial inequality, which was highlighted in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter protests, Melvin said his children (seven and five) are too young for "those serious conversations." Still, one day, they will talk about it.
Since Delano and Sybil were born, both parents have been forthcoming with news and updates about their children online. They regularly share photos on Instagram and updates on-air during different "Today" segments and interviews.
Like all parents, a significant milestone Melvin and Czarniak were excited (or maybe not so excited) to celebrate was their children's first day of kindergarten and Pre-K.
In 2019, Delano experienced his first day of kindergarten. Melvin shared an adorable photo of his son online. While hosting "Today," he admitted he shed a few tears and even followed the school bus to make sure it arrived safely:
"I may have followed the school bus. Just to make sure he got there OK."
Fortunately for the loving father, it was a little easier when his youngest went off to her first day of Pre-K in September 2021. Melvin shared a few snaps of Sybil's first day, including a photo of Sybil posing in her school uniform.
Melvin also makes the opportunity to show off his children, especially for their birthdays. He has celebrated his children on his Instagram for most of their birthdays, including the most recent birthday, which was Sybil's fifth birthday.
However, instead of a birthday cake, balloons, and a few toys, the father of two (and the rest of the family) decided to celebrate Sybil's birthday by getting a very permanent accessory together.
Sybill wanted to get her ears pierced for her birthday, and just before she had it done, she asked her dad to get his ear pierced too. So Melvin, who has said he is not spontaneous, joined his daughter and got his ear pierced for her fifth birthday.
Melvin opted for an onyx stud in his left ear. Czarniak and Delona decided to get their ears pierced to make the festivities even more exciting. On Instagram, Melvin explained:
"Sybil, wanted her ears pierced for her 5th birthday. When we got there, she convinced us all to do it. A family that pierces together stays together. That’s the saying right???"
Besides making birthdays wonderful family experiences, Melvin has been a hands-on dad in many other ways, starting from when his two adorable children were born.
When Delano was born, Melvin put his professional responsibilities to the side to focus on raising a newborn baby with his wife. He learned how to change diapers, feed, and burp the baby and took over baby duty when Craziniak needed a time out.
However, when Sybil was born, his role changed slightly, and instead, he became focused on making sure Delona did not leave left out or like there was not enough love in the house for him.
Melvin made himself valuable by spending time with Delano, shuttling to and from his various activities, going on late-night runs to the grocery store, and doing the nap and night routines with Delano.
Having two children made him realize there would not be a division of love when the second arrived instead, like the family, it multiplied.
There is no doubt Crazniak and Melvin are incredibly loving and devoted parents to their two little ones. With them as parents, there is no telling where Delano and Sybil might find themselves in the future, but they will surely do great things like their parents.