‘Mr. Kirby, We Have Bad News,’ Poor Bus Driver Gets Urgent Call from Nurse – Story of the Day
Billy, an old bus driver battling cancer, is crushed when he learns he has only two months left to live. A chance encounter with a young man rushing to meet his girlfriend rekindles Billy's own nostalgic love story, urging him to fulfill an old dream before his time runs out.
It was a frosty December morning. 60-year-old bus driver Billy drowsily woke up to the piercing ring of his alarm, feeling the weight of another long day ahead.
Rubbing his stingy eyes, he got dressed, thinking about the monotonous routine of ferrying passengers across Williamsburg—something Billy had been doing for the past 40 years of his life.
His phone rang loudly, shattering the stillness of his small bachelor-style bedroom. "Mr. Kirby, we have bad news. Your cancer screening reports have arrived," said the nurse from the hospital Billy had recently visited…

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"Does good news even exist?" Billy muttered, bracing himself for what was coming next. "Bring it on...I'm listening. What is it?"
The nurse took a deep breath and replied, "I'm sorry to inform you that your metastatic cancer has progressed to stage 4. Based on your condition, we don't think we can proceed with any—"
Billy's heart sank like a stone, and the blood drained from his face. "How much time do I have left?" he interrupted, his voice stern, cold, and painful.
"In the best case, a couple of months, Mr. Kirby," replied the nurse as Billy hung up and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed.

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Billy wanted to cry, but he knew those tears would not save his life or buy him more time. His mind whirled, the news of his cancer diagnosis and impending death hitting him like a bag of bricks.
"So that's it? My life's coming to an end?" he sadly mumbled, staring off across the room when his sunken eyes caught the sight of an old photograph on the nightstand. It was a picture of himself as a child with his late parents in the shadow of Lady Liberty in New York.
"Mom...Dad...guess my time's up! See you soon!" he smiled, stubborn not to cry, remembering a time when his life felt simple and full of hope.

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Feeling a little nostalgic, Billy put the photo back in place and rose, making his way out of the door of his humble home.
As he stepped outside, the frosty air hit him like a thick wall of ice. Billy squared his shoulders and took a deep breath, and even the most pleasant things outside now appeared as if he had entered a cemetery.
He hopped on the bus and set off to work, distracted the whole day by the engine's rumble and cheerful passengers chatting in the back.

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Another day behind the wheel was coming to a close. As the sun began to set, casting golden rays on Billy's last route, he pulled the bus to a stop and made his way off to the roadside.
Billy slumped on a wooden bench near the stop, his hands clasped and gaze fixed at the purplish sky. The weight of the day and the news of his cancer diagnosis were heavy on his mind, so he didn't want to rush anywhere.
He sat there engulfed in silence when he suddenly noticed a young man walking around in circles at a bus station nearby.
"Darn! What the f***?" the guy swore as he kicked a pebble, looking clearly frustrated.
"Hey, can I help you with somethin', pal?" Billy called out to the man.

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The youngster turned around and approached Billy. "Uh...I had a fight with my girl last night," he said, sounding desperate. "She lives in New York and is leaving for Paris tomorrow. I...I want to see her and make it up to her before she leaves. But the last bus to New York just left. I missed it...And I don't know how I'm gonna get there on time."
Billy smiled at the man, feeling sorry for his plight. "Why don't you just call her? Or send those silly love GIFs and voice messages you youngsters send each other nowadays and make up for your mistakes. Makes your apology creative and simple!"
"Argh, I wish it was that easy, sir! But she's blocked me on EVERYTHING! I need to go to New York. I just don't know how. Besides, what's the point in making up for your mistake without looking into your beloved's eyes and showing them that you're really sorry?"

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"Hmmm…Sounds reasonable!" said Billy, a twinkle of doubt in his eye. "...but I won't give you a penny if that's what you want."
"Who wants your money, sir?" the young man gave a frustrated reply. "You asked, so I'm sharing. Anyway, I should probably leave. The next bus only leaves in four freakin' hours. I can't wait that long. I gotta think of something. Ah! I'm never going to see her again!"
"Uh-huh…That's really sad," said Billy, his lips puckered around the end of the cigarette.
"Can't you just help me instead of standing there and questioning me?" the lad hit back at Billy. "The car rental's closed. I've tried booking like ten cabs until now, but all of them are refusing a trip to New York. I didn't mean to yell at you, sir. I'm just...clueless. My name's Savio, by the way."

