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Boy Takes 2 Years to Raise $830 for Bicycle, Gifts Entire Amount to Old Lady He Just Met — Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Jun 28, 2022
05:30 P.M.

A little boy spent two years saving money to buy his dream bicycle. He thought money could buy anything in the world. One day, he met an old lady who made him realize that there was something more precious than wealth.


Third-grader Tommy Wilkinson, 7, never got the best things to play with. His father sold old, used cars while his mother taught in a local nursery school. The boy's parents worked very hard for a living, so they wanted him to learn the value of money at a very young age.

But Tommy's childish desires got the best of him. He envied his best friend Eric over the expensive gifts his parents gave him. Eric recently got a costly bicycle, much to Tommy's frustration.

Tommy had long dreamed of having one like that, and whenever he looked at his old bike, he was upset. It was too small and worn out for him. His parents refused to get him a new bike because they didn't want to waste money on something Tommy already had.

One day, the boy gathered the courage to demand the bicycle. But things turned sour when he threatened his parents that he wouldn't eat until they agreed...

Tommy wanted a new bicycle but his parents refused to get him one. | Source: Pixabay

Tommy wanted a new bicycle but his parents refused to get him one. | Source: Pixabay


Tommy's dad, Peter Wilkinson, refused to buy him the expensive bicycle despite Tommy's pleas. But he made a suggestion that piqued Tommy's interest. "You can get the bicycle if you save up for it," Peter said.

"But are you sure you want to sacrifice your money? It will take you another two years to save money if you want your bike?"

Determination sparked in Tommy. He decided to set aside money from his allowance every day to raise the amount he needed to purchase his dream bike. He needed around $600 for the cycle and biking gear.

Every day, the little boy made sure he placed some money into his savings. He hardly spent a dime from his allowance in order to save up. He kept a piggy bank, where he would drop every coin he saved.

Tommy kept all his daily savings in a piggy bank. | Source: Pixabay

Tommy kept all his daily savings in a piggy bank. | Source: Pixabay


Meanwhile, Tommy often felt jealous of his friends' expensive gifts on their birthdays. His best friend Eric had gotten an upgraded bicycle, better than the expensive one he had, on his 9th birthday. It irked Tommy because he was still saving money to get his dream bike.

On his 9th birthday, Tommy got a new crayon set from his parents, but he was not pleased and focused hard on the day he would break his piggy bank and count the cash he'd saved.

The day finally arrived two months after he turned 9.

"Finally, I can get my bike!" Tommy exclaimed as he dropped the piggy bank to the floor.

The ceramic figure shattered into several pieces, giving the excited boy a glimpse of his fortune.

Two years later, Tommy reaped the fruits of his hard-earned savings. | Source: Pexels

Two years later, Tommy reaped the fruits of his hard-earned savings. | Source: Pexels


"$828...$829....and $830!" the boy joyfully shouted as he counted the last bit of money from his piggy bank. Tommy was surprised as he had saved more than the $600 he was aiming for! He put the money in his cupboard and sat back, thinking about how soon he would be riding his dream bicycle.

Tommy asked his dad to do a lot of internet searches and checked in stores for the bike, but he was displeased. The one he wanted was a trail rider bike costing around $539 and it was out of stock.

"It should be restocked in a week, son!" a seller assured Tommy at the store. "Please visit back next week!" The boy was thrilled because he was just a week away from having his dream bike.

That evening, an excited Tommy accompanied his dad to the supermarket to buy some groceries. He was waiting with him in the queue at the checkout when he noticed an old woman with a little girl in a wheelchair.

Nothing seemed off until they exited the store. Tommy got into his car and saw the old lady drop her groceries on the road. She looked helpless, and since she was holding the little girl's wheelchair, she couldn't pick them up.

Tommy felt bad for an old lady pushing a wheelchair while carrying her bags. | Source: Pixabay

Tommy felt bad for an old lady pushing a wheelchair while carrying her bags. | Source: Pixabay


Tommy found the situation alarming. Vehicles were speeding past the woman and her granddaughter. He rushed out of his car and approached the woman to help.

"Hey, let me help you...Where is your car?" he asked the woman whose name was Barbara.

The woman told him that they lived across the street and didn't have a car. Tommy felt bad because she had a hefty load of things to carry. She also had to push the wheelchair at the same time.

"I'll help you...I'll carry them for you," he said.

