A hand written note | Source: Shutterstock
A hand written note | Source: Shutterstock

Girl, 14, Separated from Her Baby – 24 Years Later a Man Approaches Her with a Letter She Wrote Him

Vanessa Seifert
Aug 08, 2023
05:15 P.M.

A 24-year-old kept visiting a restaurant his biological mother worked in, but he was too scared to introduce himself. He eventually gained the courage to confront her, and their reunion was filled with emotion.


A 24-year-old man shared a heartwarming story about reconnecting with his biological mother on Reddit. His mother had him when she was only 14 years old and decided to give him up for adoption.

Before parting ways with her boy, she wrote him a letter and asked his adoptive parents to give it to him when he was older. Years later, the 24-year-old still held onto it, in awe that his mother had apologized for not being able to take care of him when she was younger.

A teenage mother in the hospital with her newborn | Source: Shutterstock

A teenage mother in the hospital with her newborn | Source: Shutterstock

The son understood why she gave him up and was happy with how his life turned out. Nonetheless, he still longed to reconnect with his biological mother. After his family moved for his adopted father's job, he thought tracking her down would be impossible. Luckily it wasn't impossible.


The 24-year-old discovered his biological mom worked at a small restaurant two hours away from him. Despite the long drive, he visited the establishment about two or three times a week.

The two would talk now and again, and every time she said something like, "Do you want a refill, honey," the son would be tempted to tell her who he really is, although fear held him back. He knew he would need to tell her eventually, but he waited for the right time.

Two women working at a coffee shop | Source: Shutterstock

Two women working at a coffee shop | Source: Shutterstock

Fortunately, the 24-year-old gave his Reddit readers an update. He finally gained the courage to tell the woman he was her biological child. He wrote:

"I did wait for her to be done with her shift, and that was when they were closing the restaurant already. And waited in the parking lot. We said hi when she saw me first, but then I told her there was something serious that she needed to know."


The son started by apologizing for not telling her who he was right away. Without saying anything more, he pulled out the letter she had written for him, and the woman started to cry. "She started bawling from there. Like screaming and crying at the same time, and didn't even have to finish the whole 'I'm your son' speech," he shared.

A letter | Source: Shutterstock

A letter | Source: Shutterstock

The woman did not need further explanation; she knew he was her son. They both started crying in the parking lot. She was so shocked that her knees got weak, and the 24-year-old had to hold her up.

What Happened after the Truth Came Out

The woman and her long-lost son went back into the restaurant. She made them a cup of coffee and shared a pie while they learned more about each other.


The woman said she had a feeling about who he was when he came into the restaurant a second time but did not want to intrude. She had already had her fair share of mistaking people for him and crying in public about it.

Her son never left her mind, but constantly seeing children his age made her sad, so she initially kept her distance and ignored her instinct about the young man.

Mother and son hugging | Source: Shutterstock

Mother and son hugging | Source: Shutterstock

They spoke about many things, including his biological father, whom the woman said her son resembled. She told the Reddit user that they had wanted to keep him but knew it was impossible, since they were both still kids back then.

The decision to put their son up for adoption was difficult, especially for the biological father. He even decided not to leave his son with anything because the thought of never seeing him again was unbearable.

Mother and son bonding | Source: Shutterstock

Mother and son bonding | Source: Shutterstock

Most importantly, the woman wanted to know if the 24-year-old had had a good childhood and whether he was happy, which he assured her he was. The moment was beautiful and will forever be a core memory for the son.

He loved how his biological mother looked at him with so much love, even after so many years of not seeing him. "The way she kept looking at me with the biggest smile, it made me emotional sometimes," he expressed.

A man crying tears of joy with his partner | Source: Shutterstock

A man crying tears of joy with his partner | Source: Shutterstock


They stayed up talking until 02:00 a.m. Before going their separate ways. They exchanged numbers, and the woman suggested he should visit her and her husband. The 24-year-old had his girlfriend come over and cried from the joy he felt. "Everything went better than I expected," he said.

Here is another story about a truck driver that discovered a hitchhiker was his biological mother.

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