30+ Customers Who Experienced Instant Karma for Their Awful Behavior
lKarma is inevitable. But some people in this article thought they could get away with their mean doings…that was until they hadn't faced their karma.
Some people are rude for no reason and forget that they need to treat others around them with respect. These people don't realize how awful they've been until someone gives them a taste of their own medicine. That's where karma comes into action.

Woman angrily pointing at a server | Source: Shutterstock
Some netizens on Reddit shared how they had to deal with excessively rude customers and how those customers' karmas gave them an instant, befitting response. It would be fair to say their karma caught up with them and taught them a harsh lesson. Ready to dive deeper into their stories? Let's get started!
Comments have been revised for clarity and grammatical accuracy.
1. The Rude Customer

Woman holding an iPhone | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: When I worked at a telecom in Canada, a woman came in with a broken iPhone and wanted to get a new one for free.
Back then, the iPhone 6s cost about $400 upfront with a two-year contract at a minimum $80 plan. She had a good plan but wanted the replacement for free.
She called our loyalty team and spent the next two hours screaming at them. Finally, they agreed to her demands.
She told me she didn't want a case and that AppleCare was a scam. (We work on commission, so it meant I was getting nothing). While I was setting up her phone, she kept asking me to hurry up.
She eventually grabbed her phone and walked away, saying I was a terrible employee. She took three steps out of the store and dropped the phone—shattered screen and white screen of death.
She ran back in, asking what I could do. I shrugged and said, 'Sorry, but AppleCare sure would have helped, eh?'
2. The Table for 4

Smiling waiter taking the order | Source: Pexels
u/OffdutyEngineer: During college, I worked as a server at an upper-scale restaurant. I rarely had problems with customers and am overall genuinely friendly.
I had a table for 4 with only three patrons—an older couple with their adult daughter. I served them beverages and was told we were to wait for patron #4, the son.
About 40 minutes and two refills went by. I said, "I bet you guys are starving by now. Would you like me to bring you our lettuce wraps? They are small enough not to ruin your appetite, or are we still waiting for my buddy?"
The father replied, "We're going to wait, and he isn't your buddy. Frankly, you don't know him. He's a hard-working man and will be respected."
I apologized and went about my job. When I returned for refill 3, I saw his son was my high school friend who hugged me in front of his dad before taking the seat.
I looked at the father and said, "Small world, huh? I can't believe you're my old buddy [name]'s family. I'm surprised we've never met before, with [name] and I spending so much time together in high school."
3. 'allpay.net'

Man talking on headset | Source: Pexels
u/kitjen: When I worked for an online banking help desk, an 18-year-old called to inquire about a £7 transaction to 'allpay.net.' He didn't recognize the transaction.
He assumed that the bank was stealing his £7, said I was in on it, and used derogatory language toward me. The boy's father got on the phone and defended his son, also using insulting vocabulary for me.
But anyway, I contacted the debit card services team to investigate the transaction further. And then I had the pleasure of replying to his father.
I said, "Hi, sir, thanks for holding. I've checked with our debit card services team, and I now understand why your son would not have recognized the payee 'allpay.net.' That's a deliberately vague term used for discretion when the customer has subscribed to [adult content]. That's what it was for. Your son has been paying for [adult content]. Would you like to pop him back on the phone so I can tell him it's a payment for [adult content], or will you pass on the information?"
The father just muttered that the issue didn't require further investigation, thanked me for looking into it, and hung up.
4. She Kept Coming Back

Annoyed customer at checkout | Source: Shutterstock
u/cekmeout: When I was a cashier at a supermarket, I had to deal with a rude customer. She was putting her stuff onto the belt when I greeted her politely, but she just stared at me and stormed off.
Thirty seconds later, she returned with a 24-pack of water, slammed it onto the belt, and said she wouldn't pay its full price. I asked her if she had a store card, and she looked through her purse and yelled at me to put in one for her and that she was in a hurry.
I tried explaining that she had to get it on her own, but she rudely said she was getting late for work. When my co-worker (CW) told her we weren't allowed to give her a store card, she stared at my CW and started mumbling random things.
She eventually paid for the water and stormed off, only to return and ask me and my CW if we had a problem. After behaving rudely, she stormed off but returned again 5 minutes later.
I was busy ringing up purchases while she started talking to my manager, CW, and cart guy. Turns out someone stole her phone when she returned to ask us if "we had a problem." She spent two hours looking for her phone. No luck.
5. The Pay-As-You-Go Phone

