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A bride reading a letter out during a wedding vow ceremony. | Source: Flickr.com/ragesoss/(CCC BY-SA 2.0)
A bride reading a letter out during a wedding vow ceremony. | Source: Flickr.com/ragesoss/(CCC BY-SA 2.0)

Bride Reads Every Message from Groom's Lover Instead of Wedding Vows in Front of Their Guests

Junie Sihlangu
Dec 27, 2023
01:00 P.M.

A bride-to-be was left feeling devastated after discovering that her husband-to-be cheated before their wedding day. After coming across revealing text messages exchanged between the groom-to-be and another woman, the bride chose to get her revenge on her wedding day.


What was supposed to be the happiest day of a bride-to-be's life quickly became a nightmare that changed everything when she discovered that her groom was cheating on her. A woman named Casey couldn't wait to get married to and spend the rest of her life with the love of her life, Alex.

However, Casey noticed her phone buzzing from across the room on the last night of her life as a bachelorette while enjoying a night out with her best friends in a luxury hotel room. Eager to check the text message and its contents, she went to look. What she found next changed the entire trajectory of how the momentous day would play out.

An image of a happy bride on her wedding day | Source: Shutterstock

An image of a happy bride on her wedding day | Source: Shutterstock

The Shocking Text Messages Casey Saw on Her Phone Changed Everything for the Bride-to-Be


As Casey stood in the middle of her hotel room, stunned by what she read on her cellphone, her world came crashing down. The text message she received was no ordinary instance in which someone sent her well wishes, love, or congratulatory sentiments. Instead, in quite explicit and raunchy detail, was proof that her partner of six years had been unfaithful to her, "This text took us all by surprise and changed everything in a heartbeat."

An image of a bride looking forlorn and disappointed on her special day | Source: Shutterstock

An image of a bride looking forlorn and disappointed on her special day | Source: Shutterstock

The message was several screenshots sent to her from an unknown number. "The screenshots were of conversations between my husband-to-be and another woman... She was the opposite of me," Casey wrote. The person simply wrote, "'I wouldn't marry him. Will you?'"

The text messages included a series of selfies of Alex and his mistress posing together. The timestamps of their exchange ranged from months ago to a couple of days before Casey and Alex's wedding. She instantly knew the messages were grounded in truth and did not believe they were fabricated.

A couple about to get married in front of their loved ones | Source: Pexels

A couple about to get married in front of their loved ones | Source: Pexels

With each word she read in the chat bubbles, her heart broke a little more until it was shattered. Alex even went so far as to make snide comments about him wishing Casey would be capable of half the things this other woman did for him when they would get intimate.

As opposed to experiencing the common nerves and butterflies that spouses tend to feel about getting married, she was nervous for entirely different reasons.

While bursting into tears as she faced her harsh reality, Casey wondered how she would handle the situation. As the thought of possibly canceling the wedding crossed her mind, she threw out the plan's feasibility as she started to think about all the guests that had already traveled to the location to enjoy the wedding, which had already been paid for in full.

An image showing a groom getting ready on his wedding day | Source: Shutterstock

An image showing a groom getting ready on his wedding day | Source: Shutterstock

Her friends comforted her and threatened how they would get back at him themselves, ultimately telling her to call him immediately and call the wedding off. However, Casey explained how conflicted she initially felt because of her deep love for Alex, which was mixed with anger, devastation, and shock. Thus, she opted not to call him in the end.

After they got her to calm down, the women decided to get some sleep and deal with the repercussions the next day. Casey failed to sleep, but by the time the morning rolled around, she had come up with a plan to exact her revenge on Alex, which she shared with her friends.

An image of a bride reading something upsetting on her phone | Source: Shutterstock

An image of a bride reading something upsetting on her phone | Source: Shutterstock


Casey Gets Her Revenge on Alex by Making an Unexpected Move On Her Wedding Day

The day was set, and the guests had arrived. Casey stood by the front door to the venue in her white wedding dress, a ball of nerves to meet her soon-to-be spouse at the end of the aisle, where they would be joined in matrimony.