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"I'm Mr. Kirby," Billy said. "You can just call me Billy. How can I help you, young man? You said you don't want money..."
"Do you have a car? Savio jumped to his feet. "Look, I really need a ride, okay? It's the most important thing in my life! I need to make it on time."
Billy scowled, glaring sheepishly at Savio. "The most important thing in your life?? You're too young for those so-called 'important' things in life. You look barely 20...What do you know about life? Ha-Ha!!"

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"Haven't you been young ever?" Savio retorted. "Or did you go from six to sixty without ever being young? Without fallin' in love? Coz had you been, then you would've understood my feelings instead of laughin' at me!"
Billy was taken aback by Savio's remark as he rose, frustratingly crushing the cigarette butt under his boot.
"Young? I was young once..." Billy thought for a few seconds and changed his mind. "Fine. I'll help you," he said as he approached the youngster. "On one condition..."

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"You'll ride me to New York? REALLY? What's the condition?" Savio exclaimed, a smile beaming from ear to ear. "I'm ready to do anything to get there."
"I get to choose the music...It's gonna take more than ten hours to get there. You get to ride with me only if I get to listen to Elvis along the way! Deal?"
"Yeah, anything...ANYTHING to get to New York," chirped Savio. "Where's your car?"

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"Right in front of you, boy! Over there!" said Billy, pointing to his bus as he hopped in. "You gonna stand there and watch, or are you gonna get your butt in, kid?"
"What? OMG! That's your car?" Savio laughed as he boarded the bus. "You're crazy, Mr. Kirby. But a big thanks for helping me."
Billy smiled, amazed at the boy's audacity as no one had ever called him 'crazy' in his 60 years of life. "Move it along, will you? We've got only ten hours to catch your girl!"

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Billy and Savio sat side by side in the bus as they rode across the city at night. "I didn't expect you to help me, to be honest," Savio broke the silence.
Billy chuckled, lowering the volume of the stereo on his bus. "I didn't expect it myself, to be honest, but..."
Savio curiously fixed his gaze, waiting for Billy to complete.
"...this morning, I was told I have cancer. And I only have a few months to live. Two, to be exact," Billy continued, "So I guess I don't have that much to lose."

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Savio was taken aback and fell silent, only mustering the courage to say a cold and dry, "I'm sorry."
"Ahh, don't be, kid! It's okay. It really is!" Billy chuckled.
Feeling awkward and sorry for Billy, Savio tried to distract him. "And your family? You didn't even tell them you're on your way to New York? Won't they be worried?"
A tinge of sadness rose in Billy's eyes as he navigated through the deserted road, Elvis's Can't Help Falling in Love softly playing in the background.

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"I don't have a family, kid. I've been driving buses all my life. This bus is my family. My everything. Ha-Ha! I never found a way to a lady's heart. Maybe I'm not good enough for 'em!"
The weight of Billy's words hung in the air as Savio noticed Billy's saddened expression. So he tried to lighten the mood.
"Oh, c'mon, man! You have two months to live. Don't you feel like finding someone to spend that time with? To make memories and...you know..."
Billy looked at Savio, puzzled, and his brows raised. "What do you mean, kid?"

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"Well, if I had only two months left to live, I would do everything I haven't had time to do..." Savio chirped.
"Whatever! I'm not like that," Billy frowned. "If that ever happened to you, you should've thought about it earlier. What's the point of running around, trying to make those useless memories in two months when you've wasted all your life doin' nothing?"
"No, seriously, Mr. Billy...Kirby...or whatever your name is. You should tell," Savio persisted. "Tell me...is there a woman you like? Did you have a crush on someone in school…college?"
Billy burst into giddy laughter. "Yeah...There was one!"
"Gotcha! There you go, my old man! And you said there was no one. Tell me more about her," Savio eagerly pressed Billy.

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"Rebecca Dawson! I used to call her Becky," Billy said with a smile. "We both were in New York at that time. In college. Becky was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Nothing could compare to her beautiful eyes. Smokey grey rain clouds, they were! Every time I used to look into her eyes, I would feel like drowning in them. She was such a beauty."
"Wow, Billy! You're such a romantic!"
"A romantic and a COWARD," Billy scowled. "We dated for four years. That was the best time of my life. It was magical! And then I wanted to propose to Becky and make her my wife..." Billy's voice trailed off as tears slowly welled up in his eyes.
"And? What happened, Billy? Tell me. I want to hear the rest," Savio said, placing his palm on the man's arm.