A black phone and a sim on a black table top | Source: Pexels
u/tytheguy24: At my job at a retail store for a major telecom provider, a customer purchased a pay-as-you-go phone and a $100 top-up balance.
The network issues we were experiencing that day were causing a delay between me setting up the device on the network and the phone actually activating.
He was in a rush, so I made sure everything went smoothly and I properly explained the issue we were having. He told me he understood and would let us know if he had any further issues.
Two hours later, I got a phone call from the same guy yelling at me that his phone was broken. Apparently, he had taken it to his local store, and they told him the phone was defective.
This not being my first rodeo, I kindly reminded the customer of our conversation about the delay and suggested he pull the battery and restart the phone to solve the issue.
He replied with a few choice cusswords, told me he was going to get me fired for the inconvenience, and then hung up.
The next day, while I was filing some paperwork, I was startled with a "HEY! YEA, REMEMBER ME?" And I looked up to see the same customer in the store stomping over to my counter with his phone and paperwork.
As he started ranting and raving about how much trouble I was in, I took the battery out of his phone and restarted it, fixing the problem. He was shocked and regretted driving a 2-hour round trip for me to do a simple battery pull.
6. The Door Gave Him the Answer He Deserved

Annoyed Elderly Man | Source: Pexels
u/totaled_cds: I used to work at a RadioShack in my area during college. It was never really busy on Sundays, so I was generally the only worker there.
On this particular Sunday morning, I was exhausted from the night before, so I was angry about coming in on a day when no one would show up.
I got even more annoyed when I pulled into the parking lot and was instantly greeted by a man who started yelling at me.
I put on my 'sales associate smile' and kindly asked about the problem. "I've been waiting for 30 minutes, and you are late!" he said.
I wasn't late. I was actually 15 minutes early. He followed me closely to the door and was screaming at me the whole way. "I'm never coming back to this store," and stuff like that.
When I finally opened the door, I told him I had to turn the alarm off and count the register before I could help him. This also made him angry, but I didn't care at this point.
I was nice enough to try and help him 15 minutes before we opened. The least he could do was not be mean to me.
Anyway, I finally got to help the guy, and he wanted to know about batteries. Cool, easy. I proceeded to show him our batteries and their prices. He goes off.
He started screaming and yelling about how everything was outrageous and the prices were terrible, and apparently, I had mistreated him.
He started to pound his fist on the counter and started yelling again about how we didn't have any name brand batteries (we did) and how RadioShack was communist by trying to push their batteries on their customers.
I calmly told him that I could do nothing and asked if I could help him with anything else. He stormed off, punched a battery display, and proceeded to slam face-first into our door.
It turns out that since he was yelling and screaming at me while I was unlocking the doors, I forgot to open the other one.
He quickly looked around to see if I saw him. I just waved and told him to have a great day. He spun out of the parking lot, and I never saw him again.
7. Credit Card or Child

Person paying with card | Source: Pexels
u/quasiix: When I worked at a takeout restaurant, I used to return our customers' credit cards by setting them on the square podium so that they ended up right by them when I swung the screen around for them to sign and such.
During a lunch rush, a lady decided this was an offense of the highest order and yelled at me for not placing it directly in her hand. I explained I did it for everybody, and she lectured me about how good service meant doing what the customer wanted.
There were about a dozen people eating at our tables and five people in the line behind her, so she was straight hamming it up, making sure everyone saw her putting me in my place.
Unfortunately for her, the dramatic performance proved to be a bit too distracting, and she stormed out without her infant.
This was, of course, noticed by pretty much everyone in the building since she had just made herself the center of attention. One of the customers even had to run after her and stop her from driving away.
8. The Queen of Hearts

