
Woman Cheats on Man, Announces Pregnancy, and Begs to Keep the Child Later

Salwa Nadeem
Apr 12, 2022
08:40 A.M.

One day, a man got a call from an unknown number. After fourteen long years, he heard his father's voice from the other end. He hadn't seen him ever since his parents separated.


His father asked him to meet him at the local park, where they discussed what had happened during the past fourteen years. It seemed like his father had changed for the better, so he invited him to stay at his house.

A few days later, he witnessed something he could have never imagined. That moment made him realize he had made a mistake by inviting his father to his home.

Source: Shutterstock

Source: Shutterstock

The man chose to stay anonymous while opening up on Reddit because he suspected his wife would read the post and identify his username.

Before jumping to the main story, he shared that his father was a "good guy" until his grandmother passed away. Her death came as a shock to him, and he resorted to undesirable ways to battle his depression.


OP's (Original Poster's) mother couldn't stand her husband's changed habits, so she warned him to limit himself and get over his mother's death or else she would kick him out.

His father was grieving after his mother's death. | Source: Unsplash

His father was grieving after his mother's death. | Source: Unsplash

A month passed, and he didn't change his habits, so his wife ultimately had to kick him out. OP witnessed his mother locking his father out of the main gate.

They had their inside jokes that even the man didn't know about.

He felt bad for his father because he had lost two valuable relationships and a well-paying job. He tried contacting his father, but he never responded to his calls.

He felt bad for his father. | Source: Pexels

He felt bad for his father. | Source: Pexels


Fourteen years later, OP received a call from an unknown number. He heard a familiar manly voice from the other end telling him he was his father.

He asked him to meet him at the local park. OP agreed and went to the park the next day. He sat on the bench with his father and discussed what had happened during the past decade.

"I got some closure, and I felt that feeling I had with him before his mother died," OP recalled. He shared that his father had moved to another country and worked there for many years before returning. He didn't want his wife and son to think he was the same person they left fourteen years ago.

His father had moved to another country and was working there. | Source: Unsplash

His father had moved to another country and was working there. | Source: Unsplash

OP's mother was at her sick mother's place in another town, so she couldn't come to meet him. Since he had no other place to live, OP offered him his house out of kindness, and he agreed.


When he brought his father into his house, his wife objected. However, she agreed when OP's father told her that he would pay for the utilities.

At first, OP's wife and father didn't have the best relationship, but they later became friends like they had known each other for ages. They had their inside jokes that even OP didn't know about.

His wife didn't want his father to move in with them. | Source: Unsplash

His wife didn't want his father to move in with them. | Source: Unsplash

Soon, OP also noticed that his wife had become distant from him. She had started making excuses when he asked her to get intimate with him.

He didn't think much about it until he came home from work unannounced one day. He couldn't believe his eyes when he walked into the house and caught his wife cheating on him with his father.


Feeling sick, he turned around and left the house. He drove to his friend Michael's place and took a week off from work. He needed some time to understand what had happened.

His wife had distanced herself from him. | Source: Unsplash

His wife had distanced herself from him. | Source: Unsplash

"It was over there where I cried my eyes out. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest," the man explained.

After crying and sharing his feelings with Michael, he cooled down and headed home to find out more about his wife and father's relationship.

When he stepped inside his house, he noticed his wife had been crying for some time. After a few seconds, his father emerged from the basement and told him about the affair.

OP couldn't believe what happened. | Source: Unsplash

OP couldn't believe what happened. | Source: Unsplash


He said the affair started a few months back and made excuses about how he fell for his wife. Meanwhile, his wife was silently sobbing while apologizing to him.

After explaining the affair, OP's father and wife told him something he wasn't expecting. They revealed his wife was pregnant with their son.

The man could feel his face flushing red. He was furious. He wanted to yell, but he remained calm and listened to them.

OP learned his wife was pregnant. | Source: Pexels

OP learned his wife was pregnant. | Source: Pexels

His wife said she didn't want to abort the child and asked him if he would help her raise the kid. The man was amazed at her audacity to ask that question and immediately refused. He told her he was going to divorce her soon.


After hearing his refusal, his father asked him to take care of the child for the sake of their relationship. The man stared at his father and told him to leave him alone.

"It hurts so bad because the woman I loved more than life cheated on me with my dad, who I just reconnected with," he confessed in his Reddit post before asking others for advice.

He was heartbroken after learning his wife was pregnant with his father's child. | Source: Unsplash

He was heartbroken after learning his wife was pregnant with his father's child. | Source: Unsplash

"You need to divorce her ASAP, find a lawyer, make him aware of everything," Redditor Rainlein replied. She suggested the man not provide for his wife during the pregnancy.

She also said the law might consider him the father if the child is born during their marriage. She urged him to kick her out and divorce her as soon as possible.


"Have your loser dad raise the child and disappoint another woman and kid in his life," locomoco210 stated. The Redditor asked OP to cut ties with his wife and father.

Most Redditors asked OP to hire a lawyer and prepare for divorce. They thought he would be better off without his wife.

He wrote a Reddit post to seek advice. | Source: Unsplash

He wrote a Reddit post to seek advice. | Source: Unsplash

Questions to Ponder:

Do you think the man should have acted when he noticed the initial red flags?

The man confessed that his wife refused to get intimate with him, but he didn't think about it. He could have discovered their affair earlier if he had paid attention to the initial red flags. What do you think?


If you were OP, how would you handle the situation?

OP was clear about divorcing his wife and having nothing to do with the child after learning of the betrayal. If you were OP, would you forgive your wife and consider raising the child as your own or would you leave and never turn back?

If you liked this story, you might also like this one about a man who kicked his wife out on her birthday after he came home from work early.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might inspire & change someone's life. If you'd like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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