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"...I got scared, kid."
"Scared of what??"
"I didn't know what I wanted back then! Was afraid of commitment. Responsibilities. I was only 20. I didn't want to get my wings clipped by a monotonous life. Wife. Kids. You know...I wasn't just ready. So I ran away without telling her anything."
"You what?" Savio raised his brows. "You freakin' ran away from your girl? Just like that? That was such a mean thing to do, man. You left her for...what? To become a bus driver? Oh God...Were you outta your mind or somethin'?"

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Billy smiled. "I just ran away, kid. Not with the intention of becoming a bus driver, c'mon! My friends and I formed a band at that time. Things didn't pick up well, so we dissolved and parted ways. I landed a driving gig and have been behind the wheel ever since, proudly serving Williamsburg riders."
"But don't you regret it?" Savio leaned forward. "You spent all your life driving buses. Seeing people travel, hold hands, laugh. Having families...and children. Haven't you felt lonely at all? And you didn't even contact your girl even once?"
"Of course, I do regret it. But what's done is done. There's nothing that can change the past, kid," Billy chuckled.
"Excuse me?" Savio rose from his seat and approached Billy. "You have only two months left, Billy. Do you know how many days that is? Just 60. And you're saying you didn't even contact her. You're crazy, man. Don't you want a chance to see her again? Wait a sec! We're heading to New York, right? Billy, what if you really see her? Yeah, you should!"

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Billy stared at Savio skeptically. "After all these years? Quit jokin' around, kid! I doubt Becky even remembers me...I can't handle meeting her again. I just can't."
"Look me in the eye and say that, Billy," Savio pressed. "What are you gonna lose if you do it? Nothin'. So why not? Why not try to make the most of your time than do nothin' at all? That's what we're all trying to do, anyway. To make the most of our time here...whether it's two months or twenty years!"
An eerie silence cloaked Billy as Savio continued, "So I've decided. After we meet my girl at the airport, we'll find your Becky."

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As the bus rolled on a deserted highway, it suddenly broke down not far from a remote town. "Billy, how long until you fix it? We're running late..." Savio worriedly asked, pacing back and forth as Billy lay face up under the bus, trying to fix it.
"Can't get it done, boy," Billy approached Savio, his hands and face greased up. "I've tried everything. It's gonna take a lot of time, and we need a mechanic."
Savio was nervous. "Darn! We're getting late. Her flight's in four hours. We need to get there. Do you have your phone? We'll find some mechanic nearby on Google."
"Nope! I left my phone at home," Billy said, his tone laced with disappointment.

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"Jesus! And my phone battery is dead. What are we gonna do now?" Savio tensed. "Wait! I know this place...My friend lives around here. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."
Savio bolted toward the small town in the distance and returned twenty minutes later in a car.
"Get in, Billy! I borrowed us a car! Quick…hop in!" he grinned from ear to ear.
"What about the bus?" Billy worried.
"We'll come back for it later. No one will steal it...it's not like it's going anywhere!"

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They drove past the winding roads until just before dawn. Suddenly, Savio looked in the rearview mirror and called out to Billy. "If you see a police car, just let me know, alright?"
"A police car? What do you mean?" Billy jolted with a start.
"I thought you were clever, Mr. Kirby. My bad! I stole this car!" Savio laughed.
Billy's eyes widened with shock before he stared daggers at him. "You what? STOLE the car? Do you know how long they could put us away in jail for this, kid?"

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Savio turned and smiled, chuckling, "What...you're afraid you'll be behind bars for three years?"
Billy's anger melted away like candle wax. Deep down, he enjoyed Savio's spirits, audacity, and the thrill of doing things that he would have never done on his own. "I understand, kid, but...why steal a car?"
"To not be like you at 60, Billy!" Savio joked with a grin as the car rolled with a roar before screeching to a halt at the airport.

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"Billy, don't go anywhere. Wait for me here," Savio said, bolting towards the terminal with the bouquet of red roses he'd grabbed from a florist on the way.
"Good luck, kid!" Billy cheered out loud. He looked around. The loneliness in the city he grew up in was menacing. "Me and New York! Turns out it's easy to get here without making excuses, asking for time off work, or grumbling about the distance!" he muttered.
Billy decided to tour the area meanwhile. He enjoyed the scenery, New York's affluent skyscrapers that almost pierced through the pearl blue skies and bustling streets. He returned to the airport after a hearty little tour and noticed Savio walking around in circles again.

