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Mom Offers Son’s Nurse Fiancée $10K to Break up with Him – She Takes the Money & Marries Him Anyway

Brittany Chalmers
Jul 22, 2022
04:40 P.M.

Family drama is inevitable, and when parents meet their child's future spouse, things don't always go as expected. One woman did everything she could to get rid of her future daughter-in-law. However, her plans backfired.


Countless movies and books document the infamous relationship between a mother and her son's future wife. While many girls receive a warm welcome from their soon-to-be extended family, this isn't always the case.

Mothers form close bonds with their kids, and it isn't easy to let go and allow them to start a family of their own. Read this story about a woman who gave being a "monster-in-law" new meaning.

Woman at a wedding. | Source: Flickr/CB Cousins

Woman at a wedding. | Source: Flickr/CB Cousins


Specific stories stick with us forever, either because of their beauty but often because of their shocking details. In 2017, one Redditor told netizens about an experience their friend had endured.


Netizens had a lot to say about the story, and many were upset that the nurse never told her husband about the ordeal.

The woman was a young nurse who had moved to a new city hoping to find a husband. It was around 1987, and she was delighted when she met a gentleman she wanted to marry. The nurse fell in love, and the couple got engaged.

A couple getting engaged. | Source: Pexels/Marko Klaric

A couple getting engaged. | Source: Pexels/Marko Klaric


Everything was perfect, except for one detail. Behind closed doors, the nurse was experiencing a painful struggle, and she had to remain brave when facing rejection. The Redditor revealed:

"[The] future husband's mother is a viper and decided [the] nurse was not good enough for her family."


The mother-in-law made the nurse feel unworthy and tried to end her son's relationship for months. In front of people, the mom kept up appearances, but the smiles were fake.

A nurse. | Source: Pexels/ANTONI SHKRABA

A nurse. | Source: Pexels/ANTONI SHKRABA


The woman tried to convince the nurse to return to her hometown and gently nudged her son. She attempted to show her child that his chosen partner was not suitable enough.

He didn't see through her conniving behavior because she hid it well. The Redditor explained:

"This [mother-in-law] is pretty nasty to the nurse but hides it well to other people, always making sure she's super sweet to everyone when others are around."

An older woman. | Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

An older woman. | Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio


The son did not listen to his mother's advice because he loved his fiancée. The mother-in-law became desperate as wedding details were finalized and the date drew closer.

She couldn't imagine her son marrying the nurse, so she concocted a devious plan. She offered the nurse $10,000, estimated to be worth more than $20,000 in 2017 when the story was posted on Reddit.

In exchange for the money, the mother-in-law wanted the nurse to leave her son and never return to his life. Surprisingly, she accepted the offer.

A woman holding a cheque in her hands. | Source: Pexels/cottonbro

A woman holding a cheque in her hands. | Source: Pexels/cottonbro



Understandably, the nurse was insulted and shocked. But she was also brilliant. Calmly, she took the money from her fiancé's mother but drastically turned the tables.

Instead of adhering to the mother-in-law's requirements, the nurse went through with the wedding. The Redditor shared:

"The nurse [took] the money, [did] not leave, and [got] married anyway."

Of course, the mother-in-law wanted to keep up her kind-hearted facade. She couldn't say anything about the nurse's failure to keep up her end of the agreement. If she did, it would reveal the nastiness of her character.

Woman crying at a wedding. | Source: Flickr/Quinn Dombrowski

Woman crying at a wedding. | Source: Flickr/Quinn Dombrowski



The Redditor indicated that nobody else found out about the incident, and the nurse and her husband said their vows without a hitch. After about 30 years, they were still happily married with grown-up children in 2017.

Netizens had a lot to say about the story, and many were upset that the nurse never told her husband about the ordeal. One user wrote: "I don't see why she wouldn't just tell her husband exactly where it came from." Another added:

"The only thing I would have done differently would have been to put the check into the joint account and tell my husband that his mom gave it to us as a wedding gift."

Happily married couple. | Source: Pexels/Ro Be

Happily married couple. | Source: Pexels/Ro Be



Many commenters applauded the nurse for her intelligence and confidence. One user called her a "genius," and another noted: "I like the way that woman thinks."

Others were shocked by the nasty behavior of moms and dads, asking: "[What] is the matter with parents?" Someone shared a similar story and stated:

"My dad made the same offer to my brother's [girlfriend] 35 years ago. Even at 18 years old, she had the spunk to rip up the check and tell him [no]."

A couple on their wedding day. | Source: Pexels/Emma Bauso

A couple on their wedding day. | Source: Pexels/Emma Bauso

Rejection is never easy to endure, especially from someone close to you. The nurse arguably craved the affection of her mother-in-law, but when she didn't get it, she persevered.


Instead, she fought back and proved that good always outlasts evil. What do you think about her actions, and do you agree with the netizens that believed she did the right thing?

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like this one about a woman who also experienced family drama. The money she had saved went missing, and she was shocked after discovering who was to blame.

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