Woman writing something down and using her computer. | Source: Getty Images
Woman writing something down and using her computer. | Source: Getty Images

Woman Gets Unsigned Monthly Donations for Kids’ Shelter, Learns They’re from Mom She Never Saw – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Nov 18, 2022
04:30 P.M.

A woman who used to be a wild teenager and made a ton of mistakes started sending donations to the workplace of the daughter she gave up 20 years ago. However, something unbelievable happened when the daughter showed up at her doorstep.


"I should've listened to my parents!" Alicia shouted, both from the pain she was experiencing and the horrible realization of what she was doing at that moment.

"Yeah, we get that all the time from teenagers," the nurse holding her hand replied. "Now, push!"

Alicia was writhing in horrible pain on top of a public hospital bed and about to deliver her baby. A baby she should not be having, especially at 16. But here she was, and no one was there for her besides the medical staff.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

They were friendly, but she wished her parents were there or maybe the baby daddy. However, he had split the moment the strip showed that second line, and she was not on speaking terms with her parents at the moment.


"What are you doing here? How… why?" Alicia stuttered.

Alicia had been stupid. She started partying and sneaking out at 14, and when her parents found out, they tried to discipline her. She refused to listen.

"Dating an older boy is not right, Alicia! He could get you in trouble!" her mother scolded her on her last night at her childhood home.

"I love him, and we are going to be together forever!" she had replied hysterically. Back then, she was sure it was true. But she was also just 14 and naïve, and the older man had convinced her to run away from her parents' house and come with him.

She did so gladly at the time. However, two years later, she was writhing on the table, alone, with no boyfriend, parents, or money to raise a child.

With one final push, the baby finally came out, and a few seconds later, she heard a loud crying.

"It's a little girl," the nurse said, putting her in Alicia's arms.

She held the baby in trembling arms and sobbed. "I'm the stupidest girl in the world," she said in a choked voice because the sobs wouldn't let her speak.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"It's ok," the nurse soothed. "It's going to be ok."

And it was… because a few days later, Alicia dropped the baby at the nearest kids' shelter she could find and did not look back. Being a mother at 16 was not in her plans. She wanted to keep enjoying her youth and had no desire to take responsibility for anything. Therefore, she gave the baby up and did not look back.

Until five years later…


"You're 21, Alicia. You're an adult, and we can't help you with all the trouble you've caused," Alicia's father told her when she returned to her parents' house and begged them for help.


Her partying and stupid decisions had led to so much trouble. She was in serious debt to some shady people and had no way out. Her parents were literally her last resort, but she sincerely wanted to change her life.

"Dad, please. I need you, guys. Please! I need my parents," Alicia cried and begged at their doorstep because her father would not let her inside. "I swear I want to change my life. Please. Please, give me a chance!"

"No!" her father yelled and shut the door in her face. Alicia wailed on their porch for a long while, but neither of them changed their mind, and she had to leave at some point.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

She started walking the streets, wondering what she would do. She had no home, as she mainly had couch-surfed or stayed with men all these years. But now, she was alone, lost, and scared, and there was nowhere to turn to this time. All her "friends" had abandoned her, saying she was no fun anymore, and she hated the idea of having more meaningless flings with strange men.


She was done with that life. But how could she change things when she had nothing to her name? She had dropped out of high school and knew nothing about working. She didn't know how to break this cycle she had entered at 14.

So, she stopped walking, sat down on the first set of steps she found, and cried into her knees, her whole body shaking with her pain.

However, a hand touched her back, and Alicia looked up. "Hey, it's cold. Let's go inside," a kind, heart-shape-faced woman grinned down at her. At the time, Alicia thought she was an angel.

The woman took her into the building, which Alicia should've recognized but couldn't at the time. Somehow, they ended up in a kitchen, and the woman made her sit and served her some tea, then a sandwich.

"Here, drink and eat," the woman insisted, putting the plate in front of Alicia.