Woman at a clothing store | Source: Pexels
u/LadySmuag: During my job at a plus-sized women's clothing store, we got a lot of, let's call them, 'non-traditional' customers—guys who needed a dress for a charity show, crossdressers, genderfluid people, transgender women, and drag queens weren't unheard of.
A drag queen came into the store to pick up the shoes they'd ordered online. They must've been either coming from or going to a show, as they were still in full makeup.
During our talk, another customer walked in. I greeted her and said something like, "I'll be right with you." After finding the drag queen's order, I was on my way back to the counter when this customer threw her arm out, stopping me from passing, and said, "I am a new customer, and I've been here for 20 minutes, and no one has spoken to me."
She'd been there for 5 minutes, and I'd greeted her! I'd apologize, but before that, the drag queen stomped over, glared at her, and said, "[Expletive] she said hello to you," with sassy finger snaps.
They then made a big show of thanking me for getting their package and gave me a big sparkly kiss on the cheek before leaving. The new customer sheepishly paid for her Spanx, avoiding eye contact when I wished her a good day.
9. Her Nagging Only Embarrassed Her

Annoyed female at reception | Source: Shutterstock
u/Cooper0302: I was waiting at a hotel reception while a young staff member was checking me in. Suddenly, a really obnoxious woman flounced over, interrupted what the girl was doing, and proceeded to complain about the standard of the kettle in her room.
She ranted on and on about only having a "normal kettle" until I told her to get in line behind me. She shouted that she had been traveling all day and that the room was not a suitable standard.
I pointed out it was an airport hotel, we'd all been traveling all day, and that she should just get lost. By now, the girl at the desk was blood-red and tearful.
The woman banged her fist on the desk, demanded to see a manager, and then had a fit of coughing. She promptly had her feces on her beige trousers. She didn't hang around after that.
10. She Wanted to Reduce the Bill, Ended Up Increasing It

Cars parked in a row | Source: Pexels
u/TurgidJusticeBoner: In the auto repair business, we must deal with a lot of passive-aggressiveness from people displeased with having to shell out money for their cars.
Once, a couple visited my auto-repair shop to collect their car. It was parked in the first spot closest to the street. The husband was great and had approved the needed repairs in stride; the wife was difficult to deal with.
She was debating every detail of the estimate, asking pointless questions, demanding a lower price, threatening to take the car elsewhere, or "just get a NEW one!"
Anyway, the man made his way toward the office, but the woman made a beeline for the car, found the keys stashed inside, threw the plastic seat cover to the wind, then started the car and drove off (before the bill had been paid), cutting the turn too sharp and scraping the ENTIRE passenger side of the car badly on the low concrete planter. I saw this happen; the husband didn't. I never saw them again.
11. It Was Pretty Satisfying

Holding a Starbucks cup | Source: Pexels
u/rahksi: I work at Starbucks. One day, as I was working the drive-through, we had longer than normal wait times as we were short-staffed.
This one guy gets up to the window in a huff and starts yelling at me/complaining about his wait. I apologize and tell him his total.
He literally throws his credit card at me, and it bounces off the bottom of the window directly underneath his truck.
We look at each other for a second, and then he sends his daughter out of his truck to look for it. I inform them it's right under their vehicle, so he moves his truck up a bit, gets out, picks it up, and hands it to me softly without making eye contact. He was pretty embarrassed as everyone behind him was watching. It was pretty satisfying.
12. She 'Called' for It

Angry woman | Source: Pexels
u/jimtow28: When I was in high school, I had a mediocre retail job. One day, we had an extremely rude lady customer who gave a hard time to everyone she dealt with.
A few minutes after she left, she returned, looking for her cellphone, which someone had "stolen" (because it's not at all possible she kept it somewhere and forgot it).
She was screaming the whole time about how we let someone steal her phone, how horrible our store was, and how the management had no idea what they were doing.
The manager offered to take her information and call her if they found her phone. As she left, she told him that she'd be sending him the bill for the new one.
He just smiled and watched her leave. Not long after, a regular customer came and asked the manager, saying she accidentally picked up someone else's phone, thinking it was hers.
The manager tried to call the lady to let her know we found her phone, but she'd given us the number to HER LOST PHONE.
Realizing there was no way to contact her and considering how she'd treated him and all of his employees, the manager walked over to the trash compactor and threw the phone inside. He never got the bill for a new one.
13. We All Laughed