As opposed to experiencing the common nerves and butterflies that spouses tend to feel about getting married, she was nervous for entirely different reasons. Casey disclosed of the moment she made her way toward Alex, "I walked down the aisle with leaden feet, my dream dress now just a costume."

An image of a beautifully decorated wedding reception | Source: Shutterstock

An image of a beautifully decorated wedding reception | Source: Shutterstock

As Alex saw her face he knew she wasn't thrilled about her special day but didn't know what she had planned. When she got to the front of the room, she took a deep breath before facing their friends and parents and telling the truth about the groom.


An emboldened Casey told all the guests that Alex had been deceitful and was not who she thought he was. As shock and gasps swirled around the room, Alex attempted to hold Casey's hands, and that's when she pulled out her phone to reveal the text messages proving his infidelity.

An image of someone from a wedding party giving a speech | Source: Shutterstock

An image of someone from a wedding party giving a speech | Source: Shutterstock

In place of a vow exchange, she read every single text message aloud as the color drained from Alex's face. After finishing, she recalled looking up from her phone with tear-filled eyes to look at Alex, who had not said anything. Instead, he left the church with his best man following behind him.

Steering the attention back to her, Casey then let all the guests know that there would be no wedding taking place that day but thanked them for their love and support in being there. She continued to tell them that just because they would not be celebrating a wedding did not mean that there would not still be a celebration of some kind.

Guests clapping their hands and standing for the bride | Source: Pexels

Guests clapping their hands and standing for the bride | Source: Pexels

She spoke about how instead, there would be a celebration of honesty and being brave enough to follow one's heart despite the pain it may cause. Followers of the story took to Facebook to comment about what they thought of the ordeal underneath the Mirror's post.

The Reactions from Social Media Users to Casey’s Story

Many sided with Casey and celebrated her decision with one person stating how they "love this!" because it was "sweet revenge" on the groom. Another reader thought Casey's story was "fantastic," while someone else said, "Good on her. Love her celebration of honesty."

An image of a ruined wedding cake | Source: Shutterstock

An image of a ruined wedding cake | Source: Shutterstock


A fourth person couldn't understand why Alex wanted to go through with his marriage knowing what he did. The reader couldn't fathom why the groom would want to marry a woman he didn't love while having feelings for another.

They understood that people could realize later that they have strong feelings for another and that was something that happened all the time but usually led to divorce. However, they felt it didn't make sense for someone who had feelings for another person to still get married, "She was very lucky to have found this out before tying the knot."

Upset man sits with his hands in prayer | Source: Pexels

Upset man sits with his hands in prayer | Source: Pexels

The reader thought Casey should be grateful to the person who sent her Alex's texts because they saved her from future heartache and turmoil. Someone else believed what Casey did on her wedding day took courage and praised her.


Another person felt Casey's revenge was too much and a waste of time for all who attended her wedding. They thought the bride could've humiliated Alex by airing his dirty laundry on Facebook and the wedding venue was the wrong place and time.

A bride and groom touching hands | Source: Pexels

A bride and groom touching hands | Source: Pexels

The reader believed the young couple didn't share love and had both dodged a bullet. They felt Casey sealed her legacy as they weren't certain if anyone else stood a chance at love with her. The person thought Casey would always be "that girl" but noted that cheating was immoral, a mistake, and common, before stating, "Her next relationships will always be overshadowed now."

A church decorated for a wedding day event while filled with people | Source: Pexels

A church decorated for a wedding day event while filled with people | Source: Pexels


Someone else said under a New York Post about the same story, "She did what she had to do. Everyone was already there, the reception hall already done up, food and drinks were at the ready. Yes, she did good to put him on blast instead of saying 'I do'. Good for her and I hope she has found Mr. Right this time."

Casey may not have gotten to marry the man who she thought was the one for her, but in the long run, she knew that choosing not to marry Alex was the right decision, and she still got to have a fun party regardless.

If you enjoyed reading this story, click here to read a similar story in which a groom finds himself in the same position as Casey on his wedding day and exposes his bride-to-be.

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