She couldn't remember the last time someone had made her food, and Alicia devoured everything in no time. "Thank you," she said, her mouth full.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"You're welcome," the woman replied and tilted her head. "You don't remember me. Do you?"

"Huh?" Alicia uttered, confused.

"It's ok. Well, my name is Lane," the woman introduced herself. "And I saw you here five years ago."

"Five years?"

"You… dropped a baby here and rang the doorbell. I answered, and you ran away like a bat out of hell," Lane continued and laughed.

Alicia's face froze in shock and dismay. She looked around and couldn't recognize anything because she had never entered the building, but she couldn't do this.

"Is this the kids' shelter?" she asked tinily.

"Yes, it is," Lane confirmed, nodding and closing her eyes.

Alicia wiped her hands and started to stand. "I have to go."

"No, dear. You need to stay," Lane said. "This is a kids' shelter, but I believe my calling is to help everyone who needs help, so stay, please."

"I can't… I—She—" Alicia looked around nervously and started wringing her hands.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"She's not here. Babies are easy to adopt. A nice couple took her a few months after you dropped her. She's doing well. They adore her," Lane explained, leaning on the kitchen table and encouraging Alicia to sit back down.

"Really?" the troubled young woman asked and retook her seat.

"Really," Lane nodded.

"Can you… tell me more?"

"Of course. As long as you're staying," Lane added, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm… staying," Alicia confirmed timidly.

"Ok… well, as I understand it, the little girl loves dinosaurs," Lane began, and Alicia listened intently. It wasn't until that very moment that she realized how much she actually cared about the daughter she had given up. Even her own parents had no idea she existed.


Alicia ate up all the information Lane could give her. Apparently, the kids' shelter likes to follow up on adoptions, and Alicia's daughter's adoptive parents loved sending updates about the girl and often donated or volunteered for events.

That night changed everything for Alicia. Lane took her in, offered her aid without knowing her or asking anything in return, and she would always be thankful to her for that. She might have died in the cold without the kindness of people like Lane, who viewed helping others as a calling and who had a heart as big as the sun.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Lane allowed her to stay with her in her apartment right next to the shelter. She slept on the floor and started working with Lane to pay back for the help. Soon, she became a full-time employee, even with no credentials. But everyone marveled at how great she was with the kids; finally, Alicia had a reason to live.


Lane shared some updates about her daughter, Marcia, and life was good. But she never imagined it could be better.


Twenty years later…

Alicia was at her apartment, drinking coffee, when she stumbled upon an ad and the face of a woman she recognized. Marcia looked precisely like the image she saw in the mirror every morning but younger. She was standing next to a bunch of kids, so Alicia put down her cup and started reading.

To her utter shock and delight, Marcia had started a non-profit organization to help impoverished kids and their parents get better. They were raising money for a local community that had recently been affected by a hurricane.

Alicia went to her computer and searched online, found the fundraising link, and took out her credit card. However, she wanted to remain unanimous, so she never signed her name to the funds. From then on, she gave as much as she could every single month, not knowing how it would change her life.


"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Alicia rushed to her door after someone knocked. She was expecting Lane, who had retired from working at the kids' shelter but often came to her house for tea, cookies, and light-hearted gossip.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

However, Alicia's knees went weak when she saw the woman standing outside her apartment. "Marcia?" she uttered in shock.

"Hi!" the younger woman greeted, smiling brightly.

"What are you doing here? How… why?" Alicia stuttered, not knowing what to say or how to ask Marcia why she was there or if she knew who Alicia was. However, Marcia somehow knew what the older woman wanted.

"A few months ago, I reconnected with Mrs. Rodriguez. She asked me to call her Lane. My parents were always so fond of her, and they told me she was the one who called them when I appeared at the shelter. But I hadn't seen her in years," Marcia explained, getting right to the point. "We chatted. I told her about my organization, and somehow we got on the subject of my donations."


Alicia didn't know where this was going.