Man testing a mattress | Source: Shutterstock
u/TheLastInventor: I used to sell mattresses at a store. One Saturday, this cranky old dude comes in, and before anyone can greet him, he's complaining about literally everything.
We tried to help him, but he shooed away anyone approaching him. Of course, then he turns around to complain about no one helping him.
He had mobility issues due to his age. We recommended he not lay down on an all-foam mattress if he won't let anyone help him up. He acted rudely and ignored us.
He hobbles over to a foam mattress right next to a wall with a TV display sticking 8 inches out from the wall. The old man lies down on the bed and immediately hates it.
He sits up and realizes it will be difficult for a man in his condition to get off the bed, but he wouldn't ask for help. He forcefully launched himself off the mattress and collided with the TV display.
My manager lost it. The guy tried to bark at us, but everyone else was too busy trying not to laugh, so he gave up and crankily walked out of the store.
14. They 'Paid' for It

Pen placed on a bill | Source: Shutterstock
u/StabbiSabi: I dealt with a rude couple as a bartender/server at a popular corporate bar and restaurant. Firstly, they wouldn't make eye contact and then interrupted my greeting by ordering two margaritas.
They sat there for two hours, ordering a ton of food, drinks, and dessert, all the while treating me like garbage (eye rolling, scoffing, generally being aggressive, sending back an appetizer, etc...).
I dropped off their check, hoping they'd leave ASAP, and didn't care if they tipped. They waited till I bussed another table and went back to the kitchen, then wrote 'bad service' and drew something offensive on the check…and walked out without paying.
I discovered this about 3 minutes after they exited the building. It was 20 minutes to closing. I had no other tables...and I noticed the man had left his keys and cell phone in the booth.
I told my manager everything, and we sat behind the booth they'd just left, knowing they'd come back or contact us. Sure enough, they called.
The manager answered and politely and enthusiastically told them to come right in. When they did, I sat there holding the keys and cell phone with a huge smile while my manager demanded payment for their $129 tab.
15. No Paint After All

Paint Cans | Source: Pexels
u/Ted_rube: I was an assistant manager at a paint store, a "mid-regional company," not a big national/international company, so we didn't always have the best supplies or equipment.
Sometimes, we would run out of printed labels for the paint cans, so we would use Sharpies to write the color numbers on the cans.
One day, when we were closing early, an elderly gentleman (60-70 y/o) came in with a paint can with a color number written on it with a Sharpie. He wanted another gallon of that color. But the last number on it was smudged.
After guessing the color, I made him a gallon. He checked it, paid, and left. Hours later, we were closed, and the whole staff was counting for inventory.
The older man peeled into the parking lot in his pickup truck and started pounding on the door. My boss went to the door to see the "gentleman" throwing a temper tantrum that the color was wrong.
My boss agreed to replace the paint. But when the man saw me, he began cussing and screaming. One of the employees backed him off, and I was shaken.
My boss gave him the gallon and told him to leave. The guy cussed him, too. Then he tossed the paint can in his truck's back and sped away, only for the paint to fall out.
16. Dave's Way to Deal with Racism

Smiling cashier | Source: Shutterstock
u/Bootstrings: An employee, we'll call him Dave, was working at my retail store when two customers walked in at about the same time, one black, one white.
Dave was being trained on the register after being there for only a month or so with the manager standing behind him.
The two customers get to the register at about the same time, but the black man beats him there. The black man then dares to ask how good the product was before he bought it, and the white man behind him says, "Do I really have to wait for this man to be done?"
The black man was unfazed, but Dave said, "Sir, please don't use slurs like that, or I am going to have to ask you to leave."
The white man asked, "Oh, big man? Are you going to make me leave, big man? Because of what I said?" Dave responded, "Yes, I am a big man, and you have to leave now."
White man: "Fight me then, big man! I'll destroy you!" Dave: "Alright, I will. Let me clock out and grab my stuff, and I'll meet you outside."
The white man was a little surprised by the fact that he accepted. Dave turned to the manager and said, "Thank you so much for the opportunity, but I'm afraid I have to quit."
The manager said, "Dave, I get it, but you don't have to do this." Dave replied, "Yes, I do." The white man was getting himself pumped up outside as Dave clocked out, grabbed his coat and his Pepsi, and walked outside, where he punched the white man in the cheekbone, sprawling him out onto the curb. Dave drove off.
17. Tip about the Tip