Peter watched this from his car and smiled. He felt proud of Tommy and left because their house wasn't far from there.

On the way, the woman's granddaughter, Chloe, started to cry. Tommy was baffled, and when he asked her why, she revealed a crushing truth that made him realize that money wasn't everything.

Tommy rushed to lend a helping hand to the old woman. | Source: Pexels

Tommy rushed to lend a helping hand to the old woman. | Source: Pexels


"If it hadn't been for my wheelchair and surgery, we would still have my grandpa's car," Chloe sobbed. "Granny sold it, and we have to suffer now."

The boy looked at Barbara in dismay. "Why did you sell your car when it could've been really helpful now?" he asked her.

The woman became teary-eyed and said she didn't have money for Chloe's surgery.

"She injured her leg in a car crash. Her parents died in it, but I'm glad she survived...She's the only one I have...That old car was not that important to me."

Barbara had sold the car and paid for Chloe's surgery and wheelchair with her money. Her words moved Tommy. He realized that money was nothing compared to love and harmony.

The boy looked at his legs and felt grateful. After arriving at Barbara's house and helping out with her bags, he proposed a shocking offer to her.

"I'll get you a car!" he shouted in joy. "Not a new one, though, but my dad sells used cars and I will get you one!"

Barbara had sold her late husband's car to pay for Chloe's surgery & wheelchair. | Source: Unsplash

Barbara had sold her late husband's car to pay for Chloe's surgery & wheelchair. | Source: Unsplash


Tommy's offer stunned Barbara. "But I don't have enough money to buy it, and I don't think I can afford one with my pension," she said.

"Don't worry...I'll talk to my dad, and he will get you one. I promise!" He immediately rushed home to talk to his dad about it.

"Well, I don't think there's an option if she has no money to buy a car," Peter said. Tommy felt disheartened because he had promised Barbara he would get her a car.

Then Peter came up with an alternate suggestion. "Maybe she can get one on a monthly installment."

Tommy was relieved but had no idea what his dad meant. "But what's that, and how is it done?"

After Peter explained it to him, Tommy offered to give all his savings to pay for Barbara's first two installments. His dad was shocked by his son's sudden lack of interest in buying his dream bike with the money.

"But are you sure you want to sacrifice your money? It will take you another two years to save money if you want your bike?" Peter told his son.

Tommy wanted to get Barbara a car. | Source: Pexels

Tommy wanted to get Barbara a car. | Source: Pexels


But Tommy was determined to help Barbara. "I want to help her..." Tommy said and gave all his savings to his dad. "She needs a car more than I need a bike, dad."

Peter was moved by his son's kindness and agreed. Soon, he helped Barbara with a used car worth $2,000. He also relaxed the installment options so she could afford it for the next two months and still have enough money to run her household.

"I'm so proud of you, Tommy!" Peter exclaimed.

Tommy was delighted, and he stopped wishing for something expensive again. But several months later, his good deed returned in pleasant colors.

Tommy sacrificed his desire to get a new bike to help Barbara buy a car. | Source: Pexels

Tommy sacrificed his desire to get a new bike to help Barbara buy a car. | Source: Pexels

"I don't believe this!" Tommy shouted joyfully. "Is this real?"


It turned out that Barbara and Chloe had set up a GoFundMe page for Tommy, raising around $2,000 for him. Eventually, Barbara reached out to the boy's parents with the good news and a check for the same amount.

In the end, Tommy got back more than a pleasant surprise for helping someone in need. He felt grateful for the good health and love he was blessed with. He realized that the goodness around him was priceless and that money was nothing compared to it.

In the end, Tommy's good deed rewarded him. | Source: Pexels

In the end, Tommy's good deed rewarded him. | Source: Pexels

What can we learn from this story?

  • Money cannot buy everything. There are things more precious than it. After realizing that Barbara had sold her late husband's car to pay for her granddaughter's surgery and wheelchair, Tommy realized that love is the most precious thing in the world. For so long, he believed that money was important, but his chance encounter with Barbara and Chloe changed his opinion.
  • Be grateful for what you have and do not complain. When Tommy saw Chloe in the wheelchair, he looked at his legs and felt thankful for being able to walk. He also felt sorry for those like Chloe. From that day on, Tommy stopped complaining about the things he did not have. Instead, he appreciated the good things around him.

Click here to read about how a widow's son who spent all her savings thoughtlessly later learned that she needed an expensive operation.

This story is inspired by the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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