Dad In Tears In Front Of Grave | Source: Getty Images
Dad In Tears In Front Of Grave | Source: Getty Images

Kids See Dad's Tears for First Time Near Mom's Grave, Hear Her Beloved Lullaby Behind Them – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Sep 21, 2022
05:20 P.M.

A father who had put on a strong face in front of his children bursts into tears for the first time during a routine visit to his wife's grave, stunning his kids. Suddenly, he hears his late wife's beloved lullaby soothing him.


Rick was heartbroken. After his wife, Lincy, went to her heavenly home, he was left alone with the care of his four little kids, which was nothing less than walking barefoot on burning coal for him.

Lincy was his supporting pillar. She was brilliant with the kids, an expert at managing everything, and the one who made their house feel like home. But after she died, the support disappeared, as did the peace in their home.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Rick was all over the place managing everything, especially his little children—Macy, John, Peter, and little Adam, who was only 18 months old. Sometimes, while attending meetings from home, Rick would be making Adam's milk, and when he was at the office, his neighbors would pitch in to help him.


But it wouldn't be long before he'd have to rush home because he knew his kids could be a handful. To put it mildly, Rick was tired. He knew he couldn't go on like that, but hiring a nanny for help was out of the question as his finances were not in the best shape.

Surprisingly, one day, he got help from an unexpected place…

Life is too short to hold grudges.

"I don't think Lincy would have appreciated this. I don't wish to go against her," Rick told his mother-in-law, Agnes, when she offered to help him with the children.

Agnes and Lincy had a falling out after Agnes divorced Lincy's father, Derek. Lincy never understood why Agnes would do something like that. Derek was an excellent husband and father. But Agnes had decided and wanted to begin a new life without Derek.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I had promised Lincy I'd be there for you and her children," Agnes said to Rick. "My daughter didn't like me, but she didn't hate me either. And even if she did, I would not abandon her. Mothers don't give up on their children!"

At last, Rick had to accept her help. How could he not? He wanted someone to take care of his children so he could focus on his crumbling career and get it back on track. And thankfully, Agnes helped with that.

She would cook, clean, and spend time with the children, who loved having their grandma around. At that time, Rick was working two jobs. While his work kept him busy most of the time, he still helped Agnes whenever he could, and his spare time was spent with his four small children.

With time, Agnes became part and parcel of Rick's family. He sometimes wished Lincy was there with them so she could reconcile with her mother. Agnes had helped them a lot, and Rick was beyond grateful to her for that.

One night, Rick returned home late from work and was shocked to hear a familiar melody coming from his kids' bedroom. It was the same lullaby Lincy used to sing to the children.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Shocked, he entered the room and saw it was Agnes singing the lullaby to the kids.

"How - How do you know this? Lincy used to sing it every night!" he blurted out in tears.

"Shh... the kids are sleeping! I told you my daughter didn't hate me, Rick. This is what I used to sing to her when she would fuss as a baby. I am glad she remembered it."

"Jesus," sighed Rick, wiping his tears. "Honestly, I don't understand why you mother-daughter duo even fought. You two are like each other's copy. Nobody would believe you hadn't seen each other in a decade until Lincy was in the hospital!"

Suddenly, Agnes' eyes welled up. "Well, I would never say no to Lincy for anything. If she didn't want me around, I would never even get close to her. That's how much I loved her. She was always my little girl. Oh, God was unfair when he took her away. How dare he!" Agnes burst into tears at the end of that sentence.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Oh Agnes, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Rick wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. He felt terrible for Agnes. She didn't deserve that pain. God had indeed been cruel to her. But sadly, that was just the advent of the many tragedies in Agnes' life.

A few months later, Agnes' health started deteriorating rapidly, and she was soon placed on bed rest by the doctors. But Agnes, like a rebel, wasn't going to follow their orders.

"You think this cancer can separate me from my grandchildren, Rick? No, it can't! I couldn't be there for my daughter! I will do everything I can for my little grandchildren."

"Agnes," said Rick in tears. "If you take good care of yourself, you have one month at most. Please, you need to rest."

"Oh, you, boy! I am not going anywhere. I don't believe in that diagnosis! Their medical equipment is all nonsense. I don't have any cancer!"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


That's how Agnes always was. She only listened to her heart. Even in her last days, she wasn't worried about herself but her grandchildren. Rick was really heartbroken to see that.

One weekend, Rick visited Lincy's grave with the children, and as he stood beside it, he couldn't hold back his tears. Soon, he was crying his heart out like a child, and his kids were shocked and worried.

"Daddy," his five-year-old daughter said. "Why are you crying? I have never seen you cry. Did someone hurt you?"

Rick was speechless. All he could think of was his late wife and Agnes. He embraced his children as his tears continued to fall.

"Grandma needs us, kids. She is not in the best of her health, and it breaks my heart to see she will soon be away from us, just like your mother."

While Rick's hot tears continued to roll down his cheeks, he heard his wife's beloved lullaby behind them in a faint voice. He suddenly turned around to see a pale and weak Agnes on her cane at the cemetery.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Di…did you visit my daughter without me? Oh, I feel exhausted today, Rick. Would you mind helping me sit beside her?"

"Agnes!" Rick cried and ran to her side. "What are you doing here? You should be resting right now!"

She smiled weakly. "I am tired of this, Rick," she complained as he helped her sit beside Lincy's grave. "I am tired of staying away from my daughter. I want to apologize to her. For everything. For all those times when I couldn't be by her side. For all those times when I hurt her."

"Agnes, you don't look fine," said Rick, tensed. "We should go home. You should get some rest."

"Oh, come down and sit, boy, and kids, come here..."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Agnes embraced her grandchildren, and Rick wrapped his arms around her. "Agnes, we should…."

"Shh..." she whispered. "Do you hear that, Rick? My daughter…she's calling me. Mummy...she used to call me that. Oh, my lovely little girl," she whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Agnes," Rick tapped her shoulder seconds later. "Can you hear me? Oh no, Agnes!"

That day, Agnes died in Rick's arms, surrounded by her grandkids and next to her daughter's grave.

"Dad, Gran isn't answering! Is she…"

"She's with your mother now, kids," Rick consoled his children, holding back his tears. "I hope they make up for their lost time now that they are together. Rest in peace, Agnes. We will miss you."

What can we learn from this story?

  • Life is too short to hold grudges. Lincy died too soon and never got to reconcile with Agnes, which hurt Anges till the moment she died.
  • A mother never gives up on her children. Despite their differences, Agnes couldn't stop herself from stepping in and caring for Lincy's family.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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