Old Lady Sells Family Heirlooms to Pay for Grandson's Education, Later Finds All of Them at Home – Story of the Day
An old lady sells her family heirlooms for her grandson's education but finds them back home soon after her grandson leaves for another city, all due to a "miracle."
Faith Fraser sat on the floor in her bedroom and opened her bedside table's drawer. With trembling hands, she took out her heirlooms, wrapped them in a piece of cloth, and slid it into her bag.
"I know they've been in my family for hundreds of years," she told herself, trying to hold back her tears, "but it's time I bid goodbye to them…."
Faith didn't want to part with them, but with a heavy heart, she decided to visit the jeweler across the street the next day and sell them for whatever price he offered.

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Several years ago, when Faith's only son and his wife passed away in a car crash, she got custody of her grandson, Jacob. She gave him all her love, care, and everything he ever asked from her. But now that Jacob was to graduate high school in a few months and finally go to college, Faith didn't have enough funds to support him.
As a result, every evening, she stared at her heirlooms helplessly, wondering if she should sell them. When she realized that there was no other way out, she finally made up her mind.
"It's for my grandson. What's the point of having them if they can't help him? I hope I get a fair price for these," she told herself as she tucked her bag under her pillow and went to bed.
The next day, Faith stood outside the jeweler's shop with Jacob, and she suddenly hesitated. Looking at her, Jacob realized Faith didn't want to give up the heirlooms she had preserved for years, and they were very close to her heart.

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"Gran!" he told her. "You know we could try for a loan, right? I know it'll be a lot, but I'll get a good job and pay it off."
"No, honey," Faith told him. "We're still in debt from your father's loan, and we can't take that chance again. I didn't use these for the debt because I knew they'd come in handy someday."
"No, Gran," Jacob said, holding her hands. "You didn't sell them because I know how much you value them. Listen to me, okay? We can find other ways. I'm sure there's a way we can avoid selling these."
With tremling hands, she took them out and stared at them in disbelief. "How is this possible? My jewels, what are they doing here?"
But Faith knew there was no way out. Their family grocery store just brought enough business to keep them fed. She needed to sell the heirlooms for her grandson's future. She went inside the jeweler's store and got the heirlooms appraised.
"How - How much can I get in total for these?" she asked, showing him the various gold bangles and jewelry she had.

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The jeweler examined the pieces one by one, and he was impressed. "These pieces can fetch you a hefty sum, ma'am," he said. "You see, these designs are a rarity now, and the craftsmanship is impressive, but...."
"Is there a problem?" Faith asked.
"Oh, no, it's just...See, I've been in this business for decades, and I can tell when a customer isn't genuinely interested in selling their stuff. I can see it in your eyes. I'd advise you to keep these. Seems like you value them a lot."
Faith flushed. "Oh, that's not true! Please, I need you to take these. I need the money urgently."
When Faith insisted on selling, the jeweler eventually took the heirlooms and handed her the payment. "You can have them back if you return with the money. I won't charge interest," he assured. "I'm a businessman, but at the end of the day, I'm also human."

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"Oh, thank you, darling. Thank you!" Faith said as she collected the money from him. She left the store with Jacob, glad she had enough money to support his education.
Over the next few months, Jacob studied hard and gave it his all to ensure he graduated high school with good grades and got into a good university, so he wouldn't disappoint Faith. And well, Jacob did it!
He was accepted into his preferred university and was able to pursue the course he desired. "Gran!" He hugged her as soon as he checked the results. "I made it, Gran! I did it!"
"You did? Oh, honey, I am so proud of you! If your parents were alive, they would be so happy, my child." She hugged him back and couldn't stop crying.
But what made Faith cry more was that after a couple of months, Jacob had to leave for another city. She would no longer have him around or get to cook his favorite dishes or nag him to study and keep his room clean as she used to since he was a little boy.
"Are you sure you can manage on your own, honey?" she asked, holding his hands as the city bus arrived at the stop. "I can come with you. I will look after you."

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Jacob laughed and gave her a tight hug. "I am old enough to look after myself, Gran. You did enough for me all these years. I promise I will look after you and get a good job soon. I love you, Gran!"
"You talk like you're so old! You're not even half my age!" she complained, and Jacob chuckled.
"I should leave, Gran. I will miss you. Take care."
"Silly boy! He grew up too fast," Faith thought as Jacob boarded the bus and waved her goodbye. She went home and sat in the living room, reflecting on how lonely she felt now that Jacob was no longer with her. Then she smiled, remembering Jacob when he was a tiny child.
"Oh, this boy! How reluctant he was to sell those jewels!" she thought as she proceeded to her bedroom. She sat on the floor and opened her bedside drawer to retrieve something and then froze. The jewelry bag was in the drawer.

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With trembling hands, she took them out and stared at them in disbelief. "How is this possible? My jewels, what are they doing here?" she wondered.
Soon after, her attention was drawn to an envelope inside the drawer under the bag with the jewels. Faith opened the letter to read it, and her tears didn't stop.
"Dear Grandma,
I hope you liked my surprise. Remember you used to tell me about miracles when I was a kid? Consider that I had to make this little miracle possible for you, Gran. I know this is nothing in comparison to what you have done for me, but I couldn't just see you giving away something so dear to you.
You devoted your whole life to me, my education, and upbringing, Gran. I am very grateful to you, and I love you very much. But when you're going through a rough patch, you have to be honest with me, Gran. I saw you sitting in your room, staring at those jewels and crying every time you saw them. I noticed how upset you were when the jeweler took them away.

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I know you'll be mad at me, but I returned the money you gave me to the jeweler and got your jewels back. You don't need to sacrifice something that you value so much, Gran. I studied hard and got a scholarship, so my tuition for one year is covered. I didn't tell you about it before because I wanted to surprise you.
I also got a part-time job to help me save money and pay for my schooling. I intend to send you money every month (it may not be much, but I hope it helps) so you won't need to tire yourself working long hours at the grocery store. Don't worry much about me. I will look after myself. Promise me you will take care of yourself.
Lastly, thank you for being my mother, father, and lovely grandmother. I love you to the moon and back.
Your "not-so-good" grandson,
"Oh, honey, you didn't need to…." Faith cried her heart out like a child as she read the letter. She held it close to her chest and prayed to the Lord to keep her boy safe and happy.
"He is a very good child, Lord. Please keep him happy and healthy."

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What can we learn from this story?
- A grandmother's heart is a patchwork of love. While Faith was Jacob's grandmother, she cared for him like her child and even gave up something dear to her for his sake. She is indeed the epitome of a grandma's love.
- We should appreciate and love our grandparents. No matter how hard it was for Faith to raise Jacob after his parents died, she didn't give up. She was a lovely grandmother to Jacob, and Jacob knew and appreciated this.
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.