Grandma Insists Taking Her Grandchild for a Walk – Daughter-In-Law Kicks Her Out of House Instead
When a mom of four decided to nap while her baby slept, she didn't expect to wake up to the noise of people arguing in her house. After knowing the reason behind the commotion, she decided to kick her mother-in-law out of the house.
As a mother, a woman wants the best for her child. She does everything she can to protect her baby from danger, but some people around the mother get offended because they perceive her actions differently. They fail to look at the situation from the mother's perspective, which stirs up unwanted misunderstandings.
A woman on Reddit posted under the "JUSTNOMIL" sub, explaining why she had to kick her mother-in-law out of the house in her husband's presence. It all started when the child's grandmother decided to take the baby out for a walk.

Woman holding a newborn baby. | Source: Unsplash
In 2020, Redditor CoffeeAddictedMom gave birth to her fourth child. After she had her child, her husband took leave from his workplace and stayed home to help her look after the baby and their other children.
Her husband went to work one day because of an urgent call, so her mother came to help her. After she put her newborn baby to sleep, the mom of four got into her bed to take a quick nap. She was exhausted after taking care of her kids and doing house chores.

A sleeping baby. | Source: Unsplash
A few minutes later, she suddenly woke up to some noise from downstairs. Worried, she got out of bed and quickly went out of her bedroom to see what had happened. She recalled:
"I woke up to yelling an hour later, went downstairs, and my husband has had to grab the baby out of MIL's arms."

A woman sleeping on the bed. | Source: Unsplash
When the woman came downstairs, she discovered her husband had returned home, and her mother-in-law had also come over to visit them. However, seeing the stroller beside the main door and her baby in her husband's arms worried her.
Before she slept, she knew her baby was sleeping in the bedroom. She learned that her mother-in-law quietly came upstairs and took the baby from the crib. Her mother-in-law knew the stroller was beside the front door, so she could quickly go for a walk with her grandchild. OP (Original Poster) recounted:
"My mom caught as she tried to leave and started arguing with her, which is when MIL decided to start yelling about going out for a simple walk."

Person sitting beside a baby in a crib. | Source: Unsplash
While OP's mother and grandmother were arguing, her husband returned from work and immediately tried taking his child from his mother's hands, who started screaming at him, telling him not to take the baby from her.
The commotion made OP suddenly wake up. She wasn't happy after learning what had happened. She immediately instructed her husband to take the baby to the bathroom and kicked her mother-in-law out of the house. The worried mother recalled:
"Later on she [MIL] called me and pretty much played dumb and asked me why I kicked her out."

Old woman's hand with a baby's hand. | Source: Unsplash
OP kicked her mother-in-law out because she wanted to protect her baby. Amidst the pandemic, she wanted her newborn to stay safe from COVID-19, so she didn't like it when people grabbed her child, especially without wearing a mask.
OP revealed that she had shown her baby to her mother-in-law from a distance earlier. She had also requested she not get too close to the baby due to health concerns.
When OP came downstairs that day, she was furious because her mother-in-law was not wearing a mask and wasn't giving the baby to OP's husband. Worried about her baby, the mother immediately instructed her husband to wash the baby before she kicked her mother-in-law out.

An elderly woman. | Source: Unsplash
After OP's mother-in-law left, she called and asked why she had kicked her out. Her mother-in-law demanded she let her speak to her son, but OP refused and hung up.
OP and her husband later decided to file a report against her mother-in-law for taking their baby without permission. When they returned home after pressing charges, they were greeted by many family and friends on their doorstep.
The friends and family members listened to OP's side of the story before passing any judgments. While most people were on her side, some of her mother-in-law's friends thought OP was at fault.

Mother holding her baby. | Source: Unsplash
When the woman posted her story on Reddit, other users shared their opinions in the comments section. Redditor thatweird_gurl agreed with the OP about pressing charges and felt sorry for what had happened. Meanwhile, Reddit user christmasshopper0109 said:
"I wouldn't be letting that one back in my house ever again."

User comments on CoffeeAddictedMom's Reddit post. | Source: Reddit.com/CoffeeAddictedMom
Redditor supershinythings said OP should press charges against her mother-in-law for attempted kidnapping. She also said OP should get a restraining order, so her mother-in-law doesn't come near her baby again. The user added:
"Sneaking in and kidnapping children while the mother is asleep is not a valid grandparent right."
After learning what had happened at OP's house, Redditor Suelswalker suggested she install cameras in her residence and change the locks. The user added that OP must install cameras that notify her whenever there is a movement inside the house.

Close-up of a baby. | Source: Unsplash
Do you think it was okay for OP's grandmother to take her baby away while she was asleep? What would you do if you were in OP's shoes?
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Click here to read another story about a woman banning her mother-in-law from caring for her child after watching the baby monitor footage.