"I told her the donations were going well, but somehow, I told her about an anonymous one I've been getting lately, and she smiled like the cat that ate the canary. She knew who it was, and I insisted she tell me," Marcia sighed cheerfully. "And now, I'm here."

"Oh, God," Alicia said, breathless. "So, you know?"

"Yes, I do."

"Come in. Come in," Alicia said, her voice getting caught in her throat. Her bumping heart almost didn't let her speak. "Sit down wherever you want."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Thank you," Marcia nodded and sat on the couch.


"Do you want something to drink?"

"No, thank you. Please, don't be awkward. I've wanted to have this moment with you since my parents told me I was adopted," Marcia replied, once again getting to the point. Alicia finally laughed, realizing the younger woman did not like beating around the bush.

"Ok, I'll try," Alicia nodded, sitting down on the armchair facing her daughter. "I've also been wanting to meet you for a long time. Lane kept me updated for years, thanks to your parents. And I found the ad in the paper about your organization. I had to help."

"Why didn't you ask to meet me?"

"I couldn't. I was a… terrible and responsible teenager when I gave you up," Alicia answered, her face darkening from the memories. "I was so ashamed. And I knew you were so happy. I didn't want to ruin that, so I just watched from afar. I hope that's ok."

"I guess I can understand," Marcia nodded, looking around the apartment. "So, can you tell me everything? I want to know everything. Is that too snoopy?"

"Well, where do I begin?" Alicia rubbed her lap. "It's a hard story to tell."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I want to know it all," Marcia insisted.

"Ok… I was 14 and the stupidest child in the world…."

Alicia told Marcia everything, although she skipped the tawdrier details of her partying days. She talked about giving Marcia up because she had nothing and how she reached rock bottom five years after.

"That's when I met Lane, and she… saved me… from myself. She became my mother, my mentor, and my whole world. I can't believe someone like her exists," Alicia finished, thinking fondly of Lane and smiling slightly.

"She has a reputation in this community," Marcia agreed. "She has helped so many kids get homes and so much more. Thank you for telling me your story, and thank you for your donations. But most of all, thank you for doing the right thing. I've seen some stories of kids being raised horribly, and you were at least smart enough not to do that."


Alicia laughed lightly. "Well, I'm glad you had a wonderful life and that you're helping others too. I knew I had done the right thing, and knowing you were happy was the bright spot that made me push further to get out of rock bottom and keep going. But… I always wondered if you resented me for giving you up."

The younger woman shook her head. "No, I never did. My parents explained to me that sometimes adoption was the best choice, and now that I know more, I thank you for it," she assured.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"So you forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive." Marcia smiled with watery eyes, which was the most beautiful sight Alicia had ever seen. She wished she could've witnessed that look all her life.


"Now, tell me about your life. If you want," Alicia said, tilting her head and wiping a few errant happy tears away.

Marcia perked up and started talking. She didn't stop for hours and hours. Alicia made them dinner and coffee and served leftover cheesecake Lane had made a few days ago. Eventually, her daughter had to leave, but she promised to return soon.

They scheduled a monthly dinner, and Alicia eventually met Marcia's parents, thanking them for raising the most beautiful girl in the world.

Alicia continued working at the shelter but often volunteered for Marcia's organization. They built a fantastic friendship. They would never have a mother-and-daughter bond, but what they created was more than enough for Alicia.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


She and Lane were even invited to Marcia's wedding years later, and Alicia cried as her daughter walked down the aisle, knowing that out of all her errors, wrong choices, and stupidity, something beautiful had prevailed. With that thought, she finally forgave herself.

What can we learn from this story?

  • There's always a way to make things right and atone for your mistakes. Alicia made many errors as a teenager and young woman, but she did her best to make up for them later by helping others and her daughter.
  • One kind soul can save your life. Lane was an angel who helped Alicia escape rock bottom and became her friend when everyone else turned their backs on her.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a woman who discovered that the mother who abandoned her lived next door.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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