Flickr / Mario A. P.
Flickr / Mario A. P.

Man Snooped into Wife’s Phone, Found Nothing, and Installed Hidden Cameras around the House

Salwa Nadeem
Apr 14, 2022
06:40 A.M.

After a man confronted his wife and heard her response, he decided to place hidden cameras in his house. He stayed at his friend's place for two days before returning home and checking the footage.


Redditor KeyNebula8048 wrote a detailed post sharing what he saw in the camera footage. He checked it when his wife was not at home.

Watching it made him realize what his wife felt about him. He even told his 14-year-old about what he saw in it and regretted it later.

Source: Flickr / Mario A. P.

Source: Flickr / Mario A. P.

The man met his wife when he was 20 years old. She had a 3-year-old son when she met him for the first time, but he didn't mind and cared for him like his own son when they started dating.

Five years later, they tied the knot and decided to spend the rest of their lives together. The man considered her son as his child.

Everything was going well until the man sensed something was wrong. Six years into their marriage, the man suspected his wife had cheated on him.

He married his wife five years after dating her. | Source: Unsplash

He married his wife five years after dating her. | Source: Unsplash

He first confronted her, but she said she would never cheat on him, but her reply just fueled his suspicions and made him dig deeper.

Upon looking closely, he identified the man.

While she was away, he picked up her phone and scrolled through her chats but didn't find anything suspicious. Then he opened her photo album and skimmed through the pictures to see if she had photos with another man, but she didn't.

He checked her phone but couldn't find anything. | Source: Unsplash

He checked her phone but couldn't find anything. | Source: Unsplash


He couldn't find any solid evidence against her, but he had a gut feeling that she was cheating on him. He decided to buy hidden cameras and install them in every corner of the house.

Once he had set up all the cameras, he packed a few clothes and drove to his friend's place to spend the weekend there. He had set up a trap for his wife by leaving the house to her.

After the weekend, he went back to his house and checked the footage in his wife's absence. He was horrified to see that she had invited another man and got intimate with him.

He went to his house after his wife left. | Source: Unsplash

He went to his house after his wife left. | Source: Unsplash

Upon looking closely, he identified the man. It was his wife's co-worker, Theodor. He had met him several times and also knew his wife.


OP (Original Poster) confessed he was a calm guy, and it took him time to get angry. It seemed like he wasn't the same person after watching the footage.

Feeling blood rushing through his veins, he punched his bedroom walls and broke the door by kicking it hard. The door fell on the glass table in the living room and broke it.

He was furious after watching the footage. | Source: Unsplash

He was furious after watching the footage. | Source: Unsplash

He yelled and screamed while a hundred questions popped up in his mind. He had never expected his dear wife to cheat on him with another man.

After cooling down, he picked up his suitcase and packed his clothes. He decided to leave the house because he didn't want to live with his wife anymore.


While packing his laptop, he sent the hidden camera footage to Theodor's wife. "Your husband is cheating with my wife," he messaged her.

He sent the footage to Theodor's wife. | Source: Pexels

He sent the footage to Theodor's wife. | Source: Pexels

He headed towards the main door with his laptop bag on his back and his suitcase in his hand. On his way, he met his son and told him that he was leaving because he caught his mother cheating on him.

"I really regret telling him he shouldn't be burdened with that, but I wasn't really myself at the time, and it just came out of me," the man confessed.

He found a decent place to stay for some time and worked from there tirelessly, keeping himself busy, so he didn't have the time to think about why his wife cheated on him.

He left the house with his belongings. | Source: Unsplash

He left the house with his belongings. | Source: Unsplash

Meanwhile, his son called him and asked him questions. He told the boy that he would soon divorce his mother because he couldn't live with her anymore.

On the other hand, his wife kept messaging him, but he didn't respond. He was afraid that he might say something irrational to her.

"I'm afraid that if I talk to her or see her again, I will lose it and do something I can't take back," he stated. He also wanted to continue his relationship with his son but didn't know how to go about it.

He kept himself busy with work. | Source: Unsplash

He kept himself busy with work. | Source: Unsplash


He opened up on Reddit, thinking it might make him feel better, and Redditor sicrm suggested he hire a lawyer and develop a plan to face her in court.

The Redditor advised him not to let his wife know that he wanted to continue his relationship with the boy because she might use it against him. "I am not too hopeful about that. She will probably use him against me," he agreed.

Another Redditor asked him what his wife wrote in the text messages. "It's all over the place, from I am sorry - it only happened once - please come home to it's actually your fault," he revealed.

His wife sent him many messages. | Source: Unsplash

His wife sent him many messages. | Source: Unsplash

Meanwhile, Redditor FunN420 felt it was a bad idea to go near his wife while he was angry. He asked OP to wait until his anger cooled down and thought he should respond to her in writing instead of calling or meeting her. The Redditor also suggested recording their conversation and saving screenshots of her messages.


Most Redditors assured the man he wasn't at fault and asked him not to blame himself for what his wife did. They recommended parting ways with her as soon as possible.

He wanted to reunite with his stepson. | Source: Unsplash

He wanted to reunite with his stepson. | Source: Unsplash

Questions to Ponder:

Do you think it's wise for the man to keep his relationship with his stepson?

Many advised OP to be wary of his relationship with his stepson because his wife may use it to manipulate him. This may also be the string that would keep him connected to his wife and prevent him from moving forward. Would you advise the man to keep his distance from his stepson too?

Do you think OP should meet his wife and listen to her explanation?


OP chose to distance himself from his wife immediately after learning of her infidelity. He refused to message her or respond to her calls. Do you think he should give his wife a chance to explain her side?

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like this one about a man who bought a hidden camera to spy on his roommate but caught his girlfriend interacting with strangers instead.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? Maybe it'll change someone's life. If you'd like to share your story, please mail it to info@amomama.com.

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