
Man Adopts Younger Sister after Parents Die in an Accident, His Girlfriend Asks Him to Choose between Them

Salwa Nadeem
Mar 14, 2022
02:00 A.M.

After a man's parents passed away in a tragic car accident, he asked his 8-year-old sister to move in with him. He realized his girlfriend wasn't happy about it a few days later.


Although he had discussed everything with his girlfriend of nine years before asking his sister to move in, she still had an issue with it.

The man heard her reasons and felt helpless because he didn't want to leave either of them. He was stuck on a crossroad and had no idea where to go.

Man Adopts Sister After Parents Died | Source: Shutterstock

Man Adopts Sister After Parents Died | Source: Shutterstock

The man lived with his girlfriend while his sister lived with his parents. They were a close-knit family, and his girlfriend was also very fond of his parents and sister.

One day, OP's (Original Poster's) parents encountered a moose while driving through the forest. His father turned the wheel to save the moose but accidentally rammed the car into a tree.


Unfortunately, OP's parents died on the spot. He learned about the accident after a passerby reported the incident to the police the following day.

OP's parents encountered an accident involving a moose. | Source: Unsplash

OP's parents encountered an accident involving a moose. | Source: Unsplash

Naturally, OP's 8-year-old sister was terrified. Losing her parents at such a young age had taken a toll on her mental well-being. She had to live with her grandmother after the accident.

One day, after putting his sister to sleep, OP noticed his girlfriend wasn't happy about something.

Since OP's grandmother used to hit him as a child, he felt uncomfortable allowing his sister to stay with her. Moreover, she didn't want to adopt her, so the next option was OP.

OP's sister was living with her grandmother. | Source: Unsplash

OP's sister was living with her grandmother. | Source: Unsplash


He happily agreed to adopt his sister after discussing it with his girlfriend. She said she had no problem and allowed the girl to stay with them.

However, things took a different turn after OP's sister moved in. Since she was going through a challenging phase, she needed care and attention. OP had to take her for therapy twice a week.

One day, after putting his sister to sleep, OP noticed his girlfriend wasn't happy about something. He recalled:

"She said that we don't really have time for each other since my sister moved in."

She felt they didn't spend time with each other like they used to. | Source: Unsplash

She felt they didn't spend time with each other like they used to. | Source: Unsplash

Her words made sense to him because they were busy taking care of his sister and didn't get to spend time much with each other. However, he disagreed with his girlfriend when she told him to leave his sister with his uncle and aunt. He explained:


"My uncle isn't allowed to work because of a heart condition and because he didn't work long before being diagnosed, his disability fund isn't very big, my aunt works at a retirement home and that obviously doesn't pay great."

He also confessed that it had become challenging for him to manage his finances, but he would receive funds from the government if he legally adopted his sister.

OP wasn't ready to leave his sister with his uncle and aunt. | Source: Unsplash

OP wasn't ready to leave his sister with his uncle and aunt. | Source: Unsplash

However, OP's girlfriend told him she wasn't ready to become a mother, and he understood her concerns. He revealed how their daily routine had changed:

"Before, we'd get back from work and university and be off for the day, but now we have to pick my sister up from school, drive her to the therapist and also take care of her a lot when she's home, she doesn't like to be alone."


After thinking about it, OP told his girlfriend that he wasn't ready to leave his sister. Then she asked him the most difficult question: If you had to choose between your sister and me, who would you pick?

She asked him who he would pick between them. | Source: Unsplash

She asked him who he would pick between them. | Source: Unsplash

The couple got into a heated argument after OP refused to answer the question. He broke down and slept on the couch while his girlfriend slept on the bed.

He wrote a Reddit post the next day to ask other Redditors what he should do next and the internet flooded his post with comments. ottoneurseolo replied:

"Pick your sister. Your sister has no choice in this. Your girlfriend has a choice to stay or leave."

OP turned to the internet for advice. | Source: Unsplash

OP turned to the internet for advice. | Source: Unsplash

Meanwhile, another Reddit user suggested he reassure his girlfriend that she wasn't responsible for looking after his sister. OP read the comment and replied:

"I haven't even pushed any responsibilites on her, because I know she's very busy with university."

He shared that he only asked his girlfriend to connect with his sister and expected nothing more from her. After some time, OP updated his post to inform other Redditors what happened.

OP's girlfriend was busy with university. | Source: Unsplash

OP's girlfriend was busy with university. | Source: Unsplash


It seemed like things had started to get better after OP opened up his feelings to his girlfriend. She apologized to him for the other night and admitted she felt jealous. The sudden entry of his sister into his life made her feel left out.

The girlfriend also told OP that after discussing what happened between them to her friends, she understood that OP had to support his sister. She promised him she would try her best to connect with his sister and offered to help him look after her. The couple also agreed to go to therapy to sort things between them.

OP confessed that his girlfriend's behavior towards his sister had changed significantly since then.

OP and his girlfriend sorted out the misunderstanding between them. | Source: Unsplash

OP and his girlfriend sorted out the misunderstanding between them. | Source: Unsplash

Questions to Ponder:


Do you think OP's girlfriend was responsible for taking care of his sister?

After OP's girlfriend apologized, she said she would help him take care of his sister. However, other Redditors believed she wasn't responsible for it, so OP shouldn't ask her to look after the girl. Do you think he should let her take care of his sister, despite knowing it's not her job?

Do you think OP made the right choice by adopting his sister?

OP adopted his sister because he loved her, and no one else would look after her. His girlfriend insisted he should ask his uncle to look after her, but he refused. Do you think he made the right choice? Would it become challenging for him in the future?

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