Waiter Carrying Plates | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: When I worked at Denny's, I had two male customers who decided to dine and dash. I got their license plate number and reported it to the cops, jokingly mentioning that they didn't even tip!
Later that night, they got pulled over for DUI. The cops recognized the license plate number from the report, brought them both back to the restaurant, and forced them to pay the bill.
After one of them was done paying, the cop just stood there, looked at them, and said, "Well?" The guy sheepishly handed me my tip.
18. Her Karma Caught up with Her

A red sale tag on a miniature shopping cart placed on a laptop | Source: Pexels
u/mayonays: I worked at Best Buy ten or so years ago, and this happened on Black Friday. Most customers were in bad moods since they'd been waiting hours to come in and stand in more lines.
Among the customers was an angry lady. After yelling at everyone in my department about how she NEEDED the laptop that was on sale despite it being sold out, she proceeded to tell us she'll have the store closed down because she "works with the city and knows the fire marshall and we have too many people in the store."
So she calls him, we tell her to leave, and nothing happens to the store. However, we called them to report what she'd said, and she got fired from her job for abuse of power.
19. Whoops, Wrong Place!

Woman holding a pizza slice | Source: Pexels
u/necrohonkey: I was standing at the counter of the pizza place I work at. A lady stormed in and slammed a pizza down on the counter.
"This isn't the pizza I ordered! What the hell are you going to do about it?" She asked. I look at the pizza, then at my buddy Nick, and turn back to her and say, "Nothing."
She then went on a long rant telling us how we would be fired and how stupid and incompetent we were.
She actually told me I must be crazy, then asked why the hell we weren't going to do anything. I said, "Because that pizza came from the pizza shop across the street."
I think she actually managed to shrink in size and slink out looking so pathetic and beaten I almost felt bad for laughing till tears dripped down my face.
20. He Finally 'Paid'

McDonald's drive-through sign | Source: Pexels
u/RedditWhileWorking23: I was working the window at McDonald's late at night. A guy ordered and pulled up to the window. I was cooking and handling the window, so I wasn't there when the customer pulled up.
When I walked up to the window, I didn't see the guy with trash in his lap. I opened the window to take his card/cash, and he threw a trash bag at me.
I stepped back, bothered that I just got trash thrown at me, and watched his car speed off. I was angry, but there was nothing I could do.
A couple of seconds later, I heard a small bang of metal on metal. I walk to the lobby and look out the windows.
The man slammed into a police cruiser about to loop around and use the drive-thru himself. Of course, I also told the officer what happened inside.
21. Best. Kid. Ever

Bar stools | Source: Pexels
u/Abee34: A lady came to my consignment shop with her son (he was 5 or 6). We have two floors for furniture, and we keep items that people bring in for us to sell.
We had two bar stools, and she came up to the desk and said, "I'd like to order two more of these bar stools." I smiled and said, "We can't do that; those belong to someone, and that's all they had to consign with us."
She looks back and says, "Well, why the [expletive] can't you order ones like this?! I'm sure you can find them online!!"
I clenched my teeth but smiled again, saying, "Ma'am, we really can't do that. If you'd like to go online, you are more than welcome to look for yourself, but I can't help you, and I'm sorry."
She huffed and started walking to the door, talking about getting me fired…Making a horrible review of this place. She then got a nice big face full of the door. It was a push door, and it was locked.
She looked at me and screamed, "WHY THE [expletive] IS THIS LOCKED?!" I had no idea why. Then her son looked at her and said, "Mommy, you were mean to that lady, and I don't wanna go till you say sorry." Best. Kid. Ever.
22. No Beer, Only Ticket

