Man Hears His Wife Scream from Their Bathroom at Night, Sees Her Holding a Newborn in Her Arms
Jason and his wife, Dimitty Bonnet, shared two beautiful children. They had stopped trying for a larger family until one day; they got the shock of their lives.
Having children is often a beautiful experience. Many couples worldwide plan to have a specific number of children, and once they have them, they stop trying for more.
But for Dimitty and her husband, Jason Timmins, nature surprised them even after they had decided to stop trying for any more babies.
Twenty-eight-year-old admin manager, Dimitty, and her husband Jason, a 42-year-old signwriter, had two beautiful children, Nate and Darci.
The couple soon decided that their family was complete, and they were happy to raise their children together.
2022 started on a not-so-exciting note for Dimitty. She suffered an injury from playing rugby and had to have an X-ray before beginning the healing process. It revealed nothing out of the ordinary.
Dimitty soon started to put on a little bit of weight but wasn't bothered by it. "My weight has fluctuated my whole life, so I didn't think anything of it when I put on a few pounds," she said.
A few weeks after the X-ray, Dimitty decided to take a pregnancy test, and it came out negative. The result wasn't a surprise because she was regularly getting her period.
However, a month after taking the pregnancy test, her stomach felt uncomfortable. So, she put both her children to bed and went to sleep early. Dimitty woke up around 1 a.m. and was in quite a bit of pain. She said:
"It was like I really needed the toilet, but I wasn't able to go. The pain started to get worse, so I decided to have a shower to make myself feel better.”
Her husband had also fallen asleep, so she decided to keep the light off while taking a shower not to wake him. On February 26, 2022, Dimitty suddenly felt the urge to push. The next thing she knew, she was holding a baby's head.
She felt shocked and confused but managed to sit down on the floor in the dark. She pushed a few more times, and within a few minutes, she held a baby boy in her arms.
Dimitty called for her husband, who quickly walked into the bathroom and switched on the light. He was shocked to find his wife cradling a newborn baby. Panicked, Jason called for the ambulance, which arrived around 15 minutes later. The paramedics helped Dimitty deliver the placenta.
After ensuring that Dimitty and the baby were okay, the paramedics took the family to Campbelltown Hospital in New South Wales, where Dimitty remained for 24 hours to monitor her and her baby's health.
The couple named their surprise baby Harvey Eric Berry Timmins, and he weighed 6lb and 8oz. Dimitty and Jason named their son after Jason's grandfather, which felt special.
While in the hospital, Dimitty and Jason facetimed their two children to tell them about the surprise. Dimitty reflected:
"It was such a huge shock that the first few days are a bit of a blur."
The older children were very excited when they found out, especially Darci, who had always wanted to be a big sister. The couple's family and friends were also very supportive. They came together to make sure that they had a stroller, clothes, nappies, and a bed for Harvey.
Surprisingly, Dimitty and Jason threw away all their old baby stuff a month before. Little did they know that they would need it! "He's such an amazing baby, and we feel so lucky to have him join the family, even if it was quite a shock at first," Dimitty said.
Even though Harvey was a surprising addition to the family, everyone around him was delighted that he was born. Their story teaches us that life can surprise us in incredible ways.