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"Billy, man! Where were you?" he exclaimed, bolting in his direction with his arms spread out wide open. "It worked, Billy. It worked!"
"What? What happened, kid?"
"Katie said yes! We made up. She was touched by my gesture...And she accepted my apology. I'm so happy, Billy!"
A big, fat smile danced on Billy's face. "So, are you gonna bring her back from Paris soon?"
"Well...not sure! Maybe I'll go to live with her there!" Savio laughed. "Okay, so Billy...I got my girl back! But I didn't forget about you!"
"What do you mean?" Billy's brows furrowed in a surprised arc.

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"I found your Rebecca Dawson! My girl has friends at the same university you and your girlfriend went to. We found Rebecca's address in the records. There's no time to talk. I'll explain later...Let's go!" Savio exclaimed, leading Billy to the car.
"Wh—What? You found my Becky's address? W—Will I see her today?" Billy stammered. "Oh God...Am I gonna really see my Becky today?"
"Get in the car, Billy. Hurry up. We have to get there soon!"

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Billy hopped into the car, his heart leaping in his chest. The silence around him was haunting, and his mind raced to see how his sweetheart looked now.
Half an hour later, Savio pulled over outside a small house with a balcony adorned with white bougainvillea — the flowers Billy knew were Rebecca's favorite.
"That's the house...She should be in there," Savio said, pointing to the house and turning around to see Billy trembling.
"Billy, what's wrong? Go on. Knock on the door. Do it, man."

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"I'm scared," Billy whispered. "Maybe we should go, kid. What if she's married? Oh God...why did I even tell you about her?"
"Billy, look here...in my eyes...GO KNOCK ON THAT GODDAMN DOOR NOW!"
Billy's heart raced as he shakily walked to the beige-tinted door, every step feeling heavy. He turned around, gasping heavily at Savio.
"Go do it, man. Knock. Knock!" Savio gestured as Billy shakily climbed the little staircase.

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Billy's heart throbbed as he knocked on the door and waited anxiously, pinching his fingers. After what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, and there she was, standing in front of him.
Her hair was now white. Her face was lined with wrinkles. Her lips were no longer glossy. But her smokey grey eyes were still the same. Like rainclouds, sparkling and full of life.
"Becky…" Billy whispered, his voice trembling and eyes raining tears.
"Billy....? she cried out in disbelief, and time seemed to freeze between them.

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"That's what our journey with Mr. Kirby looked like!" Savio broke the silence at the cemetery, leaning over Billy's grave to place the white roses.
"That rascal! He was an amazing man. Just amazing," replied Rebecca, tears brimming in her eyes as she held a wreath of Billy's favorite red roses in her grip.
Savio turned to her, his tone gentle. "What happened after you met that day...two years ago? If you're here on his second death anniversary, it means you kept in touch until he passed. Was your husband okay with it?"

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"I don't have a husband," Rebecca smiled. "Billy and I...we were the same. We were living parallel lives. Thinking about our past...Reliving those beautiful days in our minds. I didn't know what to do when he left me all those years ago. I was lost like a boat at sea. And then, I tried to forget him and move on. But I couldn't. Many men came my way, asking for my hand. But none could compare to my Billy. None."
Tears streamed down Rebecca's face as she continued. "The last two months we spent together were like a dream come true. I would pay any price to go back in time and not let my Billy leave me."
Savio wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as she sobbed on his chest. "I'm sorry, Miss Rebecca," he whispered. Savio tried not to cry. But as they stood there, embracing each other, tears flowed freely down his face, Billy's smiling face flashing before his eyes.

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What can we learn from this story?
- It is never too late to tell someone you love that you love them. For 40 years, Billy lived a life of a recluse after running away from his sweetheart. Although he harbored feelings for her in a cranny of his heart, he did not have the courage to see her or profess his feelings. But when life gave him an ultimatum with just two months left to live, Billy was persuaded by his newfound friend, Savio, to meet his beloved.
- Life is a gift. Embrace every moment and live life to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow holds. Billy lived a carefree life for years, not bothered about raising a family or having children. He took life the way it came until he found out he had only two months to live. Unfortunately, it was too late, even if Billy wanted to celebrate life and live it to the fullest.
Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.
A bereaved father is fueled by hope when he sees his dead daughter alive in his dream. He runs to the cemetery and finds her grave dug up, her coffin offering a glimpse into a disturbing secret. Click here to read the full story.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.