Silhouette of a person holding a bottle of beer | Source: Pexels
u/LadyVerene: A guy came in and didn't want to show ID to buy beer even though he looked no older than 20, constantly yelling and swearing.
He also had parked in the accessible parking spot despite not having accessible parking tags or plates on his car.
One of my regular customers, who was a sheriff's deputy, was also at the store. He saw how the guy was acting and where he had parked.
He went out, got his ticket book, and wrote the guy a ticket. The guy realized he wasn't getting his beer. He went outside…to find he was getting ticketed. I could not stop laughing.
23. Don't Mess with Us

Waitress talking on phone | Source: Shutterstock
u/[deleted]: I worked at a restaurant that was very popular for brunch, and Mother's Day was probably our busiest day of the year.
I had a customer call the evening before Mother's Day and ask for a table for six, and he was incredibly rude when I informed him that this would simply be impossible.
He kept getting more and more worked up, asking me to speak to my manager. At first, I didn't want to pass the phone over (my manager wasn't the nicest guy, and we were in the middle of a busy dinner shift).
But my manager came up behind me and demanded to know why I had been on the phone for so long. I was like, "[expletive] it, this customer isn't going to listen to me anyways," and gave the phone to Mac.
Mac asked how he could help and listened for about 15 seconds before telling this dude something like, "So you're tying up my hostess in the middle of dinner even though she's already told you nicely that we can't fit you and your goddamn family in the night before our busiest day of the year? [expletive] your buddy!" And hung up the phone.
24. The Ones Who Spreads Dirt Is the One Who Cleans It

A No Dog Sign | Source: Pexels
u/Apocalypsze: At the warehouse where I worked, customers had to show a card to shop, and even though we were not technically a grocery store, we didn't allow pets.
One dude tried to power walk past the employee at the entrance door holding a big pit bull puppy on a leash. We stopped him and told him he couldn't bring his dog inside, and he LOST IT.
He's our best customer, and he's here 5 times a week, and he owns stock. He demanded to know why we don't allow dogs.
We explained how it's a food safety issue, especially with an untrained puppy. At this point, our manager came over and just waved him through (because customers are always right).
Well, not even 5 minutes later, this dog squats in the middle of the main aisle and pees, then it poops. The man turned red and dragged the dog towards the exit, abandoning his groceries.
We stopped him and asked him nicely to please clean up after his pup, reminding him, "That's the reason we don't allow them, sir."
25. No More Runs

A man running | Source: Pexels
u/Tevesh_CKP: Back when I worked at a Blockbuster, we'd occasionally deal with thieves. The rule was to let them go and not endanger employees or customers.
One time, there came in a guy who grabbed some stuff and bolts. My manager ran after him and pointed him out to two cops who had parked in our parking lot. The cops pursued him.
But the guy dogged and wove through people and traffic, successfully crossing the street while the cops followed him on foot. Desperate to escape them and to gain a lead, he jumped down some stairs and broke both legs.
26. He Was Arrested

Man Getting Arrested | Source: Pexels
u/gocubs44: I worked at an auto parts store where a man stole some $60 headlights and literally sprinted out of the door.
We went outside to try and get his license plate and saw him speed off, hit a curb, and blow out his tire. The cops were called, he was arrested, and he had to get his car towed.
27. Dead Silence

A shopping cart | Source: Unsplash
u/[deleted]: When I worked as a cashier at a grocery store, a guy with a full cart ill-treated the employees until he was allowed to use my express checkout because he didn't want to wait in the regular lines, and my line only had two people in it.
As soon as my floor manager allowed him, and he had his cart unloaded, a petite old lady with a walker who could barely stand got in line behind him.
Everyone gave him a dirty look, and he realized he had messed up and tried to make a joke about it. But there was dead silence.
28. The Failed Escape

Food and drink on wooden table | Source: Pexels
u/valwow187: I was working at a restaurant, and there was this family that was extremely trashy and didn't look like they had a lot of money, although they ordered a bunch of expensive steaks and drinks.
They were rude the entire time and treated me like I was their butler or slave. Then they asked for the manager, only to complain that the steaks tasted rotten (after finishing it) and that the drinks tasted like they didn't have any alcohol in them (again, after finishing them).
They were just trying to get free food. My manager noticed the way they were treating me and knew what they were doing. He refused to comp their meal as they demanded.
So, they began yelling and cussing at him and me and ended up leaving without paying, only for their car to refuse to start in the parking lot.
My manager called the police, and one of them got arrested for disorderly conduct and narcotics possession, and the rest ended up walking after having their car towed.
29. No Abusing My Coworkers

A cup of hot chocolate | Source: Pexels
u/Head-Case: At a college football game, my coworker was chewed out by an alumnus because the hot chocolate wasn't "chocolaty" enough.
All she and I could really do was sit there and apologize because there was nothing we could really do until the bartender chimed in.
This bartender was a former high school teacher, but at that moment, a substitute school teacher for all grades K-12. The look she shot this man could have immediately shut up the most arrogant teenagers.
Anyway, she put on her scolding face and warned him, "If you continue yelling at these girls over something they can't control, I'm going to have to ask you and all your friends to leave. I will not tolerate anyone abusing my coworkers." The guy immediately clammed up and hurriedly walked away.
30. She Was a Karen

Angry woman talking to a man | Source: Shutterstock
u/TrivialDispute: I had a woman come into my bank one day years ago in mid-August to cash a check. She said the check looked like it had been written by a four-year-old.
We went through the protocol as mandated by our organization, calling the issuer and verifying all data. While we were going through the produce, the woman started throwing a tantrum.
She began ripping the little pens with chains from the little desks, throwing deposit slips around, demanding she speak to the president of the bank, and verbally abusing all the employees.
By her behavior, it seemed like she'd stayed up for a week straight. We are finally able to get a hold of the issuer of the check—lo and behold—it's a good check.
We cashed it and thanked her for her patience. As she was storming out cussing, two officers walked in and identified her as the owner of a car in the parking lot.
Turns out her car had a small child, no more than two, locked inside the entire time—for about 20 minutes in August. Some good people called the cops, broke the window, rescued the kid, and had the woman arrested.
31. A Big Embarrassment

A cup of coffee from Tim Hortons | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: I was working the drive-through at a Tim Hortons, and a customer in a massive black truck parked far away from the window and expected me to lean super far out to give him his change.
He was really impatient and just insulting. When I shook my head, he got all annoyed and finally got out of the truck, shutting the door behind him. But the door got locked, and he had to wait for 15 minutes before we called a tow truck.
It did annoy everyone behind him in the line, but at least they were annoyed at him, not us. He acted like it was the biggest embarrassment of his life.
32. I Laughed at Him

Person putting gasoline in car | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: I worked at a gas station some odd years ago, and the week this incident happened, it had been snowing a lot, so the gas tankers got delayed due to safety reasons.
A customer came in a pretty new Mercedes-Benz, something like SLS 400 or something, and wanted the premium gas. I explained to him that the tankers were delayed and that we didn't have any premium gasoline.
I told him he could try the next station down the block. He started swearing at me like I had control over the gas delivery.
He sped off, his tires making a screeching noise, only to have his rear tire hit the curb. It caused significant damage to the rim, and he couldn't drive the car. I laughed at him.
33. The Glass Door Knew What To Do with Him

Angry man at hotel reception | Source: Shutterstock
u/sanch3z90: I work at a hotel's front desk. One day, an Armenian guest who claimed his room was not up to his standards decided to make a big deal about it the following day.
He was rude to the point of almost making a co-worker cry. She refused to compensate him for the last night as his arguments seemed fake and invalid.
Once he saw he was not going to get anything back, he threw his receipt on the floor and powered walked his way out into a glass door that was recently cleaned.
His sunglasses broke, leading to him suffering a small cut on the upper part of his nose. My coworker and I couldn't stop laughing when he walked out, even more mad.

A barista serving coffee to a woman | Source: Pexels
Insulting and disrespecting a person doesn't get one anywhere, and the people in this article learned it the hard way. Unfortunately, there was no easy way to teach them a lesson, so karma had to step in. It's interesting how karma acted instantly. Let us know if you've ever dealt with a rude customer and then watched them face their karma instantly. We would love to know about your experiences!